WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Navy leadership published a COVID-19
Leaders’ Handbook containing current Navy guidance on COVID
mitigation measures and procedures 30 June as a reference
for leaders throughout the fleet.
The handbook will act as a quick guide for leaders both
ashore and at sea to educate their teams on the threat COVID poses to the
Navy and give them key information on prevention and
mitigation procedures.
As new information and research about the coronavirus
comes available, the Navy updates and publishes guiding documents to
inform and assist the fleets in their decision making
processes. This handbook distills and collates key high-level guidance
into one
place to more easily allow leaders to make informed decisions
and thrive within the COVID-19 environment.
The handbook will assist commands in the completion of
their missions both at sea and ashore as they become accustomed to the
“new normal” of operating in a COVID-19 environment.
Guidelines require commands to establish and maintain COVID-free bubbles,
adhere to the established prevention protocols, and be
ready to fight through COVID outbreaks while continuing to provide mission
The handbook includes information on how COVID spreads,
and promotes Public Health Mitigation Measures like self-monitoring and
reporting, physical distancing, washing hands frequently,
and wearing masks to prevent the spread of the disease that have been proven
as effective tools in fighting the virus.
The handbook also covers protocols for containment in
the event that there is an outbreak in addition to outlining the process
of conducting
methodical contact tracing to identify service members
who may have been in close proximity to a COVID-positive Sailor.
“The handbook is designed to provide Leaders at all levels
with a common understanding of the latest science, show them that current
USN guidance is grounded in that science, provide them
tools to prevent, and when necessary, contain COVID-19.” said Rear Adm.
Will Pennington, Special Assistant to the Deputy Chief
of Naval Operations for Operations and Plans.
Newly established sentinel surveillance testing protocols
are also outlined as a key resource for unit commanders to potentially
asymptomatic COVID-positive individuals. The handbook
stressed that scientific data informs operational guidance and frequent
updates will be made.
“This handbook reinforces how individual responsibility
and simple public health mitigation measures are critical to protecting
the team,
and is written to allow young leaders to distill and
then disseminate the most pertinent guidance so we can successfully operate
through this
pandemic,” explained Rear Adm. Karl Thomas, Assistant
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans, and Strategy.
The Navy will continue to protect the health of the force
and proactively fight complacency within the ranks. The Navy is prepared
to fight
and overcome the challenge of operating in a COVID-19
environment while delivering decisive sea power on, above, and under the
To view and download the US Navy COVID-19 Leaders' Handbook
click here https://allhands.navy.mil/The-Way-Forward/US-Navy-COVID-19-Leaders-Handbook
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 22 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret) R.I.P.
Founder & Commander, NCCS, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
With over 22,000 fans check us out on Facebook and say ahoy!
Renew Your 2020 Membership here
Cup of Joe
Josephus Daniels (18 May 1862-15 January 1948) was appointed Secretary
of the Navy by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. Among his reforms of the
Navy were inaugurating the practice of making 100 Sailors from the Fleet
eligible for entrance into the Naval Academy, the introduction of women
into the service, and the abolishment of the officers' wine mess. From
that time on, the strongest drink aboard Navy ships could only be coffee
and over the years, a cup of coffee became known as "a cup of Joe".
The following members have renewed their dues.
Bill Simpson, SMC, USN, RET
Hitchcock, Tex http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bsimpson.html
Cynthia J. Olson, USN
Sierra Vista, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/colson.html
Raymond Bettis, Seaman, NAVet
Knoxville, IA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rbettis.html
Harry Friedman, CAPT, MC, USN, Ret.
Memphis, TN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hfriedman.html
Terry C Smardon, CTM2
Palm Harbor, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tsmardon.html
John J. Portanova Jr, MM1, USN 1974-1984
Poulsbo, Wa. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jportanova.html
Edward J. Cox, ADJ-2, USN 1966-1975
Millville, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ecox.html
Bill Miller, BRCM, USN, Ret. LIFE Member NAVetsUSA
Dover, Pa. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bmiller.html
Captain John R. Aitken, USN, Ret.
Chesapeake, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jaitken.html
Doug Stearns, MM3, USN, 1966-70
Arlington, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dstearns.html
Ray Karpinski, RMCM, USN, Ret
Wimauma, Fl, http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rkarpinski.html
Paul W. Buchholtz, HMC, USNR, Ret.
Columbus, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pbuchholtz.html
Harold Britton Barber, LICS, USN, Ret.
Bethany Beach, DE. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hbarber.html
David P Wilson, SMC, USN, Ret.
Burien, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dwilson.html
Warent R Gilliems, GMGC, USN, RET.
Stamford Conn http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wgilliems.html
Welcome Aboard new member...........................
Casselbery, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/sacosta.html
16 September 2012
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
2013 Dues notices are in the US Mail.
Please send in your payment using the enclosed envelope or
pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please contact Ed
Reese at navapps@earthlink.net
Celebrating over 15 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
With over 22,000 fans check us out on Facebook and say ahoy!
Renew Your 2013 Membership here
My name is Dorrie Lombard Fox, my father was James R Lombard.
My Dad was the sailor whom died on the USS FLorikan, October 30, 1972,
in a fire. I never did get to meet him as my Mom was two months pregnant
with me when the accident occurred. It is now 40 years later and I'm just
looking for anyone whom could share some stories about my Father or pics
as I don't have many. I also have an older brother Jimmy and a sister
Tracie. Phone Number: 973-534-3389 dfox7@mac.com
The following members have renewed their dues for 2013 and beyond:
Frank Jones, Cdr., USN, Ret.
Yarmouth, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/fjones.html
Roy R. Robinson AT1 USN, Ret.
Augusta, Ga http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rrobinson.html
Edward F. Fasullo, DK3, US Navy
GARDEN CITY, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/efasullo.html
Dan Heffner, SN/YN, USN 1960-1962 USNR 1959, 1960-1962, 1963-65
Wickenburg, AZ 85390 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dheffner.html
John R. Burns, IC3, USN 1965-1969
Miamisburg, Ohio http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jburns.html
Tom McLuckie, RMCS-USN-Retired
Oceanside, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tmcluckie.html
Jack De Merit, LIC, USNR, Ret.
Lawndale, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jdemerit.html
Edward B. Barger, Jr., LCDR USN (Ret) LIFE Member
Golconda, IL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ebarger.html
CDR Gilman R. Carlson, USN (Ret)
Camden, ME www.navetsusa.com/members/gcarlson.html
Edward Witt
Oak Harbor, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ewitt.html
Dave Linja, MMCM ( SW) 1980-2010
Chesapeake, Va http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dlinja.html
Jerome J Steffek, AT3, USN 1967-1971
Akron, Oh http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jsteffek.html
Herbert W. Osborn, ADJ3
AXTELL TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hosborn.html
Dennis K. Roach, Capt., USN, ret.
Hamlin, NY http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/droach.html
Robert O. Holmes, CDR., USN, Ret.
Chesapeake, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rholmes.html
Frank J. Seeley Jr., SFP2, US Navy
Blairstown, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/fseeley.html
WARREN OHIO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/whovan.html
Albert A. "Butch" Weghorst, RM-3 USN 1963-1969
Houston, Tx http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aweghorst.html
Nelson N. Childs, MM1 1951-1955
Hastings on Hudson N.Y. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/nchilds.html
Art Dalton, CUCM, USN, RET
Sanford, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/adalton.html
Homer C Murray
Philadelphia, PA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hmurray.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by
US mail, or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2013)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2014)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2015
or . . . . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Your Age One time fee for Life Membership
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
Pay dues here http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or New Members after filling out the application ( http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
) pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Naval History
Welcome to NAVETSUSA Naval History Site. The NAVETSUSA Preamble
reads: As members of NAVETSUSA, we affiliate ourselves together, pledging
our allegiance to the United States of America, and faithfulness to its
Government, Constitution and Laws. Our objectives are to develop and promote
comradeship among our members; to assure and revitalize civic interest
in the United States Navy and its history; and to support and endorse the
character, substance and essence of our Navy, through knowledge of the
Internet and use of the World Wide Web.
This site has been designed with contributions from our members,
to assure and revitalize civic interest in the United States Navy and its
history. Click here for more
2013 dues are due. Renew Your 2013 Membership here
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please contact me
at navapps@earthlink.net
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
7 September 2012
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
2013 Dues notices are in the US Mail. Please send in your payment
using the enclosed envelope or pay on line at
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please contact Ed
Reese at navapps@earthlink.net
Celebrating over 15 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
With over 22,000 fans check us out on Facebook and say ahoy!
Renew Your 2013 Membership here
Over twenty years ago, when we first started NAVetsUSA, Barry ( http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bcruikshank.html
was one of the most enthusiastic person I have ever had the privilege
of knowing. He was my
assistant ship's writer for our online newsletter 'The Shipmate.'
He was always
eagerly offering to help me out in the preparation of the newsletter.
In addition
to that he was an outstanding individual and a true blue Sailor.
I had lost touch with
him over the yearsand just found out from our leader and founder
of NAVetsUSA
MCPO Ed Reese that Barry had passed away in 2006.
Rest in peace, my dear friend and shipmate.
Don Harribine
The Shipmate
The following members have renewed their dues.
Frederick J.(Ted) Rising, BUC, USN, Ret New Life Member
Pahrump, http://www.navetsusa.com/members/frising.html
Roger Weymans Jr., CTR3, US Navy
Bradenton, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rweymans.html
Guy A. Schneider, HT2. USN 1971-1975{END FIELD}
Miller Place, New York http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gschneider.html
William F Short, Jr., SK2, USN
Wadesboro, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wshort.html
2013 Dues notices are in the US Mail. Please send in your payment
using the enclosed envelope or pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
We are opening the Print shop aboard the world famous USS Midway
limited tours. We have developed talking points for
the remaining
equipment in the space.
We are interested in info about how many LI s worked in the
division and what were the normal seniority/age of the crew members
involved assigned to work in the print shop.
Maybe you can quiz your folks that may have served in Midway class
ships( CV 41,42,43) between 1945 and 1991.
all the best, Jon Ryan , USS Midway Museum
Jon d Ryan
Email Addresses: jon@spacelink.com
The following new members have joined Navy Veterans of the USA:
Richard H. Kerr, LCDR, USN, Ret Life Member
Thomas W. Vormbrock, CSCS, USN/RET Life Member
Griswold, CT http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tvormbrock.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by
US mail,
or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2013)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2014)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2015)
or . . . . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee for Life Membership
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or New Members after filling out the application ( http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
) pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Naval History
Welcome to NAVETSUSA Naval History Site. The NAVETSUSA Preamble
reads: As members of NAVETSUSA, we affiliate ourselves together, pledging
our allegiance to the United States of America, and faithfulness to its
Government, Constitution and Laws. Our objectives are to develop and promote
comradeship among our members; to assure and revitalize civic interest
in the United States Navy and its history; and to support and endorse the
character, substance and essence of our Navy, through knowledge of the
Internet and use of the World Wide Web.
This site has been designed with contributions from our members,
to assure and revitalize civic interest in the United States Navy and its
history. Click here for more
2013 dues are due. Renew Your 2013 Membership here
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please contact me
at navapps@earthlink.net
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
23 August 2012
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 15 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
With over 22,000 fans check us out on Facebook and say ahoy!
Renew Your 2012 Membership here
Naval History
Welcome to NAVETSUSA Naval History Site. The NAVETSUSA Preamble
reads: As members of NAVETSUSA, we affiliate ourselves together, pledging
our allegiance to the United States of America, and faithfulness to its
Government, Constitution and Laws. Our objectives are to develop and promote
comradeship among our members; to assure and revitalize civic interest
in the United States Navy and its history; and to support and endorse the
character, substance and essence of our Navy, through knowledge of the
Internet and use of the World Wide Web.
This site has been designed with contributions from our members,
to assure and revitalize civic interest in the United States Navy and its
history. Click here for more
2012 dues are due. Renew Your 2012 Membership here http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please contact me
at navapps@earthlink.net
E.A. King III [mailto:rexking3@gmail.com]
Angry Sea
I joined the Navy in 1965, I served on three Destroyers (2Built in
WW-II), River Boats, FMF (Fleet Marine Force) in Vietnam, and later Submarines.
Of all my time at sea, nothing scared me more than "Angry Seas" while on
board a Destroyer. For those who are not familiar with the term "Angry
Seas," click on the link below and watch the video. I have no words that
could describe what you are watching. The video cannot convey the unbelievable
fear, incredible noise, nor can words describe just how bad Sea Sickness
can be.
During WW-II ADM Bill Halsey was almost brought up on charges, when
he directed the Third Fleet into a Severe Storm. The waves were so high,
three Destroyers were lost with all hands. Witnesses said, the Destroyers
couldn't top a wave, and the bow went into a wave, causing the destroyer
to go straight to the bottom. They said the Destroyers drove into the wave
and disappeared. ADM Halsey was cleared, because the weather reports received
from San Francisco, didn't have a good fix on the storm.
God Bless,
E.A. "Rex" King, III
Amateur Radio: W5EAK
Sent from my iPad 2
Hi Ed,
I am not sure if my dues is up to date or not sorry for not
keeping my records straight.
Hope you have a Happy healthy and prosperous New Year.
Bill Mahoney
8866 Center Point Dr.
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Chief, you are paid up thru Dec 2013.
If you want to join the ranks of our life members you can at
There is a list of life members just scroll down at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Thanks for asking
The following new members have joined Navy Veterans of the USA:
Walter De Felice, QMCS, USN, Ret. LIFE Member
San Diego, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wdefelice.html
LCDR(SW) Donald C Richardson USN/RET Life Member
Southington http://www.navetsusa.com/members/drichardson.html
Thomas R. Parish
Queen Creek http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tparish.html
Vance A. Smith
Prospect, KY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/vsmith.html
Dave Linja, MMCM ( SW) 1980-2010
Chesapeake Va http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dlinja.html
Don Robison, Great Lakes, IL Training Center 1983-1987
DULUTH, MN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/drobison.html
Thomas (Chet) Mehsling, AD1, USN 1975-1981
Byers, CO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tmehsling.html
Jim Amadio, AOCS, USN 1966-1989
Henderson, NV http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jamadio.html
Rhett Sandefur, AMS3
Springtown, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rsandefur.html
Dan Currier
PT. PLEASANT NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dcurrier.html
Jim McMahan, Team 2
Tyler, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmcmahan.html
Harold Gilbert Robinson, MSGT, USAF, Ret.
Pensacola, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hrobinson.html
Roger Leroy Hull, CDR, USN (Ret.) Life Member
Portland, OR http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rhull.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by
US mail,
or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2012)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2013)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2014)
or . . . . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or New Members after filling out the application pay on line at
2012 dues are due. Renew Your 2012 Membership here
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please contact me
at navapps@earthlink.net
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
20 May 2012
Naval History
Welcome to NAVETSUSA Naval History Site. The NAVETSUSA Preamble reads:
As members of NAVETSUSA, we affiliate ourselves together, pledging our
allegiance to the United States of America, and faithfulness to its Government,
Constitution and Laws. Our objectives are to develop and promote comradeship
among our members; to assure and revitalize civic interest in the United
States Navy and its history; and to support and endorse the character,
substance and essence of our Navy, through knowledge of the Internet and
use of the World Wide Web.
This site has been designed with contributions from our members, to
assure and revitalize civic interest in the United States Navy and its
history. Click here for more
My father, John Holden Kincey, DOB: 3-15-1925, was in the Navy from
1945 to 1948 (??). He was stationed at Barin Field near Pensacola, FL.
While there, he played on the Barin Field baseball team. I do know the
coach's name was Lt. George Shotwell. He played several years & I'm
trying to get more infomation such as his uniform number (mainly).
My father passed away 2 years ago & I'm trying to get this information
for my son. Do you have any suggestions how I could find this information
out? I have no idea where to start.
Thanking you in advance,
Kathy Kincey Wood
Lillian, AL 36549
The following members have renewed their membership with Navy Veterans
of the USA:
Doug Stearns, MM3, USN, 1966-70
Arlington, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dstearns.html
John Adams, RM3, USN
Brookhaven Pa http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jadams.html
Walter M. "Pete" Reckinger, III
Dearborn, Michigan http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wreckinger.html
John G. Marochi MM2, USN 1965-1968
St. Petersburg, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmarochi.html
Gordon R Barry
Bostwick, fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gbarry.html
The following new members have joined Navy Veterans of the USA:
Rodney D. Hays, Naval Sea Systems Command, Ret.us1767
Lincolnton, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rhays.html
Robert M. Christy, PO3, US Navy
Gainesville, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rchristy.html
Roger Weymans Jr. CTR3, US Navy
Bradenton, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rweymans.html
Jimmy D. Fitch
Blanchard, Oklahoma http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jfitch.html
Col Bill Nowadnick http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wnowadnick.html
Life Member
Arthur R. Hapenney, PO1, USN, Ret. Life Member
Norwood, MA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ahapenney.html
Brent Packman, MU1, USN 1960-1980
San Mateo, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bpackman.html
Francisco Rocha Fort Pierce, Florida http://www.navetsusa.com/members/frocha.htm
Gregory R. Carney, EO2, USN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcarney.html
William A. Miller
Bakersfield, California http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wmiller.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US mail,
or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2012)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2013)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2014)
or . . . . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or New Members after filling out the application pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
2012 dues are due. Renew Your 2012 Membership here
I joined the Navy in 1965, I served on three Destroyers (2Built in
WW-II), River Boats, FMF (Fleet Marine Force) in Vietnam, and later Submarines.
Of all my time at sea, nothing scared me more than "Angry Seas" while on
board a Destroyer. For those who are not familiar with the term "Angry
Seas," click on the link below and watch the video. I have no words that
could describe what you are watching. The video cannot convey the unbelievable
fear, incredible noise, nor can words describe just how bad Sea Sickness
can be.
During WW-II ADM Bill Halsey was almost brought up on charges, when
he directed the Third Fleet into a Severe Storm. The waves were so high,
three Destroyers were lost with all hands. Witnesses said, the Destroyers
couldn't top a wave, and the bow went into a wave, causing the destroyer
to go straight to the bottom. They said the Destroyers drove into the wave
and disappeared. ADM Halsey was cleared, because the weather reports received
from San Francisco, didn't have a good fix on the storm.
God Bless,
E.A. "Rex" King, III
E.A. King III [mailto:rexking3@gmail.com]
Amateur Radio: W5EAK
This is spectacular!
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please contact me at
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
7 January 2012
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Renew Your 2012 Membership here
Celebrating over 14 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
Check us out on Facebook and say ahoy!
Renew Your 2012 Membership here
Naval History
Welcome to NAVETSUSA Naval History Site. The NAVETSUSA Preamble reads:
As members of NAVETSUSA, we affiliate ourselves together, pledging our
allegiance to the United States of America, and faithfulness to its Government,
Constitution and Laws. Our objectives are to develop and promote comradeship
among our members; to assure and revitalize civic interest in the United
States Navy and its history; and to support and endorse the character,
substance and essence of our Navy, through knowledge of the Internet and
use of the World Wide Web.
This site has been designed with contributions from our members, to
assure and revitalize civic interest in the United States Navy and its
history. Click here for more
2012 dues are due. Renew Your 2012 Membership here http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please contact Ed at
Master Chief:
The Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial would be very interested
in partnering with your organization. Below are a couple of possible
programs that could generate some revenue for each of our organizations:
- We could host
a fund raiser dinner or BBQ on the ship to raise funds for each organization.
- Offer a special
overnight encampment aboard the Battleship for your members to spend an
evening re-living a night on the ship. We could offer a portion of
the encampment ticket price back to your organization as a fund raiser.
- Perhaps create
a special shirt, lapel pin or challenge coins that we could sell to members
of each of our organizations and split proceeds.
These are but a few of many possible programs that I believe we could
coordinate and raise some funds. If you are interested in talking
about a partnership in greater depth, please feel free to email me back
or call me at 866-877-6262 ext. 144.
Jack Willard
Sr. Vice President – Marketing and Sales
Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial
62 Battleship Place
Camden Waterfront, NJ 08103
856-966-1652 ext. 144
Fax: 856-583-0110
I am looking for any other Navy Vet who trained at U.S. Naval Training
Sampson, New York. January 13, 1945 - Co: 541. My late
father, Angelo J.
Viaros was in this group. He left me a group photo taken on this
day. But
wanted to know if there are any other photographs available, around
this time.
He served in Okinawa in 1945. Thank you. Lisa (lisavhoffman@gmail.com)
Dear Sir
I am just checking my Reunion contacts to see if my Reunion notices
are being recieved.My Reunion is for the U S S Abnaki A T F 96 for Sept
5--8 2012 in Erlanger KY. at the Holiday Inn Cincinnatti Airport.Please
respond so that I know if I am using the correct e--mail contact.My Reunion
and I thank you for all you do for us.
Joe Colombara
720 E.Country LN.
Collinsville IL. 62234
USS Abnaki ATF96 WW11 Korea, Vietnam
USS Curtiss AV-4 association web site.
Bud Norris cvnorris@att.net
and Persian Gulf War Veteran.
Ships he served on as an A+ Officer: USS Bryce Canyon, RTC Great Lakes,
USS Robert E. Perry, Navsub Base Bangor Wa, USS Berkely, USS Merrill, USS
Mt. Vernon, Navstat San Diego, USS Jarrett, USS Ingraham. 10 SHIPS TOTAL.
What do you remember??"
Hello my name is Arthur I am in a wheelchair and I have muscular dystrophy
and I am a patch collector . I am looking to get a patch or t-shirt in
size 2xl from you.
art samel
1700 tuckerstown rd
dresher pa 19025
The following members have renewed their membership with Navy Veterans
of the USA:
Frank J. Seeley Jr.
Wayne L. Huston, SH3, USN 1971-1979
Monroe, WI http://navetsusa.com/members/whuston.html
Captain John R. Aitken, USN, Ret. (no email listed)
Chesapeake, VA http://navetsusa.com/members/jaitken.html
James A. Fox, EMCS(SS), USN, Ret.
Burleson, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jfox.htmll
Paul W. Buchholtz, HMC, USNR, Ret.{END FIELD}
Columbus, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pbuchholtz.html
Commander James E. Soliday
The following new members have joined Navy Veterans of the USA:
Angel Ortiz
Garden City South, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aortiz.html
Charles Victor Norris DC2, USN
Ozark, Mo http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cnorris.html
Donald D. DeViney, LIC, USN, Ret.
Vineland, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ddeviney.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2012)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2013)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2014)
or . . . . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
Could you please post message below on your FB Page, website, and any
other social media/ blogs? Unfortunately, Facebook has initiated guidelines
that permit people from posting on group pages, indicating it's spam.
However, we are trying to reach the military community in hopes that you
will support a musician that is boosting morale in Afghanistan. We’d like
him to hit 10,000 fans before he gets home this year! If you could assist,
please copy/paste & post message below:
Message to Post: Attn: Supporters of soldiers, veterans & families-
Listen 2 this song, “Until I Get Home”: http://www.youtube.com/user/ZacCharlesMusic.
“Like” his Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/?Support-US-Army-Medic-Zac-Char?les/208394285864633?ref=hnav
& sign his guest book at link:http://americanartistshowcase.homestead.com/~site/Scripts_NewGuest/NewGuest.dll?CMD=CMDGetViewEntriesPage&STYLE=extreme%2F&ENTRYID&FORWARDFLAG=true&GBID=16028468&DISPLAY=31&TARGETURL=DEFAULT&EMAILADDRESS=ENC__35500b970a0b835a10345af2f582c89e45cfc411102d06802e636f6d&EM=true&CUSTOMVALUE=false&H_H=1758228874to
ensure his success in recording an album in Nashville when he gets home!
Thanks for your assistance w/this, much appreciated!
-The ZC Team
"Like" Zac Charles
Jaimee Edwards, PR Admin
Business Phone: (319)653-9817
Business Cell: (319)631-5072
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or New Members after filling out the application pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
2012 dues are due. Renew Your 2012 Membership here
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please contact me at
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
This man is wanted by a number
of States for fraud and identity Theft.
If you see him report him to
your local authorities. He founded a Veterans
Association milking millions
from the public. He may have moved overseas.

5 September 2011
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 14 years of service to Shipmates on the
Renew Your 2012 Membership here
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
Check us out on Facebook at
and say ahoy!
2012 dues are due.
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please
contact me at navapps@earthlink.net
The following members have renewed their membership with
Navy Veterans of the USA:
Ahoy William F Short, Jr., SK2, USN, Wadesboro, NC
R. Stephen Crowley, FTCS(SS), USN, Ret.
LIFE Members
Norwich, Ct http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcrowley.html
Charles D. Wiggins, ADR1, USN, Ret.
Uvalde, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cwiggins.html
John D Lichoff, RM3, USN 56-59
Norwalk, Ohio http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jlichoff.html
WARREN OHIO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/whovan.html
David C. Yeaw, HM3, USN 1962-1966
Brockport, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dyeaw.html
Gerald R. Rutherford, AZCM, USN, Ret.
New Port Richey, Fl. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/grutherford.html
Albert A. "Butch" Weghorst, RM-3 USN 1963-1969
Houston, Tx http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aweghorst.html
CDR Gilman R. Carlson, USN (Ret)
Camden, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcarlson.html
Robert T. Wilson, Jr., AT2, US Navy
South Portland, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rwilson.html
Robert Henry Owen, IC2, US Navy
Beverly Hills, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rowen.html
Marion L. Hedrick, HTC, USN Ret
Shasta Lake, Ca http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mhedrick.html
Carl W Ellis, Jr., FTG3, NAVet
Rumford, Maine http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cellis.html
The following new members have joined Navy Veterans of
the USA:
Susan Clark
(for her Dad Russell Dewitt Mullis) http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rmullis.html
James Thomas Pankey, PR1, USN, Ret.
Carrollton, Tx 75006 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jpankey.html**************************************************************************
Susan N Walsh, USNR, Ret.
Treasure Island http://www.navetsusa.com/members/swalsh.html
David W. Henry, MS2 SS ret Merced
Herbert William Rowe
Delray Beach http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hrowe.html
Walter Frumerie http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wfrumerie.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay
now by US mail,
or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2012)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2013)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2014)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
2012 dues are due.
If you are not sure if your dues are up to date please
contact me at navapps@earthlink.net
Renew Your 2012 Membership here
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
Renew Your 2012 Membership here http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
The Shipmate
17 March 2011
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 14 years of service to Shipmates on the
2011 dues notices have gone out to all hands by US Mail.
Use the envelope we provided and please send your check
in soon!
or Renew Your 2011 Membership here
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
We hope all hands had a great St Patrick's Day!
Check us out on Facebook at
and say ahoy!
I went to NTC San Diego Feb-April 1968 company 124; BE&E
and Class A EM-A school NTC 1968, USS Nereus AS-17 from Nov.1968 to Feb.
1969, USS Constellation CVA-64 E-Div. from May 1969 to June 1972 and made
two Westpacs 1969/70 and 1971/72, one PSNS Bremerton overhaul June 1970/May
1971, reenlisted for Service Craft Harbor Tugs Subic Bay,P.I. August 1972/May
1974, Sub Base Repair Pearl Harbor May 1974/Dec. 1975, Civilian from Dec.1975/Feb.
1977, USS Conquest MSO 488 Seattle, Wash., NSA Sandpoint, Seattle,Wash.
May 1977/May 1978, USS Moctobi ATF-105 May 1978/Feb.1981, Discharged as
EM-1. I recognized a past Shipmate Bob Stultz retired ADC on this web site
search and tried emailing and calling him with no contact due to non current
email and phone number. Maybe someone can provide me with the current info.
Jerry O'Connor EM-1, USN Feb.1968/Feb.1981 VFW Life post 11447, Subic Bay,
P.I., American Legion Post 200 Belfair,Wash., FRA Branch 29 Bremerton,
Wash., AMVETS Post 1 Tacoma, Wash
Jerry O'Connor jerryo11447@yahoo.com
Request assistance in trying to locate Chief Robert M.
Hughes (Supply) who was aboard the ship during the year 1969. Also would
like those who were aboard the BENNINGTON to contact me. I'm the historian
for the association and can be reached at:
jkpires@uss-bennington.org Joseph Pires
TABBERER DE418 4/1954-11/1957,USS CASCADE AD16 11/1957-12/58,GREEN COVE
FLA 1/1959-1/1961,USS UNION AKA106 1/1961-3/1963,USS TIOGA COUNTY LST1158
3/1963-5/1963,WELDING SCHOOL 5/1963-10/1963,USS WILTSIE DD716 10/1963-11/63,USSPRICHETT
DD561 11/1963-5/1966 MADE CHIEF NOV 1965 ON HER,USS BLUE DD744 5/1966-12/1967,USNAS
KEY WEST FL 1/1968-2/1970,FLTRAGRU GITMO 3/70-12/71 RETIRED DEC 21 1971
jimshelba@bellsouth.net JIM MILLS SFC RET USN
2011 dues notices have gone out to all hands by US Mail.
Use the envelope we provided and please send your check in soon!
or Renew Your 2011 Membership here
The following members have renewed their membership with
Navy Veterans of the USA:
Joseph Amico, ETM3, US Navy New Rochelle, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jamico.html
Danny J Lewis, BT3, USN 1967-1971
Godfrey, Il. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dlewis.html
Charles Garciae, Jr, GM3/c, US Navy Lakeside , California
Edmund J Seney, BMCS, USN, Ret.
Troy, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/eseney.html
William F. Kearns, HMC, USN, Ret
Spring Hill, FL 34610 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wkearns.html
Thomas R. Elliott, EM2, USN
Sandy Lake, PA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/telliott.html
Welcome Aboard New Members............................
Arthur C. Archer, ADC, USN, Ret.
Lemoore, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aarcher.html
April Majawski http://www.navetsusa.com/members/amajawski.html
Edward Witt http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ewitt.html
Oak Harbor, WA
John Adams, RM3, USN
Brookhaven Pa http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jadams.html
Paul Davis
Virginia Beach, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pdavis.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail,
or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2011)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2012)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2013)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
7 Feb 2011
Watch our Youtube movie with 100's of pictures of members
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 14 years of service to Shipmates on
the Internet!
2011 Final dues notices have just gone out to 71 members
by US Mail.
Use the envelope we provided and please send your
check in soon!
or Renew Your 2011 Membership on line
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
Check us out on Facebook at......
I now am living at our Jesuit Health Care Center.
The mailing address is CAMPION CENTER, 319 CONCORD ROAD, WESTON, MA 02493.
Phone is 781-788-4718. Email is the same. My health has deteriorated
some. Otherwise I am fine and in good spirits. Let me hear
from you sometime.
Fr. Herb S.Jj. http://navetsusa.com/members/hcleary.html
I have been looking for a NATTC Jacksonville jacket patch.
No luck. Any idea if they exist and where I might be able to find one.
Mike Petersmarck michmvp@comcast.net
ASE 2 (68 to 72)
The following member has renewed his membership with Navy
Veterans of the USA:
Robert A Carlisle, PHCS, USN, Ret (SRChief ingore the
notice that just came out)
Winter Haven, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcarlisle.html
CDR Gilman R. Carlson, USN (Ret)
Camden, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcarlson.html
Anthony P Marino
Kenmore, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/amarino.html
Welcome Aboard Navy Veteran USA new members
Robert Henry Owen, IC2, US Navy
Beverly Hills, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rowen.html
Gerald Landcastle, CUCM, Navy Seabees 1954-1974 Life Member
Ferndale, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/glandcastle.html
Join the dues paid in full Life members.... http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Life members are listed here.... http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay
now by US mail,
or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2011)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2012)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2013)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
2011 dues notices have gone out to all hands by US Mail.
Please send your check in soon!
or Renew Your 2011 Membership here
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
and say ahoy!
I am the Shipswriter for the USS Fond du Lac Ship 75.
I am also the Ship’s Historian for the Yosemite Association. I would
like to get in contact with any of your crew members that served aboard
the USS Yosemite AD 19. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Alan Koepke
USS Fond du Lac Ship 75
Alan Koepke <ajkoepke@att.net
We are sorry to report that the following members
have been reported as deceased..........
J. N. Boone, RM2, www.navetsusa.com/members/jboon.htmlJohn
E Wilson, SKCS, USN, Ret www.navetsusa.com/members/jwilson.htmlDavid C.
Borggren, Sr. EM1/AE1 USNR Ret. www.navetsusa.com/members/dborggren.html
From: RFossOct@aol.com
To: navapps@earthlink.net
Subject: Dues
Shipmate, I believe I threw out my dues notice.......
I guess that's what happens when ya pass 71YO!!! Would U please shoot
me another one, Thanks, Bob Foss,
Answer....Ahoy Bob, You can pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
by check or credit card.
2011 dues notices have gone out to all hands by US Mail.
Use the envelope we provided and please send your check in soon!
or Renew Your 2011 Membership here
The following members have renewed their membership with
Navy Veterans of the USA:
Harry Friedman, CAPT, MC, USN, Ret.
Memphis, TN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hfriedman.html
Captain John R. Aitken, USN, Ret.
Chesapeake, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jaitken.html
Herbert W. Osborn, ADJ3
AXTELL TX. 76624 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hosborn.html
Raymond Bettis, Seaman, NAVet
Knoxville, IA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rbettis.html
Edward J. Pelletier, ATN3, USN 1962-1966
Poughkeepsie, New York http://www.navetsusa.com/members/epelletier.html
BOCA RATON FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmcbride.html
Richard Davison, AQB3 USN 1965-1969 Life Member NAVetsUSA
North Brunswick, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rdavison.html
Thomas C. Ford, ABF-2 1960-1964
St. Louis, Missouri http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tford.html
Billy Simpson, SMC, USN, RET
Hitchcock, TX www.navetsusa.com/members/bsimpson.html
Dan Heffner, SN/YN, USN 1960-1962 USNR 1959, 1960-1962,
Wickenburg, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dheffner.html
Thomas C. Ford, ABF-2 1960-1964
St. Louis, Missouri http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dheffner.html
Earl M. Neall, EM1, USN 1951 to 1955 Life Member NAVetsUSA
Cambridge, Maryland http://www.navetsusa.com/members/eneall.html
Frank P. Marulli Jr. BTCM, USN, Retired Tucson, Az http://www.navetsusa.com/members/fmarulli.html
Edward J. Cox, ADJ-2, USN 1966-1975
Millville, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ecox.html
Paul W. Buchholtz, HMC, USNR, Ret
Columbus, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pbuchholtz.html
William Klansnic, LT, USN, Ret.{END FIELD}
San Diego, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wklansnic.html
Robert T. Wilson, Jr., AT2, US Navy
South Portland, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rwilson.html
Alan W. Boyce, DC-2 1960-1967 USN
St. Louis Missouri http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aboyce.html
Warent R Gilliems, GMGC, USN, RET.{END FIELD}
Stamford Conn http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wgilliems.html
Richard T Evans, BUCS(SCW), USN. Ret.
Spring, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/revans.html
Tom McLuckie, RMCS-USN-Retired
Colorado Springs, CO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tmcluckie.html
Edward T. Woolweaver, ISCM, USN, Ret. 1958-1981
Sarasota, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ewoolweaver.html
South T Lynn, Seaman 1st Class USNR 1944-1946
Darnestown, MD http://www.navetsusa.com/members/slynn.html
Fr Herbert J Cleary S J, DK2, USN 1951-1955
Boston, MA 02125-3391 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hcleary.html
Luther W Moorehead, CSCS, USN, Ret
Helotes, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lmoorehead.html
Harold Britton Barber, LICS, USN, Ret.
Bethany Beach, DE. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hbarber.html
Jerome J Steffek, AT3, USN 1967-1971
Akron, Oh http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jsteffek.html
John C Collins, Major, USAFR, ret
Riverside, RI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jcollins.html
Jack De Merit, LIC, USNR, Ret.
Torrance, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jdemerit.html
Titusville, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/sanderson.html
Jeffrey L. Uhlrich, PN3
Chattanooga, Tn. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/juhlrich.html
Douglas R Ebert Sr HTCM SW
Washington, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/debert.html
Art Dalton, CUCM, USN, RET
Sanford, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/adalton.html
John Tankalavage
Manlius NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jtankalavage.html
John J. Portanova Jr, MM1, USN 1974-1984
Poulsbo, Wa. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jportanova.html
CWO Blynn B. Beck, JD, PhD.
Las Vegas, NV http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bbeck.html
Marion L. Hedrick, HTC, USN Ret
Shasta Lake, Ca http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mhedrick.html
Michael E. McFarland, FCCM SW, USN Ret{END FIELD
Louisville, KY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mmcfarland.html
Thomas W. Vormbrock, CSCS, USN, Ret.
Griswold, CT http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tvormbrock.html
Edward F. Fasullo, DK3, US Navy
GARDEN CITY, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/efasullo.html
Albert A. "Butch" Weghorst, RM-3 USN 1963-1969
Houston, Tx http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aweghorst.html
CDR Gilman R. Carlson, USN (Ret)
Camden, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcarlson.html
Orlo W. "Bart" Bartholomew, RDC, USN, Ret.
Gerry, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bbartholomew.html
Frank Jones, Cdr., USN, Ret
Yarmouth, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/fjones.html
RM1 William H. Wood, SR., USN, ret.{END FIE
St Marys, GA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wwood.html
Lee L Whipple, HM1, USN 1955 -1975
A. Fox, EMCS(SS), USN, Ret.
Burleson, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jfox.html
James S. Spence, BMCS (ret), USN, 1946-1970
Belmont, NH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jspence.html
Harold P. Feltman, PNCS, USN, Ret. New member as
a Life Member
Duncan, Oklahoma http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hfeltman.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail,
or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2011)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2012)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2013)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
2011 dues notices have gone out to all hands by US Mail.
Please send your check in soon!
or Renew Your 2011 Membership here
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
The Shipmate
24 Oct 2010
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 13 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
Check us out on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Navy-Veterans-of-the-United-States-of-America/62699852861?ref=ts
and say ahoy!
I finally checked my website. Thank you very much. Although I retired
3 years ago and I know we are all USN, I wanted to give a nod to the USNR-TAR
designation that some of us were. If it needs to be changed, please do
so. By the way, the website is awesome and like I just read a comment by
one of the individuals, you guys are definitely above 5 stars. ( I believe
it was the comment by the person suggesting the NAVMARCOASTGUARDVets...)
ggarchila@verizon.net German G. Archila, AD1, USNR-TAR, Ret
Waldorf, MD
I am his (name withheld) only biological daughter~He has no other "blood"
relatives alive, he was adopted, and both of his adoptive parents have
died since my father's death. I don't have his social securty number. How
do I get his discharge papers.
NAVetsUSA.... I recommend you go to Social Security death index. They
publish the social security number of deceased at the site. Then go to
the VA site with that info and ask for his discharge papers...DD-214's.
You can also get a greatful nation certificate thru the VA.I did everything
you suggested today, and obtained my dad's SS number; thank you again,
very much~it's appreciated and I am so thankful for your assistance, time,
and dedication to our Country ?
2010 Dues are overdue (are you one of the 27 members not paid?)
Renew Your 2010 Membership here
If you are not sure your dues are due please contact me at navapps@earthlink.net
Be sure to check out our NAVetsUSA Facebook site at:
We have over 9,000 fans!
Welcome aboard new dues paying members..........
Ronald B. McArthur, EMCS(SS), USN/USNR, Ret.
John J. Portanova Jr, MM1, USN 1974-1984Poulsbo, Wa. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jportanova.html
Stichter, Engineman, US Navy
Summerfield, FL
Amico, ETM3, US Navy
New Rochelle, NY
http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jamico.html ************************************
Tom McLuckie, RMCS-USN-Retired
Colorado Springs, CO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tmcluckie.html
German G. Archila, AD1, USNR-TAR, Ret
Waldorf, MD
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2011)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2012)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2013)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
Navy Veterans of the United States of America
Online Newsletter
The Shipmate
27 July 2010
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 13 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
Check us out on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Navy-Veterans-of-the-United-States-of-America/62699852861?ref=ts
and say ahoy!
This is my annual memo to our USS Beale Crew Mates to validate
our crew records for emails and other current information for our
USS Beale DD/DDE-471 Crew Master List.
During the last year I received many changes of address, emails,
phones etc., and have some who only provided email information.
Please complete the questions below and email
the information to me at DaveDDG2@aol.com
Last Name_________________
First Name _________________
Nickname __________________
Wifes name _________________
Primary Email ________________________
Alternate Email _______________________
Rate and Rank While on Beale _____________________
Dates on Beale:
From (M/D/Y) ___________
To (M/D/Y) ______________
Street ________________________________
City __________________
State ___________
Zip __________________
Phone __________________
Comments ________________________________________
If you are a relative or friend receiving Beale emails for a
crew member, please list your information below with the
crew member info (above) as best you can:
Last Name _____________________
First Name ___________________
Relationship to Crew Member _________________________
Do you still desire to receive these emails YES or NO ________
If the Beale crew member is Deceased please show:
Date Deceased: _____________
Where Deceased: ___________________
Cause of Death: ______________________
Dave Myerly
Email - DaveDDG2@aol.com
5 Bush Road
Denville, New Jersey 07834-2906
Keeper of the USS Beale DD/DDE-471 Master Crew List
USS Beale DDE-471 RDSN/RD3 1959-1960
Chief Harribine, I need some clearing up on NavVetsUSA website membership.
I've been under the impression, that it was open to all Navy, Coast
Guard and Marine's, active/retired who could become a member??? If so,
then why not
make a change for what it's worth....NavMarCoastGuardVetsUSA to include
what I'm referring to???????
I went out with an e-mail a year or so ago....here's my message, which
I don't
exactly recall the date sent or who it was directed to...believe you
Don as you
are the Editor:
From your last newsletter, I note some of my Navy buddies who I stay
in touch with have renewed their membership. I just want you both
to know that I truly believe NAVetsUSA is the best means for Navy retirees
and non retirees to include the U.S. Coast Guard and Marine Corps to stay
in touch with former service members. I just don't rate NAVetsUSA
five stars which seems to be common. I rate NAVetsUSA ten stars .
CDR Reese and Chief Harribine, you both are dedicated men and God Bless
you both!
Chief George Cates
Bergman, Arkansas
2010 Dues are due (are you one of the 29 members not paid?)
Renew Your 2010 Membership here
If you are not sure your dues are due please contact me at navapps@earthlink.net
Be sure to check out our NAVetsUSA Facebook site at:
We have over 8,000 fans.
The following memberS renewed THEIR Member NAVetsUSA................
Robert Burnell SN USN Ret
Farmingdale, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rburnell.html
Archie M. Mustard, Lt(jg), USNR, Ret.
Salem, OR http://www.navetsusa.com/members/amustard.html
Welcome aboard new members..........
Chuck Scott, YNCS (Ret)
Tucson, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cscott.html
Michael C. McWatt, YN1, USN (RET)
Port Charlotte, Florida http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mmcwatt.html
Thomas L. Feazell, AS1, USN, Ret.
Sylvan Springs, AL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tfeazell.html
Richard A. Diekman Sr., LCDR, USNR Ret.
Flint, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rdiekman.html
Robert S. Allen, TDCM, USN, Ret. Life Member
Millington, TN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rallen.html
James S. Spence, BMCS (ret), USN, 1946-1970 Life Member
Belmont, NH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jspence.html
Walter P. Lamb, ET2, USN 1982-1992
Stafford, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wlamb.html
Richard T Evans, BUCS(SCW), USN. Ret.
Spring, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/revans.html
Leroy Striegel, HMC, USN, Ret.
ORANGE, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lstriegel.html
Douglas W Wilsman, MM2, US Navy
Lake Villa, IL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dwilsman.html
Jeffrey M. Hill, IT1
Delaware, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jhill.html
Dennis McDevitt, US Navy Veteran
Concord, New Hampshire http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dmcdevitt.html
Aja A. Wright, ITC(SW/AW), USN
Virginia Beach, Va http://www.navetsusa.com/members/awright.html
Dennis McDevitt, US Navy Veteran Life Member
Concord, New Hampshire http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dmcdevitt.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US mail,
or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2010)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2011)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2012)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
Navy Veterans of the United States of America
******* Online Newsletter *******
The Shipmate
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating 13 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
2010 Dues are due (are you one of the 47 members not paid?)
Renew Your 2010 Membership here
Dear Sir
Will you print this reunion
Branch-------------------- Navy
Unit-------------------------U.S.S.Abnaki A.T.F. 96
Dates Of Reunion----- Sept 8--Sept 11
Location-------------------New Orleans----LA
Contact Person---------Mike Holland
Phone Number----------904--285--9345
E-Mail bmcmusn@aol.com
Subnitted By
Joe Colombara
Dear Sir I forgot to put in the year of this reunion it is 2010.Did
you percieve it that way.Please respond
Joe Colombara
Mr. Reese I am a regular user of navsource and have all the pics of
Brooklyn Class CLs that are available there and from any commercial scource.
Each of these ships were very different at the end of WWII which makes
research very difficult. Off the top of my head I don't think Nashville
was one of the Brooklyn's converted to the twin 5"/38 turrets but I will
check. I will also check the museum you told me about and see what they
have. Maybe they have a good pic of the trestle area of the ship which
will help me w/the Savannah. Thank you for the reply. Rick ">rnm53@knology.net
If you are not sure your dues are due please contact me at ">navapps@earthlink.net
Welcome aboard new members
Michael E. McFarland, FCCM SW, USN Ret
Louisville, KY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mmcfarland.html
Robert A. Butcher, GSMC(SW), USN, Retired
Jackson, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rbutcher.html
Edmund J Seney, BMCS, USN, Ret.
Troy, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/eseney.html
William F Short, Jr., SK2, USN
Wadesboro, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wshort.html
Charles W. Flach, CTI1, USN, Ret
East Tawakoni, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cflach.html
Samuel Swenson Jr. CWO4, USN, Ret.
Belfair, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/sswenson.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2010)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2011)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2012)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at ">http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application ">http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese 585 766-5013
2010 Dues are due
Renew Your 2010 Membership here
If you are not sure your dues are due please contact me at navapps@earthlink.net
The following members have reenlisted with Navy Veterans of the USA:
Merle J. Pratt, YNC, USN (Ret.) Welcome aboard new Life member
Powell, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mpratt.html
More life members are listed at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Gerald R. Rutherford, AZCM, USN, Ret.
New Port Richey, Fl. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/grutherford.html
Charles Garcia, Jr, GM3/c, US Navy
Lakeside , California http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cgarcia.html
William B. Barczak, BT2, USN 1962-1966
Brockport, New York http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wbarczak.html
Grady M. Doyle, ATN2, USNR
Raleigh, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gdoyle.html
James A. Fox, EMCS(SS), USN, Ret.
Burleson, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jfox.html
Jack Reeck, Seaman, NAVet
TECUMSEH, MI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jreeck.html
Charles H. Schaefer, YN1
McGregor, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cschaefer.html
Welcome aboard new members....
William Paul Bennett, PhD, CTR-2, USN 1959-1963
Corvallis, Origon http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wpbennett.html
Captain John R. Aitken, USN, Ret.
Chesapeake, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jaitken.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2010)
Two Years . . . 35.00 (expires December 2011)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2012)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese Founder 585 766-5013
17 October 2009
My father was in world war two, Joseph Edward Wright from Jackson, MS.
We are trying to find out what ship he was on.
My enail is joalting@yahoo.com
Jo Ann Alting
Thank you so much for posting my message! I have had several
replies, and offers of help in my search for my father's shipmates.
Haven't found anyone he served with yet, but I'm hopeful. Thank you
again...Chrissy Wolfe (re: Frank B Wolfe, USS Barnes CVE-20)
The following members have re-enlisted with Navy Veterans of the USA...................................
If you are not sure your dues are due please contact me at navapps@earthlink.net
Peggy Randle, HM2, USN 1955-1957; USNR 1961-1968
Las Vegas, NV http://www.navetsusa.com/members/prandle.html
Ray Curtis, DS1 USN, 1965-72
South Euclid, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcurtis.html
Henderson, NV http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rramos.html
Hal Gross, DSC, USN, Ret.
Boise, Idaho http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hgross.html
Robert A Carlisle, PHCS, USN, Ret
Winter Haven, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcarlisle.html
Bill C. Jensen, ABFC, USN, RET 1954-1973
Tremonton, UT http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bjensen.html
Robert T. Wilson, Jr., AT2, US Navy
South Portland http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rwilson.html
Michele S Altenderfer
Murphy, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/maltenderfer.html
Jack W. Streeter, EM3, USN
Grantville, Kansas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jstreeter.html
Edward J. Pelletier, ATN3, USN 1962-1966
Poughkeepsie, New York http://www.navetsusa.com/members/epelletier.html
Ray Koonce, EM3, US Navy
Midlothian, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rkoonce.html
Frank Jones, Cdr., USN, Ret.
Yarmouth, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/fjones.html
James T. Rador, AQB3, USN 1962-1966
West Des Moines, Iowa http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jrador.html
Jeffrey L. Uhlrich, PN3
Dahlonega, Ga http://www.navetsusa.com/members/juhlrich.html
Robert E. Newland Jr., QMCS(SW), USN, Ret.
Kent, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rnewland.html
Guy A. Schneider, HT2. USN 1971-1975
Miller Place, New York http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gschneider.html
James E. Soliday, CDR, MSC, USN, Ret.
Punxsutawney, PA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jsoliday.html
James G. Palmer, MM2, USN
Princeton, Indiana www.navetsusa.com/members/jpalmer.html
NAVetsUSA New Member
Welcome Aboard!
Join on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Then Pay Dues on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Michael T. Fitzsimmons, HT1, USN, RET.
CARMEL, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mfitzsimmons.html
Michael J. Paridon, BM1, USN, Ret.
Port Orchard, WA 98367 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mparidon.html
Duane Hambleton, CDR USNR (Ret)
Eau Claire, WI 54701-7236 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dhambleton.html
Roger Paul Shute, SM2, USN
Lancaster, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rshute.html
Dwight D. Klinker, HM2, USNR, Ret.
Lancaster, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dklinker.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now
by US mail, or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2010)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2011)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2012)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
pay on line at
Question: Ed why does it say Master chief on this Welcome aboard letter
but on the web site it says NCCS? VR Bill Simons
Answer: I am retired as NCCS (Lithographer Senior Chief first) after
20 years active duty. I joined the NY Naval Militia, promoted to NCCM and
was the recall officer and Command Master Chief for the NYNM during 911.
More info about the Militia is at http://www.navetsusa.com/afloat/
The Militia is the Navy component of the NY State guard. Few states
have a "Navy". Not sure about Washington.
My resume is at http://www.navetsusa.com/resume.html
Reply: Sounds cool to me. I tried to go back for desert storm
but they said that they didn't want old guys. So I went back to school
and became a paramedic for 11 years then back to school and became a Radiological
Technologist for 2 years back to school and got certified to be a cat scan
operator. Only needed 1200 hours for my PA license but the old lady
got tired of me being in school all the time. So all in all I ended
up with a degree in business, a degree in computer science and a degree
in Radiology. So now I still hold my cat scan license, but spend
most of my time on the HAM radio. I really like your net. I
will pass the word. Take care Bill
William C. Simons, SKCS(SW) USN, Ret.
Grapeview, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wsimons.html
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese
The following member has re-enlisted with Navy Veterans of the USA...................................
If you are not sure your dues are due please contact me at navapps@earthlink.net
Robert A Nettles MT1 SS USN Ret DAV
Kent, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rnettles.html
NAVetsUSA New Life Member
Welcome Aboard!
Join on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Then Pay Dues on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Matthew Pohl, CDR, US Navy, Ret. YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret) subscriber
Bonita, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mpohl.html
25 September 2009
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret) http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/dharribine.html
Founder & Commander, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret) http://www.navetsusa.com/founder.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 12 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
2010 Dues are due
Renew Your 2010 Membership here http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
My boss, Dale Hedrick is trying to locate the name of the ship his
father was on during WWII. All we have is his name, Charles Lee Hedrick,
from West Palm Beach, FL. Would you be able to direct me to a website
or provide contact information of where I could obtain this information?
Thank you for your time.
Diane dharper@hedrickbrothers.com
Ahoy Diane,
Your boss can request his fathers discharge papers at http://www.archives.gov/veterans/evetrecs/index.html
These document will list any ships he may have served aboard. Find
out as much as you can about his Dad. His full name may be enough but the
more info the better. You may find his Social Security number at http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/ssdi.cgi
~ed reese
The following members have re-enlisted with Navy Veterans of the USA...................................
If you are not sure your dues are due please contact me at navapps@earthlink.net
Wayne L. Huston, SH3, USN 1971-1979
Monroe, WI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/whuston.html
Mike Comar
Bennington, VT http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mcomar.html
Harry Friedman, CAPT, MC, USN, Ret.
Memphis, TN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hfriedman.html
Henry G O Connell, BM3 1958-1962
Jesup, GA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hoconnell.html
Edward J. Cox, ADJ-2, USN 1966-1975
Millville, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ecox.html
Kenneth R High, SN, NAVet
Pendleton, IN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/khigh.html
Join Here http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Not sure joining NAVetsUSA is for you? Ask a Shipmate.
The following Shipmates have joined NAVetsUSA. Welcome Aboard new members!
Ernest C. Jones, Seaman http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ejones.html
Goodlettsville, TN
William Klansnic, LT, USN, Ret.
San Diego, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wklansnic.html
John H. Garrett, Jr. Capt. USN (Ret)
Henrico, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jgarrett.html
David A Hutchison, SKC, USNR
Oklahoma City, OK http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dhutchison.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2010)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2011)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2012)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Check out the New York Naval Militia (NYNM), the Naval Component of
the New York State Military Forces
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese
585 766-5013
23 September 2009
Dues are due
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret) http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/dharribine.html
Founder &CDR, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret) http://www.navetsusa.com/news.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 12 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Join Here http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Renew Your 2010 Membership here http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Check out the New York Naval Militia (NYNM), the Naval Component of
the New York State Military Forces
First responders 911
The following members have re-enlisted with Navy Veterans of the USA...................................
If you are not sure your dues are due please contact me at navapps@earthlink.net
E. S. Van Gorder, BM3, USN 1963-1969 new Life Member Collegeville,
Penna. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/evangorder.html
WILLIAM S HOVAN SFM2, NAVet WARREN OHIO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/whovan.html
Harold Britton Barber, LICS, USN, Ret. Bethany Beach, DE http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hbarber.html
Edward F. Fasullo, DK3, US Navy GARDEN CITY, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/efasullo.html
John G. Marochi MM2 1965-1968 St. Petersburg, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmarochi.html
Jerome J Steffek, AT3, USN 1967-1971 Akron, Oh http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jsteffek.html
Levi J. Salazar, MMCM (SS),USN, Ret. Pueblo, CO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lsalazar.html
Avery A Adams, PN1, USNR, Ret. Florence, KY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aadams.html
Michael R Hudson, AME2, USN 1965-1969 Tucson, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mhudson.html
David C. Yeaw, HM3, USN 1962-1966 Brockport, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dyeaw.html
James W. Mccraven III, OS1, USN, Ret. Chicago, Il http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmccraven.html
SCOTT K. ANDERSON, MAC, USN, ret. Titusville, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/sanderson.html
E.O. Whitmire Atlanta, Ga http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/ewhitmire.html
Ray Karpinski, RMCM, USN, Ret Wimauma, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rkarpinski.html
Dan Heffner, SN/YN, USN 1960-1962 USNR 1959, 1960-1962, 1963-65 Wickenburg,
AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dheffner.html
John Tankalavage Manlius NY www.navetsusa.com/members/jtankalavage.html
John D Lichoff, RM3, USN 56-59 Norwalk, Ohio http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jlichoff.html
CDR Gilman R. Carlson, USN (Ret) Camden, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcarlson.html
John W Charles II, ET2, USN 1961-1965
Jackson Mi http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jcharles.html
Jim Schenk, ECM-ET, USN 1966-1972
Morrisville, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jschenk.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2010)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2011)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2012)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check payable to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Check out the New York Naval Militia (NYNM), the Naval Component of
the New York State Military Forces
Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese
585 766-5013
Good day to you. I am Karen Harribine, Donald's
daughter. Many of you may be looking for his emails and correspondence.
I wanted to inform you that Dad was hospitalized on Saturday with severe
stomach pains. It turns out that he will have to have his gallbladder removed
as it is enlarged and he has some type of infection going on.
It would be difficult for me to let everyone know
as he has such a tremendous mailing list but somehow these email addresses
I obtained through Dad on one of his emails to me.
Thank you deeply for your prayers and thoughts as
Dad gets through this. You can be sure he will be back as soon as he is
God Bless,
Karen Harribine
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret) http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/dharribine.html
Founder & CDR, NCCM, Edward C. Reese, USN(ret) http://www.navetsusa.com/news.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 12 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
Join Here http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
May 27, 2009
Hello my name is Joan, I have been searching web sites to locate
where my father was station and his unit. There are so many sites and hours
of looking I don't have much information. But was wondering is there
any way to search for someone. I know my dad was at Normandy. He was a
sailor and I know his submarine was hit. I don't have to much information
as my dad died when I was a little girl. I was trying to find
boot camp pictures He was from New York City. I think he was sent to Samson
boot camp. If there is any information you could send me on how to search
for him would be greatly appreciated. I thank you so much in advance for
your help. Joan
Hi Joan,
Sampson Boot Camp Museum (US Navy Training Center) has a large
selection of Company Boot Camp Pictures during your Dad's service time.
Maybe if you called the museum, they would try to do the research.
The more information you can provide the better. If you really want to
search yourself, visiting Sampson would be a great experience. If you get
tired going through the books and need a break, try some of the local wine
tours ( -;
This is a link to good information about the museum and boot
camp with old photos as well http://www.rpadden.com/sampson.htm.
Contact information follows............
Sampson State Park
Military Museum Director
6096 Route 96A
Romulus, NY 14541-9796
Park Office-315.585.6392
NAVetsUSA members
Did you receive a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new or renewed members pay online at
The following members did!
R. Stephen Crowley, FTCS(SS), USN, Retired (3 years)
Norwich, Ct http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcrowley.html
Steve Caldwell, ETN2 USN 69-75
Lafayette, In http://www.navetsusa.com/members/scaldwell.html
Darrel A. Jones, RMN2, US Navy
Ventura, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/djones.html
Not sure your dues are due...email us at navapps@earthlink.net
NAVetsUSA New Members
Welcome Aboard!
Join on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Then Pay Dues on line at
Jack Reeck, Seaman http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jreeck.html
Curtiss Besley, HTC, USN(ret) http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cbesley.html
Summerfield, fl
Gerald Heikkinen, RM3 Lake Linden, MI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gheikkinen.html
Art Smith, DM1, USNR, 1963-1972
Brooklet, GA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/asmithDM1.html
Louis E Smith Sr, OSC, USN, Ret.
Florence, Alabama http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lsmith.html
Duane Sumrall, Electrician, USN Discharged
San Luis Obispo, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dsumrall.html
Richard F. Connors, GMG3, USN 1965-1967
Senecafalls, N.Y. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rconnors.html
Joan M Fialkowski, CTO1, US Navy
Tampa Bay, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jfialkowski.html
Darrel A. Jones, RMN2, US Navy
Ventura, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/djones.html
Shipmate Joan Fialkowski http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jfialkowski.html
is dragging us into the 21st century by volunteering to administer our
new NAVetsUSA facebook site.
I am looking for information about the entire Talos system. Do
you happen
to know where I could find FTM 3&2 or 1&C from the 60s-70s
with Talos
information (late 70s editions pretty much ignored Talos)? How
about any
Talos OPs? I need more information about the missile, launching
system and
radars. In particular, I would like to find photos or drawings
of the
missiles with the skins off showing the electronics modules and
I remember vaguely what it looked like but it has been 37 years
and the
memories are getting pretty fuzzy. Drawings of the 49s and missile
are also on my list. Just about anything relating to Talos on
the Okie Boat.
Do you remember the transmitting power of the 49s in pulse and
CW mode? How
about the SPW-2?
Phillip Hays
Alpha Omega Computer Systems, Inc.
To whom it may concern:
I am inquiring how to find out if your website is the information
and the same ship my father was on, and researching about his tour for
the US Navy. Unfortunately, My Dad passed away 2 years ago and I thought
I would do some research today, Memorial Day, on what ship he was on or
how to put his name on crew list. His name &numbers I have are:
Robert M. Farwick P03 USS TOPEKA SFM3 August 1959- August 1963.
Maybe you could help me decipher these numbers and help me in the right
direction of division, etc?
I would really appreciate a reply. Thank you &Wishing you
and your families well.
Kari firewifer@yahoo.com
I had
some pictures of the barracks,mess hall, post office etc.of 1944. I had
saved them to my documents and thought they had been put on my back up
.So when my computer had to be restored back to when I got it I wasn't
worried .Well when I restored my computer all of those pictures are gone??
.They were of Sampson NY I was there in 1945 # 785-22-20
Can you help
Thank You Paul D Bennett pauld27@hughes.net
Have you visited this site?
Frank Whitty
FTG2(SS) Piper 1965-1967
Hello Mr. Reese:
I recently joined the organization and immediately
found info needed but for some reason have been unable to pull it back
up. I requested info on a flight deck fatality on board the Kitty Hawk
and got two replies. Both stated there were numerous other replies on pages
31 and 32. Went to the Hawk message board but cannot find these pages or
go back to them. I thought the request was from your site but am not sure
now. Do you have a suggestion or another idea or even a phone number of
someone who might help me. Any or all information you might have would
be appreciated.
Steve Wagner
Shipmates and Associates,
We have a new T-shirt with the below image available.
Learn more at http://www.cafepress.com/navetsusa
Fair Winds and following Seas!
~ed reese
Imagine wearing this at your favorite store
checkout line!
Join on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
hen Pay Dues on line at
We have about 60 members who have not yet paid their renewell
dues. Please do so at... http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
~ed reese, NAVetsUSA founder navapps@earthlink.net
USS Constellation CVA/CV-64
Oct 18-23, 2009
Norfolk, Virginia
POC: Jack Kilcrease
201 La Jolla Dr., Live Oak, Tx 78233-2515
PH: 210-590-9190/210-355-2099
Web Site: www.ussconstellation.org
The Shipmate
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN(ret)
Founder & CDR, NCCM, NYNM Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/news.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children ... NAVetsUSA
Celebrating over 12 years of service to Shipmates on the Internet!
NAVetsUSA members,
Did you receive a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new or renewed members pay online at
The following members did!
Frank J. Seeley Jr., SFP2, US Navy
Hope, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/fseeley.html
Ray E. Martin, ETC, USNR, Ret.
Cary, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/remartin.html
Albert Krull, AT2 USN 1971-1975
Lowell, MA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/akrull.html
Henry R "Hank" Oakley, ADJ1, USN, RET
Kent, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hoakley.html
Michael R Hudson, AME2, USN 1965-1969
Tucson, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mhudson.html
Grady M. Doyle, ATN2, USNR
Raleigh, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gdoyle.html
Joe Gall Tonawanda, NY
USS Allen M. Sumner Reunion Assoc. http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/dd692.html
William Charles Adamson Sr. AMCS(AW/NAC) USNR-TAR Ret.
Warminster, PA (no know email working emai) http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wadamson.html
Charles Garcia, Jr, GM3/c, US Navy
Lakeside , California http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cgarcia.html
Edward T. Woolweaver, ISCM, USN, Ret. 1958-1981
Sarasota, Fl (not on line...no email) www.navetsusa.com/members/ewoolweaver.html
L. Ralph Banta, MRCS, USN, Ret. 1960-1982
New Port Richey, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rbanta.html
Jack A. Brazeau, BUC, USN, RET.
Marinette, WI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbrazeau.html
Dan Heffner, SN/YN, USN 1960-1962 USNR 1959, 1960-1962, 1963-65
Wickenburg, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dheffner.html
Harry C. Coffey, CAPT, MSC, USN (RET)
Hedgesville, WV http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hcoffey.html
Not sure your dues are due...email us at navapps@earthlink.net
NAVetsUSA New Members
Welcome Aboard!
Join on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Then Pay Dues on line at
Loyd T Harris, MM2, USN 1954-1957 NEW LIFE MEMBER
Fredericktown, Mo http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lharris.html
Life Members are listed at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Clarence Dwain Ellison, PN2, US Navy
N. LITTLE ROCK, AR http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cellison.html
Peggy Randle, HM2, USN 1955-1957; USNR 1961-1968
Las Vegas, NV http://www.navetsusa.com/members/prandle.html
Lon K. He'bert, RM2(SW), USN, Retired
Kirby, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lhe'bert.html
Cas L. Cordle, Seaman 1st class, USN 12-3-1943
Ashland,TN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ccordle.html
Steve W Wagner, AE, USN 1969-1972
San Angelo, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/swagner.html
John E Dalrymple, LCDR, USN, Ret
Reedley, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jdalrymple.html
John Silliman
Middleburg, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jsilliman.html
Andrew Preston Carpenter, CTT2, DAV
Novato, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/acarpenter.html
BELLEFONTE PA. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/sgoodyear.html
Charlie Strickland, ABH2, US Navy
Oakland City, In http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cstrickland.html
John B Broach, RM3, USN, Vet NEW LIFE MEMBER
Notasulga, AL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbroach.html
Life Members are listed at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Join our may Life Members
Reunion Notice
July 9-11, 2009
Indianapolis Downtown Hilton, Indianapolis, Indiana
Reunion being held with crews of USS Litchfield County (LST 901) and
USS Park County (LST 1077).
Details at www.ussparkcounty.com
Contact Mike Williams at (650) 286-0688 or soctymike@gmail.com
Reunion Notice
July 9-11, 2009
Indianapolis Downtown Hilton, Indianapolis, Indiana
Reunion being held with crews of USS Sutter County (LST 1150) and USS
Park County (LST 1077).
Details at www.ussparkcounty.com
Contact Don Lerche at (309) 530-8710 or coale21@verizon.net
Reunion Notice
July 9-11, 2009
Indianapolis Downtown Hilton, Indianapolis, Indiana
Reunion being held with crews of USS Litchfield County (LST 901) and
USS Park County (LST 1077).
Details at www.ussparkcounty.com
Contact Mike Kempf at (317) 842-1229 or m.w.kempf@sbcglobal.net
I am Rose Ann Nolasco 28y.o. Born on February 11, 1981 at
Formia, Latina. Daugther of Nenita Nolasco and Paul Rosemark(retired
navy).Formerly based and met my mother at Gaeta, Italy. I'm writing
here to
find my father who I never met. If ever you find the name in the retirees
navy please send me an email.. rosemark_roseann@yahoo.com
I'm trying to locate Jeff DeRosa - his father served on the USS Drum
Could you please tell me if I've found him or if you know where I can
find him?
Lance Dean
My name is Paul Harnett,
I employed Stephen Ward for some carpentry work at my home in Alpharetta
Georgia but he fell ill, I received an email from him over 3 weeks
ago that he had been in the VA hospital with heart failure and he would
be in touch, I am not interested in the work side but he has left
tools at my home that are valuable and I cant contact him. I think
something may have happened to him. I do not have a contact number or an
address as we corresponded by email - HT3 Stephen Ward [ganavyvet@hotmail.com]
His navyvet homepage is http://www.navetsusa.com/members/sward.html.
I would appreciate if you could find out if he is OK as I want to return
his tools but also am concerned that he is OK.
Any help in finding out if he is OK would be appreciated.
Paul Harnett PhD, MBA, Bsc, ING pharnett@bellsouth.net
My name is Steve Glover, and Ed Reese asked me to answer your question
about the Surveyor indication following the rate.
This individual was probably a CB (construction Battalion) volunteer,
and his specialty was laying out air strips, camp sites,headquairters aireas
etc. for an advanced base.
Hope this takes caire of your inquiry
Old Steve R/M (radio man) 3rd Class.
Steve G.
Can anyone tell me what the SV6, stood for after the rating of
personnel in 1944?
Thank you
Glenn Waters
Hi Glenn
V6 (Volunteer), enlisted for duration of the war, plus 6 months
to discharge at the end of war.
~ed reese
My name is Andrea Byron and I am writing to you because I am trying
to let Marines, dependents, Naval personnel and civilians who lived and
worked aboard MCB Camp Lejeune in NC from the 1950s through 1987 that they
may have been exposed to highly contaminated water. More than 70 chemicals
were found in the water and many of them are known carcinogens.
The U.S.M.C. is asking anyone who was at Lejeune between 1957 and 1987
to register on their website at www.marines.mil.
Anyone looking for information regarding the contaminated water at Lejeune,
including an illness registry, discussion board, photo gallery and historical
documents library is invited to visit the website of The Few, The Proud,
The Forgotten at www.tftptf.com. TFTPTF was formed by 2 Marines whose families
were exposed to the highly toxic water.
Thank you for your time and consideration and for all that you've done
in the name of freedom.
Andrea Byron
Dear Sir,
My name is Zack Methvin. I am the president and founder of the
USS Forrestal Memorial. We are a non profit 501C3 organization dedicated
to building a memorial display at our local airport to honor the 134 men
who were killed aboard the Forrestal in the fire of 1967. We will be displaying
a Navy F4 Phantom as the primary display. I am wondering if it would be
possible for you to place our website link on your site? We are trying
to get all the exposure we can and raise funds in the process. You can
visit our page at www.forrestalmemorial.com for more info. We would greatly
appreciate any assistance you could provide in this area.
Thank You,
Zack Methvin
USS Forrestal Memorial
P.O. Box 8147
Longview, Texas 75602 cva59@hotmail.com
I am applying as the Son of a veteran of WW2. My dad's name was Rufus
LeRoy "Abe" Wadley. He served in nte Naval Air Corp. during WW2. The best
I can learn is that he was assigned to CASU 22 and then HEDRON 5-1 F.A.W.
5 in Boca Chica Fla. He was an Aviation Radioman 3C, V6 USNR 4-4. His plane
crashed on a Carrier where he suffered 2 broken ankles. This is all we've
been able to learn of his service. He passed away due to kidney failure
in 1967. My siblings and I are trying to learn as many details about his
service that we can. Please help if you can with contacts, websites, etc...
where we can learn more.
Mike L. Wadley apache@nuncio.freedback.com
I have an ID bracelet and have been trying to find the owner or his
Front: Joseph T. Reese 651-58-23 USN
Back: Love Mary 1944
Do you have any idea where I can continue my search?
Michelle mitbro@cox.net
Your Boat Memory In My Next Book
Boatsailors --- I plan to write another book, this one of the
"Submarine" genre, after I finish the one I am now working on re-writing
in case you did not know, "first-time-authors" are lower than whale
poop. If you
have any stories, from your Navy experience, in any and all boats, of
lied to,
BOHICA moments (Bend Over Here It Comes Again),
funny and/or appropriate nicknames of shipmates,
brushes with skimmers, airdales or jarheads,
PCU anecdotes,
Adm. Rickover,
Captain's Mast,
mess cooking,
supply SNAFUs,
practical jokes (such as hiding the XOs door),
ORSE or Weps exams,
Visiting brass,
Home on leave or in transit,
NQP Nub baiting,
bridge lookout,
sand crabs,
near misses,
visiting ship duty,
unauthorized ship’s newsletters,
fishing off the pier,
shakedown cruises,
dependents cruises,
fast cruises,
or anything amusing or entertaining that the Dolphin-bejeweled crowd
would buy a
book for, let me know and, with your permission, your name will be noted
in the
bibliography of said work. Items must not compromise National
Security Laws that
you have previously signed off on when you left the "Silent Service."
for a title are also graciously considered prior to publication,
and all published
donor stories used will get a signed copy at a special rate. I
am a stage-4 cancer
patient, currently in remission, trying to use my bonus time constructively,
and pay
off exhorbitant bills in order to remain alive a while longer;
and maybe, at least
once, buy something nice for my new and only granddaughter. To
keep items from
public eyes, send them to my home email --- submareener@msn.com
--- please don’t forget to include the code word
"Submarine Book" in the subject title,
so it won't get inadvertently deleted prior to reading and logging.
I invented
this email address to insure correct pronounciation for skimmers, Brits,
and the
uninformed. If I do not finish intended MS, then there are those
that are
pre-selected that will follow my dream through publication. Thanks
and God Bless
you..... Jim, Submariner Extraordinaire.
My father served in the Us Navy n the Korean War. He died 10 years ago
and I
am his daughter, who would very much like to locate his surviving shipmates.
Can you please help me.
His name is Paul Andrew Mitchell.
He was in Co. 12, Battalion !4 in Camp Peary, Va. I found this information
written inside of one of his books.
K. Paulette Mitchell pmitchell6@nc.rr.com
MY name is Carl E Graham SK1(SW) ret. I am
looking to contact
SKCM ret Ernie Dye. He served in NMCB 62 from 1981-1983. Your
assistance is appreciated! grahamsk1ret@hotmail.com
I am a retired Navy Capt., former enlisted (AX2) and went through
the AVROC program for commission. 'Ended up at SEC DEF staff and
retired (I was a former A-7 Corsair Pilot) before I shot some
of the maggots up on capitol hill! 26 years was enough after looking
at the "hand writing" so to speak, and retired. I am a 13 year
Fedex pilot and will retire next Nov, well, predicated upon the new
I'm in Memphis right now going into upgrade to Capt. on the 727, home
is Jax, FL. My buddy with whom I stay ( crash pad) is retired Air
Force, Jim Harris ( Skydog)
Comadore Perry skydog301@comcast.net
We have about 60 members who have not yet paid their renewell dues.
Please do so at... http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
~ed reese, NAVetsUSA founder navapps@earthlink.net
http://www.navetsusa.com/news.html takes office.
17 December 2008
FLTCM Rick West, (SW/SS), USN
Fleet Master Chief
U.S. Fleet Forces Command
Master Chief West became the 14th Fleet Master Chief for the Commander,
U.S. Fleet Forces Command in June 2007. Master Chief West was born in Rising
Fawn, Georgia. He graduated from Northwest Georgia High School in 1981
and immediately entered the U.S. Navy. Master Chief West received recruit
training and Quartermaster training at Orlando, Florida followed by Enlisted
Submarine School at Groton, Connecticut. His first duty assignment was
onboard USS ETHAN ALLEN (SSN 608) where he completed Submarine Qualifications.
Other assignments include USS THOMAS EDISON (SSN 610), USS SEA DEVIL (SSN
664), Commander Naval Activities United Kingdom (COMNAVACTUK), USS TECUMSEH
(SSBN 628)(Blue), and COMSUBPAC Staff (TRE Team).
Master Chief West was then assigned as Chief of the Boat onboard the
San Diego based Fast Attack Submarine, USS PORTSMOUTH (SSN 707), completing
2 Western Pacific deployments. The crew earned 2 Battle Efficiency
“E” awards.
Master Chief West then served as Command Master Chief in Submarine Squadron
ELEVEN. Upon completion of his tour at COMSUBRON ELEVEN he was selected
as Force Master Chief (FORCM) and attended the Senior Enlisted Academy
in Newport, Rhode Island.
FORCM (SS) West served as Force Master Chief, Submarine Force U.S. Pacific
Fleet (COMSUBPAC) from Jan 2001 to Jan 2004.
Command Master Chief West was then assigned to USS PREBLE (DDG-88) homeported
in San Diego, where he completed a deployment to the Arabian Gulf and qualified
as Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist.
Command Master Chief West was selected during his tour on the USS PREBLE
to serve as Pacific Fleet, Fleet Master Chief from February 2005 to June
Master Chief West's personal awards include the Legion of Merit, Meritorious
Service Medal (three awards), Navy Commendation Medal (four awards), Navy
Achievement Medal (two awards), Enlisted Surface Warfare Insignia, Enlisted
Submarine Insignia, and SSBN Deterrent Patrol Pin.
It is respectfully requested that the following reunion notice be posted
to your web site and/or your association's newsletter for our organizagtion.
July 9 - 12, 2009
Cleveland, OH
Art Hebert
P.O. Box 816
Amherst, NH 03031-0816
Thank you,
DKCS Ambrose Dzanis, USN(Ret)
31 Pebblebrook
Windsor, CT 06095
NAVetsUSA members,
Did you receive a dues notice in your US Mail recently?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new or renewed members pay online at
The following members did!
Dale M. Prince, YN3, USN 1967-1971 Two years, Charleston, TN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dprince.html
David C. Yeaw, HM3, USN 1962-1966 Brockport, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dyeaw.html
Edward B. Barger, Jr., RMCS, CWO-3, LCDR USN (Ret) 2 Years, Golconda,
IL 62938 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ebarger.html
John B Broach, RM3, USN, Vet 3 Years, Notasulga, AL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbroach.html
Guy J. Simmons, CAPT, USN (Ret.) Boxford, MA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gsimmons.html
Charles H. Schaefer, YN1 McGregor, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cschaefer.html
Jack W. Streeter, EM3, USN Grantville, Kansas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cschaefer.html
Dennis K. Roach, Capt., USN, ret. Hamlin, NY http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/droach.html
Robert P. Earlston, Captain, USN, Ret. Life Member Jupiter, FL
Hi Chief,
I'm looking for information about the asbestos on the USS Franklin
D Roosevelt on which I served from September 1972 to December 1973.
I'm suffering from breathing problems and would like to find if it's due
to the asbestos on the ships I served on.
Respectfully, David Allen
Good day!
We represent a site called, www.AsbestosNews.com Asbestos News was created
to provide readers with the most important and up-to-date information on
asbestos-related issues including risk factors, diseases such as mesothelioma,
statistics, and more. Our main goal is to give the reader access to the
resources they need when they need them most.
Rob Schliff
P: 760.494.3634
C: 760.644.1302
F: 760.454.2412
I formerly served in the US Navy (1995-02) and was hoping to find the
right contact with the Coast Guard in NYC who will be escorting the Queen
Elizabeth and Queen Mary cruise ships on Thu October 16th from Pier 90
when they get underway in the late afternoon.
It is the final maiden voyage for the Queen Elizabeth II ship (www.cunard.com).
I rode her when I was a kid from France to the US and I'll be honest, it's
a stretch but I'm respectfully requesting to sail out with Coast Guard
when they escort the cruise ships out of the harbor.
I appreciate your consideration or who I can contact.
Alex Archawski aarchawski@hotmail.com
Hi. I am a Navy daughter and now a Navy Mom. I found your site
on a web search and think I have a little info that can help a few people.
Overseas Navy Post Offices there on the military records listed as
numbers so to hide where you are based. My Dad was Hollandia, New Guinea
USNB 3115 and Manus Is., Admiralty Islands 3205. i FOUND THESE WHEN
i SEARCHED fpo ww2 codes . They are listed at a place on www.Bluejacket.com
or www.bluejacket.com/usn-usmc_ww2_location-codes.html. This might
help a lot of familys understand where there fathers and sometimes moms
were. My Dad enlisted Oct. 27, 1942 and went right to work he helped build
Sampson Navy base he was here 12 weeks.. His records say Reserve but he
really enlisted. After this base he went to Great Lakes he was here for
16 weeks.. When at Sampson there were no class photos. There were NO DOCKS
EVEN. His barracks were next to the lake and there were no See bees around.
My father was a Carpenters Mate and was NEVER See bee. He is proud of this
even if the See bees take all the glory . My Dad went on to help build
many bases in the US. Pleasington, , Shoemaker and Treasure Island in Oakland
where the Worlds Fair had been. All before going to the islands he
shipped out to the islands from Treasure Is. . Being land based he was
transported on the USS General M.L. Hersey going over and the USS.
Half Moon on a trip home to San Pedro where he was later discharged.
There is very little info on the Navy Carpenters. See bees say they were
part of there group. My father was not he was Navy enlisted and he says
he was before the Seabees. His rate on his arm show he was Navy as well.
There are a few photos of im and others at Hollandia and Lake Sentani by
the Air Field. Piolets took sailors up to test out repaired planes. My
father helped build the Quonset huts so everyone could stay dry and safe
from the elements. He was at Hollandia in New Guinea, Manus Is. and Los
Negros Island. Hollandia and Manus were the main bases for the Philipine
invasions. If they weren't there we could never gone forward. The sailors
were based 20 minutes outside the main base. . I have learned a lot in
my search. I am looking still for his base Navy number if it was separate
from the FPO number I have found. What were the Air Field pilots there
who were they ? He remembers a LABADABA I only found a name similar
by Port Mosby in the South. Do you or know of any of the numbers
on the military bases in the USA ? What is "separation discharge 553."
? Thankyou for any help you can offer. Also THANKYOU for listening.
Sincerely, Mrs. Tina Pratt momtina8888@yahoo.com My son
is Navy today. I joke often that its kind of like a "wheres Waldo," trying
to figure out where he has been. I do like being able to e-mail him on
ship and he can send me photos that are taken the same day it is WONDERFUL.
NAVetsUSA members,
Did you receive a dues notice in your US Mail recently?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
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Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . . The Navy Biography
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The following members have "re-enlisted" in NAVetsUSA ...............
Dale M. Prince, YN3, USN 1967-1971 Two years, Charleston, TN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dprince.html
David C. Yeaw, HM3, USN 1962-1966 Brockport, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dyeaw.html
Edward B. Barger, Jr., RMCS, CWO-3, LCDR USN (Ret) 2 Years, Golconda,
IL 62938 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ebarger.html
John B Broach, RM3, USN, Vet 3 Years, Notasulga, AL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbroach.html
Guy J. Simmons, CAPT, USN (Ret.) Boxford, MA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gsimmons.html
Charles H. Schaefer, YN1 McGregor, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cschaefer.html
Jack W. Streeter, EM3, USN Grantville, Kansas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cschaefer.html
Dennis K. Roach, Capt., USN, ret. Hamlin, NY http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/droach.html
Robert P. Earlston, Captain, USN, Ret. Life Member Jupiter, FL
The following NEW members have "enlisted" in NAVetsUSA (Welcome Aboard!)
Dustin Darnell, TMCM(SS), USN, Ret. Goldsboro, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ddarnell.html
John S. Redick, SM3, USN 1963 Eaton, Ohio http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jredick.html
David Allen, SK, DK, YN, USN 1971-1975 St Augustine, Fl 32092 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dallen.html
Jack De Merit, LIC, USNR, Ret. Torrance, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jdemerit.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now
by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2009)
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Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2011)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail your
dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
US Mail your check made out to:
Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail your
dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.Do you pay $20.00 or more per month
just for access to the internet?
For only $20.00 per year, your free homepage is a great way to have
past shipmates find you (we do all the work installing and maintaining
your page).
My Name is Richard Allen, Formally of Lowville, in Lewis County NY.
I came across this Militia site by accident while researching the NY Naval
Militia. I was inducted into the NY Naval Militia in March 1959 when
I joined the Naval Reserve at Watertown NY.
I have been researching for several years to find any information to
provide documentation as to my being a member of that organization.
I further went on to the Active USN and retired in 1979 as a Chief Hospital
If you can help me or direct me to any place can get information,
it would be gratefully appreciated.
Richard Allen USN Retired.
This is the man to talk to shipmate.
Charles A. Carroll
518-786-4583 DSN: 489-4583
FAX: 518-786-4427
Email Dejaydoc55@aol.com
He can check the NYNM headquarters archives.
Mean while you can join Navy Veterans USA and get your bio online too
Chief Don, I had no clue that you'd send my awful moments at the helm
to Eddie, but I came forth with
an e-mail saying it was added to the NaVetUSA newsletter. Leave
it to Eddie, one awesome youngster
and a good friend, both you and he I cherish. Frankly, I'm still
baffled at so much I remember of the ship
I served in during WWII, never knowing if I'd see Maine again. BUT,
by the grace of our LORD, I did.
You see, during my 30 years of service, I served on a couple dozen ships,
CVA's, Cruisers, Destroyer Tenders, Destroyers, even a brief week on board
the British Carrier HMS Ark Royale, observing flight
ops between the Saratoga CVA-60 and Forestal CVA-59 during Operation
Strikeback. I've sailed in
and out of Gitmo a near dozen times on those training junts. Well remember
drinking lots of Hutuey at
the Club. Perhaps told you of drinking too much one evening,
taking the wrong liberty boat to Saratoga,
ending up on Forestal, going to what I thought was my berthing area,
finding someone in my rack, yanked
him out, accusing him of sleeping in my rack. A fist fight broke
out and we both ended up a bloody mess.
The ships MAA's came, broke up the fight and asked for my identification.
We both went to sick bay for our wounds and in the meantime, a signalman
flashed a message to Sara, "We've got one of your sailors, drunk on board....come
and get him!" I later found out the Forestal sailor was a Yeoman
First Class and I only a third class. From then on, when taking a
liberty launch back to my ship, I made dern sure it was going to my ship!
By the way, I don't know if I ever invited you to go to www.navsource.org
and read an article by me? Click
on the below and it will take you right to it.
George Cate's USS Teaberry (AN-34) article "Manicani's Anti-Submarine
Net &Tenders Or Was It An Anti-Torpedo Net"
My warmest regards and wishing you the best.
God Bless
George Cates http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcates.html
Fair winds and following seas!
~ed reese
Master Chief
Don, thanks for your insight on the matter. Golly, gee whiz,
it so reminded me
of my first ship during WWII, the USS Teaberry, AN-34. We had
a 'green horn'
skipper from South Portland, Maine. I forget what they called
those officers back
then, but also the XO was the same. Who did the skipper rely
on to guide him ---
our Warrant Officer Boatswain, who already had more years at see then
on board, plus to senior chief's, one a boatswain's mate and the other
a chief
radioman. Then two there were some first class petty officers that,
already had been
in the Navy over a dozen years.
Of course it wasn't I, who stupidly one day while a QM
striker, mistakenly ran our
ship aground while in Subic Bay. That whatcha call it box which had
a handle for
pushing forward to make the ship's propeller move the ship forward.
I was standing
behind it, my hand on the helm, when the skipper said, "All engines
back!" Well,
my brain wasn't working that day, remind you I was in back of the box
and pulled
the level back towards me. A terrible mistake and we went backwards
up on a rocks
near the shore where we were laying a net line across the harbor entrance.
By then
the QM1 dashed into the bridge, grabbed the handle and quickly pushed
it forward,
but it was too late, the damage to our propeller had already been done.
Not only the
skipper come into the wheel house from the starboard bridge, but others
from the
portside bridge as well. Here I am shaking like a leaf....16
at the time and could see
them either keel hauling me, or tossing me overboard. Well, the
good thing of it all
was seeing we were working 24/7 and I'm sure you've experienced that
work schedule
during your time Don, we were towed to anchorage and had a few days
off while waiting
for the propeller to be removed and another put in it's place.
I didn't feel too terrible bad as the Warrant Boatswain
as a few others hugged me and
thanked me for giving the crew some deserved rest. I changed
from QM striker, to striking
for ship's cook and that didn't last long either. I think I struck
for every rate the Navy had
in those days.....even Gunner's Mate, but was talked out of that.
This might be something to be added to my NaVetsUSA website,
but I'm not savy enough
to know how to do that.
Hey Don, I'll be 81 come November 28th ---- never thought
I'd see age 30, what with some
of the Navy adventures I've had during my 30 year Navy career.
The good LORD has sure
blessed me --- wonder what his plan is?
Best wishes to you and God Bless
George geocates1@windstream.net
Navy Veterans
of the United States of America
Online Newsletter
The Shipmate
8 September 2008
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN (ret)
Founder & CDR, NCCM, NYNM Edward C. Reese, USN(ret)
on line at http:/www.navetsusa.com/news.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating over 10 years of service to Shipmates on the internet!
Longer than Google!
Remember 911
I hate to inform you but Paul A. Pearson,EMC, USN, ret, Goose Creek,
S. C. passed away approx. 2 years ago. He was a good friend of mine. I
thought you might like to get this information and to keep your record
up to date.
Steve Ditto (scscrapppypappy@aol.com)
Thank you for the update on Chief Peason. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ppearson.html
That is sad news indeed.
He was a Life Member at NAVetsUSA. Of course, we will leave his
page up and running as a memorial to him.
~ed reese
Ahoy Commander Reese and Chief Harribine,
What an honor for John McCain (
) to have a webpage via NAVetsUSA. This just proved what I've said about
you and Chief Harribine being so dedicated to Navy & Marine, also to
include the Coast Guard
in a ten star website.
This copy/pasted taken from McCain's website,
brought back vague memories of his crash into Corpus Christi Bay.....as
a Navy journalist then I was stationed
there, Editor of the station paper "The Beam". I was prior to that
at NAS Kingsville, but transferred over to NAS Corpus Christi, per request
of RADM 'Jumpin Joe' Clifton, CNAVANTRA to fill the vacany of a journalist
whose enlistment was up.
NAS Kingsville, TX 1956-1958
NAS Corpus Christi, TX 1958-1959
McCain, the “below par” pilot, eventually lost 5 military aircraft,
the first during a training flight in 1958 when he plunged into Corpus
Christi Bay while trying to land. The Navy ignored the crash and graduated
McCain in 1960.
Senator McCain's father, ADM John McCain, I knew
personally when he was Chief Of Navy Infomation (CHINFO) and his visits
to Fleet Home Town News Center, then at Great Lakes during my tenure there
as a section chief in the '60's.
Admiral McCain was very cordial and during each visit would sit
with me over a cup of java, conversing one on one, rare to see, but during
my 30 year Navy career and on the staff of several admirals, this wasn't
unsual for me. It was a learning experience as I was told by most,
that learning from a senior enlisted, they often picked up on feelings
of varied situations of going ons in the below ranks. I'll just name
two, Admiral Barney Sieglaff, who I first became acquainted with when he
was CO, USS Albany CA-125), then later at COMONE. Admiral Draper Kauffman,
COMCRUDESFLOT THREE, truly a gem of a Navy officer. I had the honor of
him asking me to re-write his biography and what a bio this famous admiral
had. Look it up sometime!
More memories will come to me after I click Send.
God Bless.
George Cates, JOC USN ret http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcates.html
Bergman, Arkansas
I might remind you mates that John Mc Cain also served aboard
the " Fighting I " ( USS Intrepid CVA-11) . He served aboard Intrepid
1960 1961. I proudly served with him and am extremely proud to have served
aboard with him .
Alan W. Boyce DC-2 Aboycew13@aol.com
USS Intrepid CVA-11
A must watch video from a Veteran to Mr. Obama
Click on the You Tube link at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmccain.html
"The Day we lose our will to fight is the day we lose our freedom."
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If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new/renewed members pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
In this issue... Those who joined, and re-enlisted.
If you see a shipmate you know, say ahoy!
NAVetsUSA members,
Did you receive a dues notice in your US Mail recently?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new or renewed members pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . . The Navy
Biography Site
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
The following members have "re-enlisted" in NAVetsUSA ...............
Edward J. Pelletier, ATN3, USN 1962-1966
Poughkeepsie, New York http://www.navetsusa.com/members/epelletier.html
Ray Koonce, EM3, US Navy
Midlothian, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rkoonce.html
Guy A. Schneider, HT2. USN 1971-1975
Miller Place, New York http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gschneider.html
Gerald R. Rutherford, AZCM, USN, Ret.
New Port Richey, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/grutherford.html
Jeffrey L. Uhlrich, PN3
Dahlonega, Ga. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/juhlrich.html
John E Wilson, SKCS, USN, Ret
Orlando, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jwilson.html
Robert A Carlisle, PHCS, USN, Ret
Winter Haven, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcarlisle.html
Ray Curtis, DS1 USN, 1965-72
South Euclid, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcurtis.html
Harold Britton Barber, LICS, USN, Ret.
Bethany Beach, DE http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hbarber.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
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Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail
your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
Welcome Aboard Navy Veterans of the USA ...............
Edward C Stoner, BTCM, USN, Ret
Fayetteville GA www.navetsusa.com/members/estoner.html
Robert R. Proctor, Captain, USN, Ret.
Cordova, TN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rproctor.html
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
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Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
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If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by
US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2009)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2010)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2011)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail
your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.Do you pay $20.00 or more per month
just for access to the internet?
For only $20.00 per year, your free homepage is a great way to have
past shipmates find you (we do all the work installing and maintaining
your page).
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . . The
Navy Biography Site
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
A must watch video from a Veteran to Mr. Obama
Click on the You Tube link at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmccain.html
"The Day we lose our will to fight is the day we lose our freedom."
Navy Veterans of the United States of America online Newsletter
The Shipmate
29 August 2008
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN (Ret)
Founder & CDR, NCCM, NYNM Edward C. Reese, USN(Ret)
on line at http:/www.navetsusa.com/news.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating over 10 years of service to Shipmates on the internet!
Join or renew your membership now at
Did you received a dues notice in your US Mail recently?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new or renewed members pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
A number of years ago I read where the Navy had produced a cookbook
for sale to families of ex-Navy personnel. This was a response to
many requests received from these families over many years. Apparently
the book contains many recipes of favourite meals that the sailors enjoyed
during their service time. I have tried to find out who/where to order
this book but without much luck. Can you apply your resource contacts
to help me out?
Kind Regards, Larry Updegrove ( Life Member ) jillu@bigpond.com
From your last newsletter, I note some of my Navy buddies who I stay
in touch with have renewed their membership. I just want you both
to know that I truly believe NAVetsUSA is the best means for Navy retirees
and non retirees to include the U.S. Coast Guard and Marine Corps to stay
in touch with former service members. I just don't rate NAVetsUSA
five stars which seems to be common. I rate NAVetsUSA ten stars .
CDR Reese and Chief Harribine, you both are dedicated men and God Bless
you both!
Chief George Cates
Bergman, Arkansas
In this issue... Those who joined, and re-enlisted.
If you see a shipmate you know say ahoy!
NAVetsUSA members,
Did you receive a dues notice in your US Mail recently?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new or renewed members pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . . The Navy
Biography Site
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
The following members have "re-enlisted" in NAVetsUSA ...............
John G. Marochi MM2 1965-1968
St. Petersburg, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmarochi.html
Thomas C. Ford, ABF-2 1960-1964
St. Louis, Missouri 63126-1450 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tford.html
Paul W. Buchholtz, HMC, USNR, Ret.
Columbus, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pbuchholtz.html
Fr Herbert J Cleary S J, DK2, USN 1951-1955
Boston, MA 02125-3391 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hcleary.html
Jay Armstrong, EN3, USN 1961-1964
Papillion, Ne. 68046 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jarmstrong.html
Luther W Moorehead, CSCS, USN, Ret
Helotes, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lmoorehead.html
Art Smith, DM1, USNR, 1963-1972
Brooklet, GA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/asmithDM1.html
Nicholas J. Mangieri
Martinsburg, WV http://www.navetsusa.com/members/nmangieri.html
Bill C. Jensen, ABFC, USN, RET 1954-1973
Tremonton, UT http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bjensen.html
Earl M. Neall, EM1, USN 1951 to 1955
Cambridge, Maryland http://www.navetsusa.com/members/eneall.html
George S. Cates, JOC, USN, Retired LIFE MEMBER
Bergman, AR http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcates.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by
US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail
your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
Welcome Aboard Navy Veterans of the USA ...............
Albert Krull, AT2 USN 1971-1975
Lowell, MA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/akrull.html
George E. Clay, YNC, USN (ret) LIFE MEMBER
Jasper, Florida http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gclay.html
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2009)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2010)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2011)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail
your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
Do you pay $20.00 or more per month just for access to the internet?
For only $20.00 per year, your free homepage is a great way to have
past shipmates find you (we do all the work installing and maintaining
your page).
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . . The Navy Biography
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
Navy Veterans
of the United States of America
online Newsletter
The Shipmate
16 August 2008
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN (Ret)
Founder & CDR, NCCM, NYNM Edward C. Reese, USN(Ret)
on line at http:/www.navetsusa.com/news.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating over 10 years of service to Shipmates on the internet!
Join or renew your membership now at
Did you received a dues notice in your US Mail recently?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new or renewed members pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
In this issue... Reunions, those who joined, and re-enlisted.
If you see a shipmate you know say ahoy!
Gud morning!my name is Lloyd Kenneth Phillips.23 yrs.old. I am looking
my father his name is Alden Freeman Phillips Jr.he is a US NAVY as of 1980's.w/a
rank of 2nd Lt.a nature of Baton Rouge,Louisiana.his parents are Dr.&Mrs.Alden
Freeman Phillips Sr.i've not seen him since i was a baby.please help me
locate him.my address is BRGY.Bacolod Magallanes Sorsogon City 4705 Philippines.my
contact no.is 09103390231 and my email address is KANO_020285@yahoo.com
please help me locate my father it will help my family a lot.hope you response
to my email add.thankyou&more powers!
A few months back, unless I was dreaming, I came across a military
webpage that gave me the deck logs of the USS UNION AKA-106 from Jan 49
to Nov 51. Do you know if there is a webpage on this, or was I really
W. FORCADE CPO cpousn33@sbcglobal.net
From Misty Cochran
Mother to a child whose father was in the Navy
I am looking for any infromation on John Fred Enos the third that
you can provide. He was in the Navy from 1999 to late 2001 or early
2002 abord the USS Aberaham Lincoln. John is now 33 years old and
has black hair and dark brown eyes. Johns daughter Ruth would like to be
able to locate her father, whom she has not seen in seven years (she
was three and will soon be ten). Please email me at MidNightBlu32@sbcglobal.net
if you know where to find John.
Hello Master Chief: Enjoy your web site and proud to be a
Would like to convey one suggestion re yr web site. There must be
many Navets out there who are advanced in years w/deminished vision.
I am one of those Navets. I find myself not reading your text because the
Respectfully recco you increase the point size of yr type by a couple
or more points so we senior citizens can easily read your informative messages.
Many Thanks! Pat Grillo http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pgrillo.html
Thanks Commander for your suggestion and remembering to "Ask the
If you don't mind receiving a suggestion as well from another old
salt, you can change the type size on your computer. Here is how..... while
on your page at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pgrillo.html look at the
top left of your explorer page, and notice the view menu (third menu over).Click
on that and scroll down on the pull down menu to text size and select Largest.
And Presto! This works for all web sites. Kind of like the web version
of the enlarged version of the Readers Digest. Thank you for being a member
of NAVetsUSA and we hope you stay aboard for many years to come!
I am trying to help my husband try and find some of his unit from
Vietnam from 1963 - 1967
His unit was BMU-1 Beachmasters Unit 1
The unit landed the marines. And my husband was awarded the Marine
mcore emblem (spelling). He is one of very few navy personnel that received
this award.
We are still trying to find some of his unit but I can't get into
a number of government sites. Is there a site you can send me that I can
type names into from his unit and it give me their last known address.
Also my husband has type II diabetes from Agent Orange. He also
is getting very bad PTSD now and we are having a terrible time trying to
get his compensation increased. I can see he is getting increasingly worse
and I would like him to contact some more veterans in his unit.
Also it seems like a fight to get his compensation increased for
PSTD even though he gets increasingly worse all the time.
My husband's name is James J. Visconte - 091361651. If you can help
with either subject above I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you
Carol Visconte Carol.Visconte@xerox.com
EDS - Xerox Global Services - XGS
70 Linden Oaks, Rochester, NY 14625
MS 0809-2A
Phone: 585-383-9957
I erected a bronze memorial plaque honoring the shipmates who died
in the sinking of U.S.S. SAN DIEGO at ntc, sandiego many years ago. in
1920, the cno published a casualty list for navy personnel kia or lost
at sea during world war 1. this book can be borrowed from the navy library
at the naval historical center via the inter library loan program. for
your information, the wreck of SAN DIEGO is in terrible condition, and
shows signs that there has been a major collapse of supporting bulkheads,
and frames.
Warren Mceachern bamaarngveteran@yahoo.com
NAVetsUSA members,
Did you received a dues notice in your US Mail recently?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new or renewed members pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . . The Navy
Biography Site
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
The following members have joined as new members NAVetsUSA
Welcome Aboard Navy Veterans of the USA ...............
Allen L. Tholstrom, PR3, US Navy
Frenchtown, Montana http://www.navetsusa.com/members/atholstrom.html
Garry Hailey, SA, USN, 1965 1967
Plantation, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ghailey.html
Guy J. Simmons, CAPT, USN (Ret.)
Boxford http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gsimmons.html
Rolando A. Ruiz, GSM1, USN Ret.
Jacksonville, Florida http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rruiz.html
J. N. Boone, RM2 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jboone.html
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Roger L. Moore, AE2, USN 1957-1961
Pine Grove, CA 95665 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rmoore.html
Dan Heffner, SN/YN, USN 1960-1962 USNR 1959, 1960-1962, 1963-65
Wickenburg, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dheffner.html
Larry M. Updegrove, FT1(ss), USN, Retired LIFE Member
Thornlie, Western Australia http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lupdegrove.html
Michael Brantner, HT3, Ret
Riverview, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mbrantner.html
Commander Pat Grillo, USN, Ret.
Virginia Beach, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pgrillo.html
Charles Garcia, GM3/c, US Navy
Lakeside , California http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cgarcia.html
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
New Members....You should have received your Your plank owner certificate
and membership cards in the US Mail
Have you received a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
The following members have "re-enlisted" in NAVetsUSA ...............
John Tankalavage
Manlius NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jtankalavage.html
BOCA RATON Florida http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmcbride.html
James G. Palmer, MM2, USN
Princeton, Indiana http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jpalmer.html
Edward T. Woolweaver, ISCM, USN, Ret. 1958-1981 No Email
Sarasota, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ewoolweaver.html
Thomas J Smith, RM2, USN
Manahawkin, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tsmith.html
John A. Wargo, ADJ1, USN, Ret. 2008 and 2009 dues
Milton, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jwargo.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by
US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail
your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
As a veteran of 25 years in the Navy, I consider it an honor to
be a part of your website. I'm almost 69 now and don't know
how many days I have left on the sunny side of the grass. Having
that webpage available to show my friends and family
has made my retirement years more meaningful. Thanks for being
there, Shipmate.
Fair Winds and Following Seas.
Shipmate David Bentz, McMinnville, TN
I don't know if this site will be able to help me or not, and if
not maybe direct me to someone who can. I am trying to get some information
with regards to a couple of SEAL missions I was involved in during the
Vietnam War.
I was helicopter pilot in Vietnam 69-70; I was with the 336th Assault
Helicopter Company, call sign Warriors. My call sign was Warrior 26, and
I worked on different SEAL operations on different occasions, but there
are two that I would like information from any SEAL’s who may have been
on those missions, or know anything about them.
· A
SEAL team needed to be picked up. We were a two ship mission scrambled
out at about 23:00 hours. The initial briefing was that a SEAL team was
in contact and needed to be extracted from the middle of Human Forest (sp).
When we landed at the sea-float, we were brief by a Navy Lt. Cmd., who
said, that the team had come across a number of sampans and intended to
ambush the last sampan, which they did, however; it turned out to be the
next to the last sampan, and were now in between the bad guys. They were
supposed to have some prisoners with them, and they were going to be put
into the second ship inserted into the PZ. (mine) As I started my approach
to the PZ the flare ship kicked out two flares that lit up, but the
parachutes failed to open. By this time I was on very short finial, and
had lost all of my night vision, because of the bright flares. I did not
want to make a go-a-round because we were the last ship in and by this
time the bad guys knew we were getting the good guys out. I did the only
thing that I could do which was to put on my landing light which exposed
my ship, but I was able to pick out a spot to land. Once I was down, I
turned off the light, pick up the team, and every one got out OK. I believe
that this took place in April, or May of June, of 1970, but I not certain.
I would like to hear from anyone who may have been on that team that
I picked up. I am very curious as to what the reason that we picked them
up, and is what I remember what they told me in the briefing accurate.
The second mission I want to know about is:
· In May of
1970, my company was supporting a SEAL operation between the towns of Bac
Lu and Cam Mau. A SEAL was wounded, along with some Vietnamese who were
working with them. I pick up the SEAL, and Medivac’d him. He
was pretty badly wounded; I believe he had a sunken chest wound. I about
bent the aircraft trying to get him the hospital. I was just wondering
if he made it. I sure hope so.
John Leandro
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2009)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2010)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2011)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail
your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
Do you pay $20.00 or more per month just for access to the internet?
For only $20.00 per year, your free homepage is a great way to have
past shipmates find you (we do all the work installing and maintaining
your page).
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . . The Navy Biography
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
Navy Veterans
of the
United States of America
online Newsletter
The Shipmate
1 May 2008
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN (Ret)
Founder & CDR, NCCM, NYNM Edward C. Reese, USN(Ret)
on line at http:/www.navetsusa.com/news.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating over 10 years of service to Shipmates on the internet!
Join or renew your membership now at
In this issue... Reunions, those who joined, re-enlisted or applied
for membership.
If you see a shipmate you know say ahoy!
Last week I received the USS Beale 2008 Reunion package via regular
mail from
Michael (Tweety Bird) Moore, RD3 shipmate (59-61) who is hosting the
2008 reunion
in Philadelphia (Valley Forge) PA. The dates are July 17-20, 2008.
The deadline is soon
for making all the reservations and tying up the arrangements.
I told him I would email as many Beale crew mates as I had valid emails
for and ask
that you each contact Mike if you did not receive the information or
if your interested
and maybe did not yet respond to him.
Mike does not have a computer or email.
His address and phone are
Michael F. Moore
8320 Summerville Ave.
Philadelphia PA 19152-1711
Phone 215-725-0159
Dave Myerly
USS Beale DDE-471 1959-60 RD
Ahoy Chief,
Thanks for the e-mail. Brings back a few memories.
Need help finding where to look for info on getting WW II medals. My
wifes uncle,
US Army, was killed at Saipan in July of 1944. He was buried there
for a while,
then exhumed and sent home. All the family received was the Purple
Seems there should be some sort of medal or medals for being in the
Pacific theater.
Be thankful for any help you can give.
Ahoy Bill. This link should do it for you.
As a young Marine, I served with a Naval Reserve
Lieutenant George S. Buse in Japan. We were stationed
in South Camp Fuji Japan..He rotated back to the
states and I am attempting to locate him' This was in
1956-1957, and I have not heard from him
I do recall he was from Chicago, He was a Lt. or a
LTJG. Can you be of any help or have any suggestions
where I mignt try to locate him?
thanks God bless
Granville Kelley
10861 Endicott Drive
Honorably Discharged fron USMC SN# 1546561
From Bud ......budeffie@yahoo.com
Dear Sir,
I doing historical research on the crew of the USS San Diego (ACR-6),
an armored cruiser that sank off of Fire Island New York in 1918. While
I believe that the men that served on that ship must all be now deceased,
I wanted to try to locate some of the children of those sailors to contact
them and see if they would be interested in sharing any stories they may
have heard about life aboard that ship or possibly they have some letters
home from their fathers when their fathers served aboard her.
How would I find out who served on the USS San Diego and what their
home towns/addresses were to begin the process of trying to track down
their descendents?
David Rosenthal
The Wharves Project
(917) 922-2113
Hi Master Chief Reese,
You had kindly ran a note in your newsletter late last year, trying
to locate the owner of some dog tags I found in a farmer’s field near Kearney,
Nebraska. Would you have time to run the ad again. I’m thinking he (or
is family) would love to have them back. The information on his dog tag
is: Ronald G. Linner, #B60 91 06, USN A, Christian
Thank you!
Scott Sanders 309 W. 21st St.
Kearney, NE 68845
We have just launched the Veteran's Cruise website of the Intercoastal
River Rats - PROUD members of Team Zero. We are definitely planning a cruise
again this year. We hope to have everyone spread the word and continue
to grow the cruise, muster and of course the Beer Bash.
Please visit us and join us in promoting these activites. Additionally,
I am happy to assist in any member websites and actvities.
Thanks Chief,
Robert Matson
Would you please publish a Navy reuinion notice in your publication.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
U.S.S. Abnaki A.T.F. 96
Aug. 27-30, 2008
Airport Hilton
St. Louis, MO
I am President of the USS Southerland DD/DDR 743 Association and am
interested in knowing if and know I could list our upcoming reunion in
Green Bay. I would appreciate any help.
Richard L. Anderson
Service Monitoring & Enforcement Department
Reliability & Service Analysis Division
Office: (614) 995-5706
Fax: (614) 752-8351
E-mail: Richard.Anderson@puc.state.oh.us
I am a retired USMC wife. I created the following website
www.atsugi-incinerator-group.com which is full of NAVY docs,
etc regarding
DIOXIN and other toxic chemical emissions from an incinerator close
to NAF Atsugi's
housing area.
I have visited your website and would like to ask if you would help
me assists Veterans, many who do not know what they were exposed to, get
the appropriate information regarding the NEHC current health study and
chemicals that exceeded EPA Standards.
Best Regards,
Shelly Parulis
Shelly Parulis
email - atsugi_incinerator@yahoo.com
Web site - www.atsugi-incinerator-group.com
Could any one tell me what type of 500 pound bombs were dropped by
the aircraft launched from u.s.s. enterprise during the battle of midway?
i am very interested in the ones used to sink the kaga.
warren shanks mceachern bamaarngveteran@yahoo.com
NAVetsUSA members,
Did you received a dues notice in your US Mail a few months ago?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or new or renewed members pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . . The Navy Biography
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
The following members have joined as new members NAVetsUSA
Welcome Aboard Navy Veterans of the USA ...............
Warent R Gilliems, GMGC, USN, RET.
Stamford Conn http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wgilliems.html
Stefan Michalak, OT3, USN 1970-1974
Novi, MI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/smichalak.html
Peter J. Murphy, CTTCM, USN, Ret.
St. Louis Park, MN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pmurphy.html
Maureen E. Sullivan-Johnston, CTO2, USN 1978-1982
Columbia, MD http://www.navetsusa.com/members/msullivanjohnson.html
Paul Yaron
Waynesboro, PA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pyaron.html
John Tankalavage
Manlius NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jtankalavage.html
Dave Lefors, SFM3, US Navy
Newport, Wa. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dlefors.html
Alexander R. Higgins, MNCM, USN, Ret.
Port Townsend, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ahiggins.html
Grady Medlin Doyle
Raleigh, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gdoyle.html
Robert J. Foss, NCCS, USN, Ret.
Spring Grove, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rfoss.html
John R. Morrell, Sr., BM1, USN
Moultrie, GA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmorrell.html
William B. Barczak, BT2, USN 1962-1966
Brockport, New York http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wbarczak.html
Gilman Carlson
Camden, Maine http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcarlson.h
Gary J. Moffatt, AMH3, NAVet
Warren, MI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gmoffatt.html
D Keith Kaider, LCDR, USN, Ret
Gaithersburg, MD LIFE Member http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dkaider.html
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
New Members....You should have received your Your plank owner certificate
and membership cards in the US Mail
Have you received a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope today.
Or pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
The following members have "re-enlisted" in NAVetsUSA ...............
Thomas E. Randall, MM1(SW), USN
Hampton, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/trandall.html
2008 and 2009 membership dues.
Michael R Hudson, AME2, USN 1965-1969
Tucson, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mhudson.html
2008 membership dues.
Dominick A Viti, EN2 USN 1945-1949
MOHAWK, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dviti.html
2008 membership dues.
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail your
dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
The following Shipmates have applied for membership in NAVetsUSA ...............
Hugh Walker, RMSN, USN, 1973-1977
email = walkerzoo@alaska.net
Ronald Palmer
email = palmerrjc@yahoo.com
Warent R Gilliems GMGC USN RET
email = allnav@aol.com
ben stuckey jr.
email = sadiebrooks13@att.net
Arthur Francis Fenner, Lt.
email = jfennerlaw@bellsouth.net
Stefan Michalak
email = hangtime1joachim@yahoo.com
S Glenn Krochmal
email = glenn@weathergauge.org
Anthony Prieto, USN
email = fattonypb15@yahoo.com
Danny Royce DuBose Jr.,
email = seabeedanny1@yahoo.com
Deanna Braun, Boatswains mate First Class
email = Delyte007@hotmail.com
Charles R Gerth AW1
email = crgerth@verizon.net
Robert R Perigo SK3
email = Perigo@sopris.net
email = airmanric@optonline.net
Danny D. Eidson AQ2
email = dmximager@hotmail.com
W. Patrick Boisclair, RM2
email = wboisclair@yahoo.com
W. Patrick Boisclair, RM2
email = wboisclair@yahoo.com
Ron Buice
email = rpbuice@bellsouth.net
Barry H. Walmer
email = walmer@ptd.net
Larry M. Updegrove, FT1(ss), USN Retired
email = jillu@bigpond.com
Hecctor Frank Franceschini U.S.N DAV
email = chinhido@worldblackbelt.com
Art Boyson
email = arthurb@beld.net
Mark A. Drennen Sr, MSSN
email = mdren760@yahoo.com
Louis Edward Smith Sr,OSC,USN,Ret
email = les46932@hotmail.com
Robert J. "Bob Foss, NCCS, USN, Ret.
email = rfossoct.aol.com
David H. Seaver, CTAC, USN, Ret.
email = david.seaver@pacom.mil
Michael C. Gregg, USN
email = mgregg0775@charter.net
Willard G. Taft, ADC (AW/NAC), USN. Ret.
email = wgtaft@yahoo.com
Mark E Williams
email = sounders1961@charter.net
Edward Kemp, FTCSC(SS), USN, Ret
email = anchormansc@yahoo.com
As a veteran of 25 years in the Navy, I consider it an honor to be a
part of your website. I'm almost 69 now and don't know
how many days I have left on the sunny side of the grass. Having that
webpage available to show my friends and family
has made my retirement years more meaningful. Thanks for being
there, Shipmate.
Fair Winds and Following Seas.
Shipmate David Bentz, McMinnville, TN
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US
mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please US Mail your
dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
Do you pay $20.00 or more per month just for access to the internet?
For only $20.00 per year, your free homepage is a great way to have
past shipmates find you (we do all the work installing and maintaining
your page).
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . . The Navy Biography
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
The Shipmate NAVetsUSA
3 February 2008
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN (Ret)
Founder & CDR, NCCM, NYNM Edward C. Reese, USN(Ret)
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating over 10 years of service to Shipmates on
the internet!
Join or renew your membership now at
In this issue... Those who joined, re-enlisted and applied
for membership.
If you see someone you know say ahoy!
http://www.navetsusa.com/members/edukeshar.html My son
Ed Dukeshar Passed away in September.
He is laid to rest in Ft Bliss National Cemetery here
in El Paso, Texas. Irma Dukeshar
I am trying to locate shipmates who worked on these Navy
vessels during 1951 - 1956. USS Saratog and USS Independance.
Please email me if you are available to speak with
me about this. Thank you, Carmen St. George. cstgeorge@lpklaw.com
I am trying to find a shipmate of my 88 year old WWll
Navy Vet father. I want to find the shipmates that served on
the Winslow DD359, specifically a man named William Lambert. Candace Hook,
daughter of Lee Menefee (served in the Navy fro 1941 to 1945).
Candace & Kerry Hook kerrycandy@earthlink.net
Would you please publish a Navy reuinion notice in your
publication. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
U.S.S. Abnaki A.T.F. 96
Aug. 27-30, 2008
Airport Hilton
St. Louis, MO
Contact Person:
Pete Kingsley
5320 N.W. 66th Place
Johnston, IA 50131
(515) 276-7250
e-mail: p.ckingsley@msn.com
Submitted by: Joe Colombara
16-20 July, 2008 in Norfolk, VA
POC Clarence COOP Cooper, 757-340-4898, seniorcoop33@aol.com
How does one find info on the veterans on the USS Constitution
in the late 1890's? Or where it was ported? We are trying to trace Grandfather's
steps while he was in the the Navy to find out what city he may have married
Grandmother. He was discharged in November 1909, after four years of service.
Thank you. auntclauds@bnin.net
Note: The USS Constitution has always (to my knowledge)
been homeported in Boston at the Charlestown Naval Base.
My father is deceased and I am attempting to determine
which PT Boat he was assigned to in 1944-46. My brother thinks it
was the 167 but I would like to be certain to include on a veterans tile
in his home state of MN Albert W Krieg 961 01 32 He belonged
to the 7th Fleet and if I read the separation notice correctly he was on
the Askari in Samar. Would he be considered part of the Pacific Theater.
Also my Uncle Stanley Krieg, on the Arkansas, Kennebec in 1945-48 his rank
is shown as seaman apprentice would that be accurate? 329 68 34 Would
he be Pacific theater also?
Uncle James E Krieg 328 64 50
Pearl Harbor survivor
BTC boiler tender chief
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated
thank you
NAVetsUSA members,
Have you received a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope
Or new or renewed members pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
The following members have joined as new members NAVetsUSA
Welcome Aboard Navy Veterans of the USA ...............
Robin E. Horn, IS1, USN
Boonville, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rhorn.html
Rick Criss, YNC, USN(Ret)
Louisburg, KS http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcriss.html
Nicholas J. Mangieri
Martinsburg, WV http://www.navetsusa.com/members/nmangieri.html
Ed Reese, Just checked my website & it looks
great. If you or any members might be interested, check my own personal
site: Valorpress.com I've written three non-fiction books, two about
my law-enforcement experiences & one adventure piece. Nick Mangieri
Frank J. Seeley Jr., SFP2, US Navy
Hope, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/fseeley.html
Robert T. Wilson, Jr., AT2, US Navy
South Portland, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rwilson.html
James A. Fox, EMCS(SS), USN, Ret
Burleson, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jfox.html
Edward B. Barger, Jr., RMCS, CWO-3, LCDR USN
Golconda, IL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ebarger.html
Merle J. Pratt, YNC, USN (Ret.)
Powell, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mpratt.html
Your plank owner certificate and membership cards are
in the US Mail
Have you received a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope
Or pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
The following members have "re-enlisted" in NAVetsUSA
DR Lawrence Thornton Shields, LTCDR, USNR, Ret
NEWTON, MA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ltshields.html
Art Smith, DM1, USNR, 1963-1972
Brooklet, GA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/asmithDM1.html
Roy R. Robinson AT1 USN, Ret.
Augusta, Ga http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rrobinson.html
John G. Marochi MM2 1965-1968
St. Petersburg, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmarochi.html
Paul D Bennett, USN, 1945
Satsuma FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pbennett.html
Archie M. Mustard, Lt(jg), USNR, Ret
Salem, OR www.navetsusa.com/members/amustard.html
Thomas V Bowers, RM1, USN, Ret
Mukilteo, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tbowers.html
Michael P Fahey, AO1(AC AW) DAV
Chicopee, MA 01022 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mfahey.html
Raymond L. Martin, Sr
Weston, WI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rmartin.html
John E Wilson, SKCS, USN, Ret
Orlando, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jwilson.html
Robert B. Boyle, YN1, USNR
Cypress, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rboyle.html
David C DeWitt, EW1, USN, Ret
Springfield, MO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ddewitt.html
Anthony P Marino
Kenmore, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/amarino.html
Charles H. Schaefer, YN1
McGregor, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cschaefer.html
John Wilson Brinkley, AD1 USN, Retired
Mena, AR http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbrinkley.html
Levi J. Salazar, MMCM (SS),USN, Ret.
Pueblo, CO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lsalazar.html
Dwight D. Klinker, HM2, USNR, Ret.
Lancaster, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dklinker.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please
US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
The following Shipmates have applied for membership in
NAVetsUSA ...............
David W Mccarty, EMFN MS. davidwmccarty@yahoo.com
EN1 Jack Moulton, USN, Ret. jackmoulton@cableone.net
Gulfport, MS
Edward J Ruiz rudyruee@yahoo.com
Gary J. Moffatt Moffster01@aol.com
Warren, MI
Edward Bordens ebordens@gmail.com
Gibsonton, FL 33534
Lowell Keer BM3 Gmmybear@att.net
Arlington Heights, IL
Lee S. Vellom, Capt., USN (Ret) skipvell@mchsi.com
Nogales, AZ
David C. Borggren, SR. EM1/AE1 USNR Ret. dborggrensr@yahoo.com
Suffolk, VA.
Joseph S. Eischen, AO2, USN vet eischenj@yahoo.com
Eed Bluff, CA
Nicholas J. Mangieri nick@valorpress.com
Martinsburg, WV
Timothy Trahan tim.trahan@davidfuneralhome.com
New Iberia, LA
Leonard e. Wells, nco:gysgt, usmc, desert shield/storm
Paul D Radford, RM1, USN drofdarpdr@yahoo.com
Prescott, AZ
Kenneth A. Stefonick dwmod34@neb.rr.com
Lincoln, Nebraska
Anthony J. Arellano, YN1, USN, Ret. tony_arellano@sbcglobal.net
El Paso, TX
randall humphreys bidright@hotmail.com
Snowflake, AZ
As a veteran of 25 years in the Navy, I consider it an
honor to be a part of your website. I'm almost 69 now and don't know
how many days I have left on the sunny side of the grass.
Having that webpage available to show my friends and family
has made my retirement years more meaningful. Thanks
for being there, Shipmate.
Fair Winds and Following Seas.
Shipmate David Bentz, McMinnville, TN
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please
US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
Do you pay $20.00 or more per month just for access to
the internet?
For only $20.00 per year, your free homepage is a great
way to have past shipmates find you (we do all the work installing and
maintaining your page).
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . .
The Navy Biography Sit
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
NAVetsUSA members,
Have you received a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope
Or pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
The following members have joined as new members.
Welcome Aboard Navy Veterans of the USA ...............
James Brian Erickson, LCDR, USNR (Ret)
Minneapolis, MN LIFE Member http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jerickson.html
Phillip R. Nowels, ENC, USN, Ret.
Gurnee, IL LIFE Member http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pnowels.html
Wayne G. Forcade, YNC, USN, Ret.
Freeburg IIl LIFE Member. Your page is up and running
at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wforcade.html
************************ ( Find a list of life
members at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Barry L. Martin, CWO2, USN, Ret.
Spring Branch, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bmartin.html
David C. Borggren, Sr. EM1/AE1 USNR Ret.
Suffolk, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dborggren.html
Harry Friedman, CAPT, MC, USN, Ret.
Memphis, TN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hfriedman.html
Have you received a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope
Or pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
The following members have re-enlisted in NAVetsUSA ...............
Edward J. Cox, ADJ-2, USN 1966-1975
Millville, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ecox.html
Mike Comar
Bennington, VT http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mcomar.html
David C. Yeaw, HM3, USN 1962-1966
Brockport, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dyeaw.html
James T. Rador, AQB3, USN 1962-1966
West Des Moines, Iowa http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jrador.html
William F. Kearns, HMC, USN, Ret
Spring Hill, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wkearns.html
Fr Herbert J Cleary S J, DK2, USN 1951-1955
Boston, MA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hcleary.html
William E Mahoney, EWC(SW), USN, Ret
Liverpool, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wmahoney.html
Terry C Smardon, CTM2
Palm Harbor, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tsmardon.html
Edward C Stoner, BTCM, USN, Ret
Fayetteville GA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/estoner.html
George E Kernaghan, EO3, NMCB-24, USN 1990-91
Kansas City, Missouri http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gkernaghan.html
John C Collins, Major, USAFR, ret
Riverside, RI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jcollins.html
Jack A. Brazeau, BUC, USN, RET.
Marinette, WI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbrazeau.html
Paul E Gabel, AD2, US NAVet
Holly Lake Ranch, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pgabel.html
Delmar E Loewe, Jr, QM2, USN, 1971-1975
Livermore, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dloewe.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
or If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail
please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay
now by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please
US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
Do you pay $20.00 or more per month just for access to
the internet?
For only $20.00 per year, your free homepage is a great
way to have past shipmates find you (we do all the work installing and
maintaining your page).
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . .
The Navy Biography Sit
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
I am Executive Recruiter and working on a major project
in the Mobile, Alabama. I am recruiting for Navy Architects, so I thought
maybe the Lithographer rate would be close to the Navy Architects. Attached
is the opening for your review below. Any suggestions where I can locate
Navy Architects? Thanks for responding, have a pleasant day.
Pam Shivers
Our Client, world leaders in the design and manufacture
of aluminum fast ferries, cruise boats, luxury yachts and military
vessels, are pleased to offer exciting opportunities for qualified
professionals to join the Design Department. As an integral part
of an experienced Design Team, you will undertake a variety of challenging
design and problem solving tasks on small and large projects across
a range of processes from conceptual design through to detailed design
and commissioning. Qualified applicants should: a.. Have a thorough understanding
of vessel structural design, including Finite Element Analysis methods.
b.. Have a minimum of 2 years in ship design and construction experience,
including practical knowledge of shipyard construction methods and
details. c.. Have an understanding of scheduling and an ability to adhere
to strict deadlines and budgetary restraints d.. Have excellent written
and oral communication skills. e.. Have experience involving interaction
with Production, multiple design teams from several companies and client
representation. f.. Be computer literate and familiar with AutoCAD and
Microsoft Office products g.. Possess a thorough knowledge
of ships systems and propulsion systems. h.. Being experienced in the construction
of high speed aluminum vessels would be advantageous. i.. Successful
completion of a bachelor's degree in Engineering (Naval Architecture)
is essential. Experience in the design or construction of US Navy vessels
would be preferred. These opportunities may include the opportunity to
travel to our client's Australian facility for periods of approximately
12 months. This position will be located in Mobile, Alabama
William H. Trammell EN1, USN, Ret banddtrammell@bbellsouth.net
Ohatchee, Al 36271 Served Dec. 56 to Jul 76. Ntc San
Diego, USS Forster DER 334, USS Wilhoite DER 397, USS Prairie AD 15, USS
Dubuque LPD 8, YTB 765, USS Opportune ARS 41 and USS Escape ARS 6. Shore
duty 63 to 65 Naval Station Mayport.
Master Chief!
I do want to renew my membership! If I can, Ed, I am
going to re-up for three. Please send me log in information so I can
use my plastic fantastic magic card to pay for my dues.
Also, please update my postal address and phone numbers and can we
please use farragut_flash@cox.net for my listed E-mail
address? That is where I get my Navy related E-mail; tr1957nyc@cox.net
is now my primary. ATT was a long time ago. Thanks. Next
time you hear from me I am going to want to update my page on your excellent
Web Site.
Treasurer, Farragut Ships' Assn., Inc
Editor Farragut Flash Newsletter
Post Quartermaster and Life Member VFW Post 824 Grafton,
Thomas Randall, CWO (ret.) US Army
PO Box 9368
Hampton, VA 23670-0368
757-570-3181 (24/7)
Simple Shipmate click here to pay online http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
NAVetsUSA members,
Have you received a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope
Or pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
The following members have joined as new members NAVetsUSA
Welcome Aboard Navy Veterans of the USA ...............
Harry C. Coffey, CAPT, MSC, USN (RET)
Hedgesville, WV http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hcoffey.html
Thomas R Lawlor, ADC, USN, Ret.
Sanford, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tlawlor.html
William R Teetz, LCDR USN Ret
Woodbridge, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wteetz.html
Have you received a dues notice in your US Mail?
If so, please US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope
Or pay online at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
The following members have re-enlisted in NAVetsUSA ...............
LeRoy Riddell, NCC SW Ret
Coon Rapids, MN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lriddell.html
2008 & 2009 membership dues.
James W. Mccraven III, OS1, USN, Ret.{EN
Chicago, Il http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmccraven.html
2008 membership dues.
Danny J Lewis, BT3, USN 1967-1971
Godfrey, Il http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dlewis.html
2008, 2009 & 2010 membership dues.
Hal Gross, DSC, USN, Ret.
Boise, Idaho http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hgross.html
2008 & 2009 membership dues.
Michael A Brebaugh, SKC(SW), USN, Ret.
Holmes Beach, FL www.navetsusa.com/members/mbrebaugh.html
2008 & 2009 membership dues.
Robert Burnell, SN USN Ret
Farmingdale, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rburnell.html
2008 & 2009 membership dues.
Shonette V Mosley, AZ2, USN
Camarillo, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/smosley.html
2008 membership dues.
Charles Andrews, PN3, USN, 1967-1971
Raleigh, NC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/candrews.html
2008 & 2009 membership dues.
Guy A. Schneider, HT2. USN 1971-1975
Miller Place, New York http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gschneider.html
2008 membership dues.
Ray Curtis, DS1 USN, 1965-72
South Euclid, OH http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcurtis.html
2008 membership dues.
Teresa Rhodes, AE3, USN 1986-1997
Woodbridge, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/trhodes.html
2008 & 2009 membership dues.
Gerald R. Rutherford, AZCM, USN, Ret.
New Port Richey, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/grutherford.html
2008 membership dues.
Art Dalton, CUCM, USN, RET
Sanford, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/adalton.html
2008 membership dues.
Robert A Carlisle, PHCS, USN, Ret
Winter Haven, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcarlisle.html
2008 membership dues.
Emilio Duke Yannacone, MM3, USNBloomingdale, NJ
LIFE Membership dues. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/eyannacone.html
( Find a list of life members at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Harry (Bill) Moak, EM2(SS), USN 1966-70
Carson, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hmoak.html
2008, 2009 & 2010 membership dues
Bill C. Jensen, ABFC, USN, RET 1954-1973
Tremonton, UT http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bjensen.html
2008 membership dues.
R. P. Earlston, Captain, USN, Ret.
Jupiter, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rearlston.html
2008 membership dues.
Harold Britton Barber, LICS, USN, Ret.
Bethany Beach, DE. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hbarber.html
2008 membership dues.
William Charles Adamson Sr. AMCS(AW/NAC) USNR-TAR Ret.
Warminster, PA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wadamson.html
2008 membership dues.
BOCA RATON FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jmcbride.html
2008 membership dues.
Ahoy Edwin Byrnes III
Yorktown Heights, NY http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/ebyrnes.html
2008, 2009 & 2010 membership dues.
Jeffrey L. Uhlrich, PN3
Dahlonega, Ga. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/juhlrich.html
2008 membership dues.
Dennis K. Roach, Capt., USN, ret.
Hamlin, NY http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/droach.html
2008 membership dues.
Ray Koonce, EM3, US Navy
Midlothian, TX www.navetsusa.com/members/rkoonce.html
2008 membership dues.
Raymond Bettis, Seaman, NAVet
Knoxville, IA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rbettis.html
2008 membership dues.
David L. Bentz
McMinnville, Tennessee http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dbentz.html
2008 & 2009 membership dues.
Alan W. Boyce, DC-2 1960-1967 USN
St. Louis Missouri http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aboyce.html
2008 membership dues.
George K. Booth, SK2
Southport, Connecticut http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gbooth.html
2008 membership dues.
L. Ralph Banta, MRCS, USN, Ret. 1960-1982
New Port Richey, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rbanta.html
2008 membership dues.
Hollis R Tozier, YN2, NAVet
Ipswich, Ma http://www.navetsusa.com/members/htozier.html
2008 membership dues.
Jerome J Steffek, AT3, USN 1967-1971
Akron, Oh http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jsteffek.html
2008 membership dues.
Avery A Adams, PN1, USNR, Ret.
Florence, KY http://navetsusa.com/members/aadams.html
2008 membership dues.
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please
US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
As a veteran of 25 years in the Navy, I consider it an
honor to
be a part of your website. I'm almost 69 now and
don't know
how many days I have left on the sunny side of the grass.
Having that webpage available to show my friends and family
has made my retirement years more meaningful. Thanks
being there, Shipmate.
Fair Winds and Following Seas.
Shipmate David Bentz, McMinnville, TN
Question from Robert L. Mustain, HTC, USN, Ret. "Don't
the NAVets kind of take away from the FRA. (membership)
Good morning Chief,
I am a member of the FRA, sounds like you may be too.
I wish the many thousands of USN, USMC & USCG career vets qualified
for both would chose one or both, we'd be stronger than the Legion and
VFW combined.
Thanks for asking Shipmate
~ed reese
Dear Sir;
My dad recently attended the reunion of the Navy Boot
Camp in Farragut, ID.
He was there in 1942. He was barely 17 and was
sent there from Los Angeles, CA.
He said he was sent to Cook school when the rest of him
Co. got shipped out. He
is the only one from his Company to have ever signed
the guest book. He said a
lot of ships went down about that same time.
Is there any way to research what Companies were assigned
to what ships and
what happened to them? Is there an official Navy
source or would they all still
be sealed if such a thing existed? He was in Company
103, Camp Waldron, Farragut,
Id. He served on the PC817 sub chase/patrol craft
in the Illusion Islands after
boot camp.
Thanks for your response.
Glenna glennak0317@msn.com
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30........$245
31 to 40........$225
41 to 50........$200
51 to 60........$175
61 to 70........$140
71 to 80........$105
over 80.........$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, Key West
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you have received a dues notice in your US Mail please
US Mail your dues in the enclosed envelope ASAP.
Do you pay $20.00 or more per month just for access to
the internet?
For only $20.00 per year, your free homepage is a great
way to have past shipmates find you (we do all the work installing and
maintaining your page).
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children . . .
The Navy Biography Sit
Not sure if your dues are due? Please ask at navapps@earthlink.net
I am Executive Recruiter and working on a major project
in the Mobile, Alabama. I am recruiting for Navy Architects, so I thought
maybe the Lithographer rate would be close to the Navy Architects. Attached
is the opening for your review below. Any suggestions where I can locate
Navy Architects? Thanks for responding, have a pleasant day.
Pam Shivers
Our Client, world leaders in the design and manufacture
of aluminum fast ferries, cruise boats, luxury yachts and military
vessels, are pleased to offer exciting opportunities for qualified
professionals to join the Design Department. As an integral part
of an experienced Design Team, you will undertake a variety of challenging
design and problem solving tasks on small and large projects across
a range of processes from conceptual design through to detailed design
and commissioning. Qualified applicants should: a.. Have a thorough understanding
of vessel structural design, including Finite Element Analysis methods.
b.. Have a minimum of 2 years in ship design and construction experience,
including practical knowledge of shipyard construction methods and
details. c.. Have an understanding of scheduling and an ability to adhere
to strict deadlines and budgetary restraints d.. Have excellent written
and oral communication skills. e.. Have experience involving interaction
with Production, multiple design teams from several companies and client
representation. f.. Be computer literate and familiar with AutoCAD and
Microsoft Office products g.. Possess a thorough knowledge
of ships systems and propulsion systems. h.. Being experienced in the construction
of high speed aluminum vessels would be advantageous. i.. Successful
completion of a bachelor's degree in Engineering (Naval Architecture)
is essential. Experience in the design or construction of US Navy vessels
would be preferred. These opportunities may include the opportunity to
travel to our client's Australian facility for periods of approximately
12 months. This position will be located in Mobile, Alabama
Navy Veterans of the United States of America online
The Shipmate
11 September 2007
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN (Ret)
Founder & CDR, NCCM, NYNM Edward C. Reese, USN(Ret)
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating 10 years of service on the internet!
Join or renew your membership now at
Remember 911
Here is a link to JOC George Cates NAVetsUSA page. The
link is to a video of his work on the four USS Sampson ships. The video
also honors Admiral Sampson. There, he has created a video of the story
boards he has burned into wood planks. As you know, I am working as a volunteer
at Sampson WWII Museum so want to brag on George's work. He came to visit
me at Sampson and as I requested created this fine work to donate to the
Museum. Go to http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcates.html Then click
on USS Sampson Story Board Video Thanks ~ed reese
Ahoy, It's been a long time since I was introduced
to Navy and Navy life with a commitment to Navy, for life. I served
in D-Unit Company 201. I visited Sampson a few years ago with a friend
Johnny Jenkins, who has since, crossed the bar. He donated a lithograph
before I could, of my ship under attack and sinking, to the Sampson
Museum. It was mounted in the Sampson Museum entrance way. I had
the original painting accepted by, and it's on display in the Franklin
D. Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park. DonsWasp@aol.com Old Sailors
never die, they just can't get away from the computer. Tony Potochniak
USNR 1943 - 1946 AMM 2/C 1100 Holly Lane, Endicott, NY 13760
My name is Sampson Hudson. I would to know if someone
knows anything about retired a navy vet. Sampson T. Hudson Jr. aka “hotdog”
please call me at 601-632-4881 or email at sampsonhudson@yahoo.com
in advance a concerned son who nobody knows or wants to know about.
I have document to back this up. So please respond. Thanks again.
I am a civilian. No military history. I am trying to locate
Daniel Korbelak- Navy WWll served in the Pacific. Was from Brooklyn N.Y.
went to boot camp at Sampson Naval Training station N.Y. served entirely
in the Pacific from about1942 to 1946. Went to Manual Training H.S. Brooklyn.
May have relocated to Chicago ILL. after the war.If still alive he would
be about 80 years 0ld. pdehaan@frontiernet.net Patricia DeHaan
I am looking for Mr Michael Francisco Garcia a former
US navy stationed at Misawa air base Japan between year 1978-1983 USS enterprise
cvn65,I lost contact of him,any information?thank you so much. wine.red06@yahoo.com
I am looking for Alan Dooley aka Duck. I served with him
at Kami Seya Japan. I was with CTF-72 and he was with NRRF. Would love
to hear from you, Duck. Teresa Disney izannah@comcast.net
I was in the Kobe sweep aboard the " Trapper
" ACM 9. There can't be to many of us left. If you get this e-mail and
care to reply it would be a pleasure to hear from some- one I shared that
bit of history with. I hope this finds you in good health.
Burnie frazer Burnielynn5@aol.com
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA new members ................
Kevin J. Powers, LT, JAGC, USNR
Highland Park, IL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/kpowers.html
Richard "Coyote" Evans, CE2, USN
Wickenburg, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/revans.html
Roger Snider, BM3, USN
Bremen, Ohio http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rsnider.html
Tony Campisi, GMCS, USN, Ret.
Los Osos, Ca. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tcampisi.html
Michael P Fahey, AO1(AC AW) DAV
Chicopee, MA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mfahey.html
Robert B. Boyle, YN1, USNR
Cypress, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rboyle.html
Ed Monigan, Pharmacist Mate 3/c, USNR
Yardley, PA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/emonigan.html
Gary Higgins, BM3, NAVet
Hannibal, Mo http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ghiggins.html
Tommy E. Cox, ABEAN, USN 1989-1990
Tallassee Al. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tcox.html
Gustave Battaglia, BT2, USN 1965-1969
SLIDELL, La. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gbattaglia.html
Shirl Reinhart, US Navy 1943-1946 ................>>>>>>..New
Life Member
Pittsford, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/sreinhart.html
Robert M Richards, RM3, USN Jan 61-Aug 63..................New
Life Member
Sylmar, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rrichards.html
Find our extensive list of Life Members at http://www.navetsusa.com/mindex.html
The following members (below) have re-enlisted in NAVetsUSA
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2008
(as of 11 September 2007) )
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2009)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2010)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30 $245
31 to 40 $225
41 to 50 $200
51 to 60 $175
61 to 70 $140
71 to 80 $105
over 80 $ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
The following members have re-enlisted in NAVetsUSA ...............
Robert L. Mustain, HTC, USN, Ret. for 2008
Hanahan, SC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rmustain.html
Albert A. "Butch" Weghorst, RM-3 USN 1963-1969 for 2008
Houston, Tx http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aweghorst.html
for 2008 and 2009
MILFORD, DE http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rhazzard.html
George Antellas, JR., EN3, USN
for 2008, 2009 and 2010
MILLSBORO DE http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gantellas.html
Nelson N. Childs, MM1 1951-1955
for 2008 and 2009
Hastings on Hudson N.Y. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/nchilds.html
Douglas R Ebert Sr HTCM SW
for 2008
Washington, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/debert.html
Edward F. Fasullo, DK3, US Navy
for 2008
GARDEN CITY, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/efasullo.html
Arthur C. Smith, USN 1946-1948 for 2008
Vineland, N.J. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/asmith.html
Carl W Ellis, Jr., FTG3, NAVet
for 2008
Rumford, Maine http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cellis.html
Marion L. Hedrick, HTC, USN Ret
for 2008
Shasta Lake, Ca http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mhedrick.html
Luther W Moorehead, CSCS, USN, Ret for 2008
Helotes, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lmoorehead.html
Orlo W. "Bart" Bartholomew, RDC, USN, Ret.
for 2008
Gerry, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bbartholomew.html
Henry E Worrells, Jr., LIC, USN, Ret
for 2008
Cape Coral, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hworrells.html
John E. Des Jardins, SK1, USN, Ret
for LIFE (Membership)
Lodi, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jdesjardins.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating 10 Years of service on the internet!
Join or renew your membership
now at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Hi there
My former father-in-law was Robert V. Lloyd, Retired Chief Petty Officer.
He was stationed in Naples, Italy for many years and then moved to
He would be about 82 years old now. I was the first wife of Arthur
Lloyd, one of his sons. His wife was Emily Lloyd, but I think that
she is deceased.
I live in Canada and I wondering the best way to find him. I believe
that he still resides in Florida. Am trying to re-connect with him,
I always had the utmost respect for him, and would like to find him
before one of us dies! Would appreciate any suggestions that
you have.
Many thanks,
Evelyn von Almassy (Formerly Evelyn Almassy Lloyd) almassy@qcislands.net
I am looking for Mr Michael Francisco Garcia a former US navy stationed
at Misawa air base Japan between year 1978-1983 USS enterprise cvn65,I
lost contact of him,any information? thank you so much.
JOC George Cates geocates@alltel.net
Here is a link for JOC George Cates NAVetsUSA page. The link
is to a video of his work on the four USS Sampson ships. The video also
honors Admiral Samspon. There, he has created a video of the story boards
he has burned into wood planks. As you know, I am working as a volunteer
at Sampson WWII Museum so want to brag on George's work. He came to visit
me at Sampson and as I requested created this fine work to donate to the
Museum. Go to http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gcates.html
Then click on USS Sampson Story Board Video
Thanks ~ed reese
Hello sir:
I have no idea where to start or go I hope you have
some answers for me
My step father was adopted at birth in 1945 his father
was supposed to be in the Navy and died when a
submarine sank in the Pacific. We are unsure of the
last name it was either Locke or Smith This would
have had them in San Diego port in May/June 1944 to
get dates to match. The mother died at child birth.
the certificate was signed by the
grandmother(supposedly) and it read Mary Smith with
Locke over it (No idea if it was maternal or paternal)
Can you give me any idea of what sub might have sank
and who was on it during that time period.
The nurse at the hospital knew both but is now dead
His adoptive parents were in their late 40s when they
Any info would greatly appreciated Thank you in
advance. Kris St John snoopy67_us@yahoo.com
My father is now Charles Herbert Luby born
21 Feb 1945 his adoptive father was Montford (Monte)
Brisco Luby and he worked on the base/shipyard.(San Diego)
I sent a request for information on a Navy vet on 5/9/07 and have not
received any response. I found the vet's dog tag in a cornfield while surveying
the lot in Grand Island, NE. The information on his dog tag reads:
Ronald G. Linner, #B60 91 06, USN A, Christian
I have tried to find him locally with no results. I'm sure that he
or his family would love to have it back. From the look of the tag, it
would appear to be one from WW II or Korea (i.e. 1 1/8" wide by 2" long
and has an 'obround' shape). I'm not sure if the tags looked like this
back in Vietnam. Please respond as soon as you can. Thank you!
Scott J. Sanders scott.sanders@chiefind.com
Custom (Correctional) Products
Chief Industries, Inc.
Grand Island, NE
Hi Scott,
We used your first request as an addition to our newsletter, but no
response. I will insure your note below runs in our next newsletter as
For your info the "B" in #B60 91 06 was not
added to service numbers until 1973 ( the military ran out of numbers)
so he would be too young for WWII
I would guess a date of birth of 1955 or so.
Thank you Master Chief Reese! I have been working on finding him for
over 10 years (periodically). It has been a sort of project for me,
because my Dad is retired Army. Thanks again.
Scott J. Sanders
The USS COONTZ (DLG-9) was awarded the following
20DEC62 AFEM with VN endorsement
(Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, with ship serving in designated
The next entry is for 03SEP64
If you have his full name, rank and service number, I will see what
I can find the next
time I go to the National Archives.
I think I am working off a 'revised list' so his DD214 may show something
(but apparently doesn't)
George R. O'Connell groconnell@lst1157.com
Reason I'm contacting you is I have two web sites, one for my ship
and shipmates at WWW.USSGambierBay-VC10.com It shows our meeting
with President Reagan in the Oval Office in 1981 and describes our meeting
with President Ferdinand Markos, who loaned us his yacht, in 1977, to go
to the spot where our ship lies at the bottom, off the island of Samar,
to conduct religious memorial services and military tributes. See the pilgrimage
to hold memorial services and military tributes, in 39 pages of text and
photos http://www.ussgambierbay-vc10.com/PDF/PhilippinesReturn.pdf
We didn't have time to say even a simple prayer in our haste to abandon
ship and get away from the 3 cruisers that were shelling us. We were out
of range of the four Japanese battleships. I vowed to some day return and
with 96 other shipmates and family we did.
The other web site OurOldNavy.com Honors the KIA's of WWII from
most of the major ships and craft. By listing their names and in many instances
has photos. I've been working with many web masters for years, and we cross
link sites of interest (Navy). You may wish to list the web sites names
in a conspicuous location for your visitors who may have lost family in
combat aboard Navy ships. By viewing the site, they will know their loved
one who never returned home, is remembered.
The WWW.OurOldNavy.com site also list the names and has photos of all
those killed by terrorists on 9/11.
My WWW.USSGambierBay-VC10.com site also lists the
names and photos of those killed in Iraq, up to a month ago.
Old Sailors never die, they just can't get away from the computer.
Tony Potochniak USNR 1943 - 1946 AMM 2/C 1100 Holly Lane, Endicott,
NY 13760 DonsWasp@aol.com
Navy Veterans of the
United States of America
Online Newsletter
The Shipmate
26 May 2007
Editor, YNCS Don Harribine, USN (Ret)
Founder & CDR, NCCS Edward C. Reese, USN(Ret)
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating 10 years of service on the internet!
Join or renew your membership now at

Plank Owner Certificate
isssued to all hands upon joining
Any shipmates that did their boot training
at Sampson NTC between 1942 and 1946 please contact me navapps@earthlink.netÂ
Ed Reese. I am now working with their staff at the museum and would
like to add your story to their archives. Remember any liberty, maybe at
KT's Bar?~ed
Point me in the right direction.
This medal (not pictured) was among my mother's
possessions, who also kept her mother-in-law's trunk of family papers &
memorabilia. Two facts we know:Â
1. Joseph L. Hall - Spanish
American War
2. Thomas Bradbury Hall - WWII,
Navy (Pacific front)
Was this standard Navy issue for participation
in War?
We know nothing. My brother's
have all of T.B. Hall's other medals. I'm assuming this is
his also from WWII since he was in the Navy. The reverse says
Fidelity, Zeal, Obedience.
Any help you may share would be greatly appreciated
or direction to a site dealing with such. Thanks for your
Linda Hall Wilburn
Hi Linda,
I have your answer. The medal is the standard
"Good Conduct Medal". I have five myself. Issued after four years of honorable
service. Or in my case never getting caught being bad.
Find a list of NAVets Life members at
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA
new members:
Gerald "Jerry" Drumm ETCM(SS)/LT USN Ret. Life
Bremerton Wa.Â
MO   (No email yet)Â
David MacConnell, DSCS,USN, Suisun City, CAÂ
Donald W Walker, MM3Â --- I served aboard
the USS Hector AR7 for apprx 6 months and my remaining duty was served
aboard the USS Delta AR9.Both ships of the 7th fleet. I went to college
and obtained my BA. I worked for the California Youth Authority as a counselor
and then worked in the insurance industry as a special claims representative/
Emergency Vendor coordinator. I have four grown boys. from 3 marriages
(I never did get it right). I live in the Mojave Desert, in CA at the 4,000
elevation level. I live in Oak Hills, which is an unincorporated section
of Hesperia. My location is off the 15 fwy where the 395 Hwy takes off
from the 15 fwy . . . right after Cajon summit. I am presently retired,
single and I just purchased an "A" type motorhome. I plan to buy lakefront
property in MO, AR, LA, or TX for a homebase. I plan on frequent cruises
and traveling abroad as well as motorhoming. I would be pleased to hear
from any and all of my former shipmates.
The following members have re-enlisted forÂ
by renewing their dues with NAVetsUSA.
Walter M. "Pete" Reckinger, III
Dearborn, Michigan http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wreckinger.html
David C DeWitt, EW1, USN, Ret Springfield,
MO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ddewitt.html
You too can renew for 2007 by US Mail (see
below) or on line at
Not sure if you paid your 2007 dues, ask here
 If your dues are due, or you wish
to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires
December 2008)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires
December 2009)Â
or . . .Â
Life membership . . . join our many life members
Your Age    Â
  One time feeÂ
up to 30Â Â Â Â Â
31 to 40Â Â Â Â Â
41 to 50Â Â Â Â Â
51 to 60Â Â Â Â Â
61 to 70Â Â Â Â Â
71 to 80Â Â Â Â Â
over 80Â Â Â Â Â
   $ 60Â
US Mail your check made out to:Â
Winter Headquarters, NAS, KWÂ
Post Office Box 2903Â
Key West, FLÂ Â 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html on line
Honoring your past . . . '
Reminding your children
Celebrating 10 Y:ears of service on the internet!
Join or renew your membership
now at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Hi all, Below find my new address starting
in May 2007 through 1 Oct 2007.  For NAVetsUSA business the
Key West address will still work. Keep in touch~edFounder NAVetsUSAÂ
   Edward C. Reese, US Navy, RetiredSampson State
ParkWWII US Navy Training Center Museum6096 Route 96ARomulus, NY 14541585
766-5013Winter Headquarters Naval Air Station PO Box 2903, Key West, Fl
Ed Reese, founder of the Navy Club of Lake
Ontario (Â Â http://www.navetsusa.com/1812.htmlÂ
)  in Brockport and of the online veteran’s
organization, Navy Veterans of the USA (http://www.navetsusa.com/),Â
winters in his RV at Naval Air Station Key West Florida.Â
In past years Ed has come home to Brockport to spend his summers.Â
However, this year he will not return here. Ed has secured
a position as the Assistant to the Director of the US Navy Museum at Sampson.Â
Sampson, located on Seneca Lake, formerly a navy boot camp, saw
some 600,000 men and women pass through its gates.  Sampson,
formerly run by WWII vets, is being turned over to the NY State
Park Authority.  Ed will assist in this enormous job. If
you wish to give Ed your congratulations, you may do so by logging on to
navetsusa.com and email him. Our best wishes go out to Master
Chief Ed Reese and we know that Sampson couldn't have picked a better man
for the job! Learn more about WWII US Naval Training Museum and Sampson
State Park at http://www.rpadden.com/sampson.htm
Howdy Friends,
Many have thought that it was Ol' George's
computer that had the crud, as when I gave Marilyn's e-mail address mgcates@alltel.net
for an address to send mail to --- they thought it wasn't I who had the
crud. A bad use of words I know, but then that's me!!!
So here I am this evening thanking you for
your concern, e-mailing her, etc., but you see she too came down with the
same crud as I had and we both thought that our end on this planet had
come. Instead, many prayed for us to get well and we do know that
those prayers has seen us though that we dearly thank you for.
When I booted up the computer this evening
--- I noted that many didn't heed my request for not sending any more e-mails
until further notice, so no I've a mail box full, but most I'll just delete
without responding. Oh, no, not yours, the 90% which were all Spam.
There is just no way to end Spam e-mail --- I don't care what program you
have, period....as Spam has a way of getting through.
I've one dear retired Navy friend, YNCS Don
Harrabine, USN who lives in Peabody, Massachusetts that has me on his mailing
list for so much information pertaining us retired military, veterans,
etc. He's one dedicated individual who devotes many, many long hours
of gathering this vital information and even when I was down, he included
my wife Marilyn to received his e-mails, which she read to me. And
Don, I thank you so much for that caring bit of being sure I kept informed.
Chief Harrabine is also Editor of NAVetsUSA which I am a member and perhaps
you can be also. There website is: www.navetsusa.com open to all Navy,
Marines &Coast Guard personnel.
Well, I'm feeling much, much better now and
just appreciate the many friends Marilyn and I have in this big country
of ours --- even a few outside of the U.S.
God Bless and again thanks,
Thank you George and much obliged for the kind
Happy to hear that you and the Mrs. are feeling
All the best,
Don H
Attention Recreation Vehicle Owners..........
You can trust a Shipmate........If you are
an RVer on the road in Jacksonville, Florida area contact Senior Chief
Russell "READY" Tucker, USN, Ret. for all your RV Needs. He can do it all.........
repair of LP Gas Appliances, Plumbing, Electrical, Generators, Air Conditioning,
awnings and much more!
"RV Ready" Mobile RV Service (904) 716-5710
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA new members
Charles J. Pennington, AG1, USN, Ret. LIFE
Member NAVetsUSA
Cumberland, MD http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cpennington.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members at.......
Ronald W Sculley, AB3, NAVet
Erie, Pa http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rsculley.html
Jack A. Brazeau, BUC, USN, RET.
Marinette, WI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbrazeau.html
The following members have re-enlisted by
renewing their dues with NAVetsUSA.
More to come next issue. You too can renew
for 2007 by US Mail (see below) or on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Not sure your dues are due? Ask at navapps@earthlink.net
Harry (Bill) Moak, EM2(SS), USN 1966-70
Carson, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hmoak.html
Edward T. Woolweaver, ISCM, USN, Ret. 1958-1981
Sarasota, Fl www.navetsusa.com/members/ewoolweaver.html
Michael R Hudson, AME2, USN 1965-1969
Tucson, AZ www.navetsusa.com/members/mhudson.html
Not sure if you paid your 2007 dues, ask here
If your dues are due, or you wish to
join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US mail, or online
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members
Your Age
One time fee
up to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50
51 to 60
61 to 70
71 to 80
over 80
$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, FL 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html on line
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating 10 Y:ears of service on the internet!
Join or renew your membership
now at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Hi all,
Below find my new address starting in May 2007
through 1 Oct 2007. For NAVetsUSA business the Key West address will
still work.
Keep in touch
Founder NAVetsUSA
Edward C. Reese, US Navy, Retired
Sampson State Park
WWII US Navy Training Center Museum
6096 Route 96A
Romulus, NY 14541
585 766-5013
Winter Headquarters Naval Air Station PO Box
2903, Key West, Fl 33045
Ed Reese, founder of the Navy Club of Lake
Ontario ( http://www.navetsusa.com/1812.html )
in Brockport and of the online veteran’s organization, Navy Veterans of
the USA (http://www.navetsusa.com/), winters in Naval Air Station Key West
Florida. In past years Ed has come home to Brockport to spend his
summers. However, this year he will not return here. Ed has
secured a position as the Assistant to the Director of the US Navy Museum
at Sampson. Sampson, located on Seneca Lake, formerly a navy boot
camp, saw some 600,000 men and women pass through its gates. Sampson,
formerly run by WWII vets, is being turned over to the NY State Park Authority.
Ed will assist in this enormous job. If you wish to give Ed your congratulations,
you may do so by logging on to navetsusa.com and email him. Our best
wishes go out to Master Chief Ed Reese and we know that Sampson couldn't
have picked a better man for the job! Learn more about WWII US Naval Training
Museum and Sampson State Park at http://www.rpadden.com/sampson.htm
NAVetsUSA NAS KW, PO Box 2903, Key West, Florida
Attention Recreation Vehicle Owners..........
You can trust a Shipmate........If you are
an RVer on the road in Jacksonville, Florida area contact Senior Chief
Russell "READY" Tucker, USN, Ret. for all your RV needs. He can do it all.........
repair of LP Gas Appliances, Plumbing, Electrical, Generators, Air Conditioning,
awnings and much more!"RV Ready" Mobile RV Service (904) 716-5710
Have you been scammed?
USDR Alert Subscribers --
I am passing this along at the request of
the researcher. I have discussed the background and some of the issues
with him.
If you have inputs, please communicate them
directly to Gideon Sinasohn (email: gsinasohn@ftc.gov)
Charlie Revie
USDR Legislative Director
& Capwiz Administrator
I am researching scams that target the
military community, including the retired military community. I would be
especially interested in hearing about any experiences people have had
with Business Opportunity scams.
I would also like this message to get out to
the audience of retired military personnel at large. If someone knows of
a website that would help to effectively pass this message on, please let
me know.
Gideon E. Sinasohn
voice: 404-656-1366
facsimile: 404-656-1379
email: gsinasohn@ftc.gov
16 March 2007
Join Now http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Celebrating 10 years
of service on the internet!
Join or renew your membership now at
Honoring your past . . . Reminding
your children
Celebrating 10 years of service
on the internet!
Join or renew your membership
now at
Attention Recreation Vehicle Owners...........................
You can trust a Shipmate!
If you are an RVer on the road
in Jacksonville, Florida area contact Senior Chief Russell "READY" Tucker,
USN, Ret.
for all your RV needs. He can
do it all......... repair of LP Gas Appliances, Plumbing, Electrical, Generators,
Air Conditioning, awnings and
much more!
"RV Ready" Mobile RV Service (904)
I am looking for information
of the commissioning of the new USS New York. I understand it will
be later this year. My husband, John J. Fortier served on the Battleship
New York prior to Pearl Harbor andd stayed with it until after the Japanese
surrender. I don't imagine there are too many men around who can
claim that fame! I was hoping that the Navy might see fit to invite him
to the commissioning. I f you can give me an idea of who to contact,
I would greatly apprecite it. Virginia Fortier, 3 DoveSt. Wolfeboro,
NH 03894-ginjack51@aol.com. We are in Florida but will be back in
NH the middle of April. Thanks
Senior chief, hope all has been
well, with you, and our shipmates. I need some technical knowledge from
a submariner. where were the "s.c. tubes" on the u.s.s. s-4? i can be reached
at bamacoinguy@yahoo.com will get those dues paid sometime this century.
been eating "wild hog", "venison", and turnips. no need to pop the lid
on a can of spam.
I am looking for information
about my grandfather, John W. Hutchinson. He last served in Crane, IN and
passed away on 2/14/45 while serving in Crane, IN. His daughter (my mother)
just passed away on 2/27/07 and we would like to learn more about our grandfather.
Mike Silvers masilvers@comcast.net
Dear Sir:
I am attempting to locate a phone
number to call the US Navy Veterans Association for information concerning
a US Navy veteran. All attempts to use the internet have thus far been
Can someone give me the correct
information about such an organization, if one exists, and a way to contact
Thank you for your attention
and cooperation.
I was in the U.S.Navy in 1/24/1946
to 11/21/1947 . I took training at Camp Perry Va. I came out as a Seaman
I was on the uss Beleroph Oct 1947. WWll. Nice page you have set up. I
am lookint for any of the men who where on these Ships.
JACK DOYLE tn_nanny@hotmail.com
I served ........
NTC, Great Lakes, Il Boot Camp
7-1975 to 9-1975
NTC, SSC San Diego, Ca RM "A"
School 10-75 to 4-1976,
USNS Pawcatuck (TAO-108) 5-1976
to 5-1977
USS Direct (MSO-430)7-1977 to
ComFleAct Sasebo, Japan 9-1979
to 9-1982
USS Fife (DD-991) 10-1982 to
NTC, SSC, RM C7 School
Naval Air Sta, Corpus Christi,
TX 7-1986 to 7-1989
Uss Seattle (AOE-3) 7-1989 to
2 1993
Darrel W. Biechler, RM1, USN
New Philadelphia
Welcome Aboard NavetsUSA
new members ....
Carroll Lagerberg, Airman Derry,
New Hampshire http://www.navetsusa.com/members/clagerberg.html
Stephen J. Cook Kansas City
Donna McCoy for Bernard C. Speak,
EM USN 1944-1947
Tualatin, Oregon http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bspeak.html
Bill Miller, BRCM, USN, Ret.
Dover, Pa.
Stephen L Sweeney, AWCM, USN,
Ret, Life Member NAVetsUSA
Chino Valley, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ssweeney.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members
at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Ray Karpinski, RMCM, USN, Ret
Wimauma, Florida
The following members have re-enlisted
by renewing their dues with NAVetsUSA.
More to come next issue. You
too can renew for 2007 by US Mail (see below) or on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Not sure your dues are due? Ask
at navapps@earthlink.net
Wilbur L Eichler, HM3, USN 1966-1970
Lehigh Acres, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/weichler.html
E. S. Van Gorder, BM3, USN 1963-1969
Collegeville, Penna. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/evangorder.html
John C. Wolfe, ETC(SW), USN,
Corinth, Texas, http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jwolfe.html
Larry E Griffith, CYN3, USN
Glendale, AZ 85302 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lgriffith.html
Larry E Griffith, CYN3, USN
Glendale, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lgriffith.html
Henry G O Connell, BM3 1958-1962
Jesup, GA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hoconnell.html
David L Word, BT3, USNR 1957-1963
Lakeland, Fla http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dword.html
Ed Dukeshar, RM3, US Navy
Dover, Delaware http://www.navetsusa.com/members/edukeshar.html
John W Hans, EMCS, USN Ret. Life
Member NAVetsUSA
Highlands, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jhans.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members
at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
E.O. Whitmire
Atlanta, Ga http://home.earthlink.net/~navetsusa/members/ewhitmire.html
1963-1967 Virginia Beach, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rjankovsky.html
Not sure if you paid your 2007
dues, ask here
If your dues are due, or
you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now by US mail, or on line
by credit card or check
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires
December 2007)
Two Years . . . $35.00
(expires December 2008)
Three Years ... $50.00
(expires December 2009)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our
many life members at
Your Age
One time fee
up to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50
51 to 60
61 to 70
71 to 80
over 80
$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, Florida 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
on line at
Honoring your past . . . Reminding
your children
Celebrating 10 y:ears of service
on the internet!
Join or renew your membership
now at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Dear Ed
Here is a check for $60.00 to
help any shipmate that may need help in paying his dues. Anytime someone
need's help
please let me know and I will
help them out. Thank you for your newsletter that you send out on the Emaii.
Looking forward to your next letter.
Happy New Year to you. David Word
David Word
Ahoy David,
Thank you much! We have shipmates
that are in need of financial help in paying their dues. We will apply
$60.00 towards that end. I will
publish your note in our newsletter for those shipmates that may need membership
fee help.
Thanks again!
I'm not sure if you can help me,
but I need to find out who the admiral of
Creek was in 1990. My husband is in Kuwait and has to
find out in order to advance
b/c he only has a copy of an award which would give him the 1 point he
needs for advancement.
They won't give it to him until
he finds out that admiral's name and confirms he authorized the award.
Go figure - I'm
just trying to help him while
he's deployed. Thank you in adavance for your help.
Sarah A. Carmichael
Deputy Clerk
(804) 916-2734
Trying to find a shipmate
My name is Dino Patelis SMC(SW)
Navy retired in 1993 David Trezichek (misspelled last name)
he was a YNC then x-fered to
Newport R.I. working for Naval
Reserve Command up there.
served with him on the
USS Oliver Hazard`Perry (FFG-7) from
Octn1987 through Sept. 1991.
Can you help me?? My numberb is 404-784-8604. Thank you.
Late note..... found him yesterday,
through a site called shipmate.com. Found the right spelling of his
from the ship's roster.
Ran a google search and tracked him to a library in Middleboro MA where
he is a board member.
Can you believe that? Sorry
for being long. Thanks again. We have some catching up to do.
Dean Patelis
With the New Year on top of us I want to thank you for the information
you pass out during the year.
I wish you and you families a Happy and most important, a Healthy
New Year.
Marty Strauss RM3c Korea 51-54
USS Defense AM-317
USS Carmick DMS-33
Master Chief, on december 17, 1927, the submarine u.s.s. s-4 was
rammed, and sunk, off the coast of massachusetts. the crew was recovered
for burial. i have been researching the tragedy, and gathering information
for a biography on each sailor who died. part of my job is to find the
gravesite of each sailor. one of the sailors i need to find is buried in
your neck of the woods. s/2c. Dean Michael Galvin.
his body was sent to his brother Joseph Galvin who resided at 485
West 135th Street in NYC. can you help locate the cemetery for me? I hope
to have everyone located in time for a "muster" on the 80th anniversary
of the sinking. I think it would be a grand thing for Navy veterans to
honor them on the 80th anniversary. The stories available are incomplete,
inconsistent, and do not reflect the hard death the crew had to experience.
34 men died in less than 24 hours. 6 men trapped in the forward torpedo
room lived 6 days.
meatball bamacoinguy@yahoo.com
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Referred By: E-Mail
Location: Meridian, Mississippi
Comments: Trying to locate John Chinn. He served on the Tallahatchie
County in 55 & 56
Last known to be a CS3 in San Diego
Welcome Aboard NavetsUSA new members .................
Roy M. Gill Jr., RM2, USN
San Antonio, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rgill.html
Robert R. Pilkington, HT2, US Navy
Pahrump, Nevada http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rpilkington.html
James E. Soliday, CDR, MSC, USN, Ret Punxsutawney, PA
George L. Watling, ENCM, USNR, Ret.
Sun City, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/gwatling.html
Jimmy Reece, GMGC, USN, Ret. Life Member NAVetsUSA
Meridian, MS http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jreece.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members at http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
The following members have re-enlisted by renewing their dues with
More to come next issue. You too can renew for 2007 by US Mail (see
below) or on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Not sure your dues are due? Ask at navapps@earthlink.net
Robert Grell, HMC/E-7-1983-present
Staten Island, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rgrell.html
RM1 William H. Wood, SR., USN, ret St Marys, GA
Joseph R Koselny, EM2
Bradenton, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jkoselny.html
Dearfield Beach, Fl http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lpinkston.html
Russell Young, EN3, US Navy Veteran
Katy, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ryoung.html
Not sure if you paid your 2007 dues, ask here
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now
by US mail, or on line
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2007)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2008)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2009)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30 $245
31 to 40 $225
41 to 50 $200
51 to 60 $175
61 to 70 $140
71 to 80 $105
over 80 $ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, Florida 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html on line at
Royal DeAsis AX2, USN 1964-69
Evans, GA. 30809
Served from 11/1964 to 02/69. Originally from Alaska. San Diego
RTC (64-65) then approx. 7 months at NAS Memphis (Millington) for aviation
electronics training. Shore duty at Ream Field NAS Imperial Beach (Imperial
Beach, CA) attached to HS-10 and HC-1. Had to "extend" 4 months for 2nd
Class. If our paths crossed and you even think you may remember me - would
like to hear from you. Over the years I've only had contact with two other
shipmates (Hawaii & Florida-by-way-of New York)
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Happy New Year NAVetsUSA
Celebrating 10 y:ears
of service on the internet!
Join or renew your membership
now at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
NAVetsUSA NAS KW, PO Box 2903, Key West, Florida 33045
I am writing to you because I have sad news regarding
a Sailor who proudly served on the USS Oriskany. My uncle, (Willard) "Lee"
Wadsworth, age 60, died suddenly yesterday. Always the daredevil, he crashed
his motorcycle and sustained lethal injuries.
I am unfortunately uncertain of his exact dates of service,
but I do know that he was aboard ship during the fire of 10-26-66. He was
in the engine room when the fire started. If you were a shipmate and would
like further information, contact Solipsy@insight.rr.com Cathy Collins
My name is Theresa Rose and I would greatly appreciate
any assistance I can obtain, in an effort to locate a member whom was a
seamen 1st class. Mr. Linsey, Lindsey, Linsy (unsure of spelling)
under the orders of BMC, Phillip R. Rose, based out of Belfronge, France.
I would like to request a roster which would also be very helpful, pertaining
to the CLG-7 Springfield based in Belfronge, France in the year 1963 -
Thanking you in advance, Theresa Lynn Rose
Sorry about not sending the dues in. As usual, I have
been spending all my spare cash on getting the honorable discharge certificates
of our deceased shipmates off the internet sales, estate sales, etc.
I have 3 cases that i am researching that i hope someone
in the world would know something about.
1. cwo, joseph patrick taga, usn, retired, deceased.
service number 239 18 01, first enlisted on 8 September 1918. died in 1966,
and is buried in arlington.
2. pn2, bessie lee stevenson, usn, (wave), serial number
353 21 72 w. honorably discharged on 2 october 1961, at usntc, san diego,
3. sa, charles t. barrett, usn, deceased. service number
b44 55 31. killed in a vehicle accident in hanford, ca., on 6 June 1971.
4. f1c, russel morie, usn. service number 380 33 51.
enlisted 22 november 1923. honorably discharged on 29 november 1927. served
aboard u.s.s. henderson.
if any one knows any thing about these sailors i would
deeply appreciate contact.
warren shanks mceachern
Welcome Aboard NavetsUSA new members ....
WARREN OHIO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/whovan.html
Eddie T. Carroll GMM2 USN
Plainview, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ecarroll.html
Donna McCoy for Bernard C. Speak, EM USN 1944-1947
Tualatin, Oregon http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bspeak.html
Bobby Joe Lyons, SKC, USN, Ret.
Life Member
North Tazewell, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/blyons.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members at http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Ray Karpinski, RMCM, USN, Ret
Wimauma, Florida http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rkarpinski.html
The following members have re-enlisted by renewing their
dues with NAVetsUSA
More to come next issue. You too can renew for 2007 by
US Mail
(see below) or on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Not sure your dues are due? Ask at navapps@earthlink.net
Thomas R. Elliott, EM2, USN
Sandy Lake, PA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/telliott.html
Harry (Bill) Moak, EM2(SS), USN 1966-70
Carson, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hmoak.html
Richard N. Hathaway, CDR, USN, Ret.
Appleton, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rhathaway.html
Robert A Carlisle, PHCS, USN, Ret
Winter Haven, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rcarlisle.html
Hollis R Tozier, YN2
Ipswich, Ma http://www.navetsusa.com/members/htozier.html59-1962
Michael Meccia
Silver Spring, MD http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mmeccia.html
Thomas C. Ford, ABF-2 1960-1964
St. Louis, Missouri http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tford.html
Eugene Gorman, TM3, USN 1963-1966
Los Lunas, NM http://www.navetsusa.com/members/egorman.html
Bart Bartholomew, RDC, USN, Ret.
Gerry, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/bbartholomew.html
Jerald Stephen Dimas, YN3, USN
STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jdimas.html
Alex C. Pfaeffle, AD1, USN, Ret
San Bruno, Calif http://www.navetsusa.com/members/apfaeffle.html
Dominick A Viti, EN2 USN 1945-1949
MOHAWK, NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dviti.html
Mike Comar
Bennington, VT http://www.navetsusa.com/members/mcomar.html
John Wilson Brinkley, AD1 USN, Retired
Mena, AR http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbrinkley.html
(Email has changed...NAVetsUSA has no record of new email)
Eugene Conway, AC/3, NAVet
Huntington NY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/econway.html
Paul E Gabel, AD2, USN
Holly Lake Ranch, Texas http://www.navetsusa.com/members/pgabel.html
James T. Rador, AQB3, USN 1962-1966
West Des Moines, Iowa http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jrador.html
Not sure if you paid your 2007 dues, ask here
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or on line
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2007)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2008)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2009)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One
time fee
up to 30 $245
31 to 40 $225
41 to 50 $200
51 to 60 $175
61 to 70 $140
71 to 80 $105
over 80
$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, Florida 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html on line at
Dear Ed, Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will
be unable to re-new my 2007 membership because what with myself being retired,
my wife has recently retired also. Who knew when you retired one is supposed
to be happy and carefree. If there is any way that there is an opening
for a Navy disabled American Vietnam Veteran to possably get a "pass" on
the membership fee, Please let me know. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wbennett.html
Wallace D. Bennett, Jr.
Once a shipmate, always a shipmate! A shipmate may be
looking for you, so we will leave your page on line, if that is OK with
you. I am sure Don Harribine will keep you on his email list. If, in the
future, your financial situation improves let us know.
~ed reese NAVetsUSA
John Hopper <jhop@mac.com>
Senior Chief Reese,
Found your site by googling on "Navy Veterans". I'm planning
to get into it more; it's looking like you have a lot of info, but
not one
of my ship's sites... I'll look into that later...
Anyway, my reason for writing is also because I received
a solicitation request from an organization calling itself "Navy Veterans
Assoc". They are asking for donations to send CARE packages to Iraq, and
have a website that is supposed to describe their organization.
But there is too much "proof" of their site being representative
of a valid organization, and I'm suspicious. Not one mention of this
"sending CARE packages", at least I didn't see one. I
thought I would check some independent sites, and I see that you don't
list the organization...(but, of course, since I'm 71,
I suppose my glasses might be a little dull and I could have missed them)
Would appreciate a short response whether you feel
they are a valid organization, or just a rip-off. John Hopper, USN
Shipmate Hopper,
I do not have any knowledge of Navy Veterans Assoc. but
that doesn't mean that they are not legitimate.
You may look at http://charityreports.give.org/Public/Report.aspx?CharityID=1708
and decide what you think.
Take care
and Fair Winds and Following Seas!
~ed reese
My Dad, Joseph E. Comeau Sr. served on the USS Solomons
CVE 67.
I would like very much to talk to any crewman or family
member of a crewman from the USS Solomons CVE 67! My e-mail address is
I am currently trying to put together a reunion for the
USS Solomons CVE 67. I am currently in contact with 68 of the crewmen,
or their surviving family members. I would love to add you to my list!
I wrote a Book about the USS Solomons CVE 67.
Here is the link to my web page for the Book:
Below are two reviews that the Book has received.
Joseph Comeau's book on the history of this can-do carrier
and her World War II crew reads like a veteran's scrapbook, which it is
in a way. There's no narrative in the traditional sense; the book consists
of first-hand accounts, rare personal snapshots, and reproductions of contemporary
documents, such as a "Welcome Aboard" pamphlet produced for new arrivals
aboard the SOLOMONS. Comeau's father, Joseph E. Comeau, Sr., served aboard
the SOLOMONS, and the book is a tribute to Comeau Sr. and his shipmates.
The book is a wealth of obscure photos and the small details of life aboard
a "jeep" carrier during the Atlantic War.<br>
- Doug Buchanan, Editor of Anchor Watch, The Official
Journal of the <a href="/file:\\C:\DOCUME~1\EDWARD~1\LOCALS~1\TEMP/file:\\C:\DOCUME~1\EDWARD~1\LOCALS~1\TEMP/file:\\C:\DOCUME~1\EDWARD~1\LOCALS~1\TEMP/file:\\C:\DOCUME~1\EDWARD~1\LOCALS~1\TEMP/file:\\C:\Documents
and Settings\Edward Reese\Local Settings\Temp\D3058AE4-38C9-42BC-84F0-5756C840639F/file:\\C:\Documents
and Settings\Edward Reese\Local Settings\Temp/http://www.hnsa.org">Historic
Naval Ships Association,</a> July 2005
This is a big book -large format, over 540 pages and 810
photographs -but regardless of its size this book is clearly a labor of
For years Joseph Comeau would ask his father -Joseph Comeau
Sr. -about his days in the Navy. His father would simply reply that he
was on an Escort Carrier and that they were in the Atlantic. He sometimes
added that he was also rather sad that there had never been a reunion for
his fellow shipmates that served with him on the USS Solomons (CVE-67).
In February 2002, Joseph Jr. got an idea. Using the far
reach of the Internet, he began tracking down former Solomons crewmembers,
quickly finding 35 men in just a few short months. Each time he found one
he would ask that individual to write down memories of the ship and to
send a copy of any photos he may have. Joseph Jr. stashed these materials
away in a folder, which soon grew to over 235 pages. This he presented
to his dad on Father's Day of that year. It was the reunion that his father
never had.
Sadly, Joseph Comeau Sr. answered the final Call to Muster
on 26 June 2003.
This book, based on the original folder as well as further
research, is a great piece of history. It is not necessarily a start to
finish history of the USS Solomons, although there is a considerable amount
of information on the ship, but rather individual stories of people with
a common experience centered around the vessel in which they served, during
a war that all fought.. This is a chronicle of the past in the most personal
There is a ton of history here and we highly recommend
picking up a copy of this book. We would like to thank Joseph Jr. for undertaking
this project -a gift from a son to his dad.
Joseph E. Comeau Jr.
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your children
Happy New Year NAVetsUSA
Celebrating 10 y:ears
of service on the internet!
Join or renew your membership
now at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
Happy Thanksgiving, 23 November
Something cool that Xerox is doing - If you go to this
website, www.letssaythanks.com you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox
will print it, and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently
Serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go
to some member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if
we could get everyone we know to send one!!! This is a great
site. Please send a card. It is FREE and it only takes a second.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers, sailors, airman and marines received
a bunch of these? Submitted by Glenn Aures,SubVet, Brockport, NY
Dear sir, My name is Carl Putkowski, jr.
My grandfather was S1c John Ralosky he served on LCI { M } 760 on
Iwo Jima . I have been doing alot of research on him as well as his
ships . What i am lacking is photos of LCI { M } 760 . do you know where
i just might be able to find any either from Iwo Jima or other spots ?Dozer
and Stephanie utkowski dozers_world@yahoo.com
Sir, NAVetsUSA was recommended to me by Doc Ken
I am the Immediate Past National Commander of NAMC (Nat'l
Assoc. of Medics and
Corpsmen. While I am retired ARMY, I'd still like to
support you as a member.
Temple, TX Ronald A. Sharp, SSG, USA Ret docron@hot.rr.com
( Sure can and welcome aboard at http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA new members
Jeffrey J Howland, ABH2, USN 1973-1977
Peabody, MA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jhowland.html
Don Johnson, LT, USN (Ret) Life Member, NAVetsUSA
Independence, OR http://www.navetsusa.com/members/djohnson.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members at http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Alan Meyers, HM2, US Navy
Oceanside, NY A shipmate member (prior Corpsman) paid
his dues for 2007.
Note from ~ed reese, founder: We asked for a vote of the
body to allow this shipmate free NAVetsUSA membership. The vote was
100% yes with many offering to pay his dues. He is now a member thanks
to a shipmate and follow corpsman.
Some comments follow (Not all listed due to space limitations)
Shipmates: I belive this shipmate deserves to be a member
of our great Navy organization. I spent two and a half years aboard a Destroyer
escort in the south Pacific during WW2. Our ship participated in several
invasions during our conflict. At Iwo Jima I lost my hearing for several
weeks due to screening our Battlewagons who were shelling the island .
I now have a hearing aid and other ailments due to serving aboard this
small fighting ship. I sympathize with him and he deserves the best from
all our shipmates. If necessary Ill pay for his membership.
Shipmate: Charlie Touzell Mam3rd USNR USS Dennis DE405
Hell, yes. Grant him an honorary membership.
If that doesn't work for you, send me his dues bill and
I will pay it!
Winchell M. Craig, Jr.,
Colonel (Retired),
U.S. Marine Corps
As far as I am concerned, if YOU deem a person worthy
of a membership
I am for it. I wholeheartedly endorse "DOC" MYERS, as
a member, NOT an honorary member,
but a FULL FLEDGED member.
George R. O'Connell
RM2 USN 1956-64
NaVetsUSA Life Member
Ed and Don;
I will gladly pay for a Life Membership for Shipmate
Corpsman Meyers.
Shipmate CAPT Charles V. Wilhoit, Jr., USN (Ret)
BZ and Welcome Aboard to Petty Officer Meyers.
Thank you for your dedicated service to our beloved Country.
Dick Rogers
San Diego, CA..
My vote is yes. If he in any way helped protect this
country, I vote yes to a free membership. Not all of us are as fortunate
to be well off or shall I say getting by in life. As a matter of fact most
of us live from day to day not knowing if food is going to be on the table
tomorrow of if the roof over our heads will be taken away because we don't
have the payment. Believe me, life can change in the blink of an eye.
Charlotte C Davila
ED, I will pay for 1 year for the HM3 that can't afford
to....OK..tell me
how to send the money. Also I hope someone else will
step up and pay for
a year for our shipmate,we have all had some hard times.J.R.Davis/subvet
I'm not a member yet, so I will volunteer to pay part
of his life membership.
Herb Praskey, RM2 1954-60. thetinkerman@juno.com
Eye,Eye,Ed, Al paid his dues,please wave the membership
fee for him.He could certainly use the information you post.........We
need to continue to be Shipmates.......It's the Navy way.......
YES James R. Santos Life Member NAVetsUSA
Hi Ed
Thank you for your Email,I am glad that someone paid
his dues. I think we can all as good shipmate always' help someone out
when they need it .Can you set up a support group to help other shipmate's
when they need help? I will start it out with a check for $100.00 if you
will let me know where to send it and who to make it too. I know that other
shipmate's out there that will help also.I would love to see that all veteran's
get the information that we get from you ,each time you send a new's letter
out . I enjoy your Email each time I get it.Keep the good work.Thank You.
David Word
Lakeland Fla
I paid his dues.
Tell him I'm on disability too. Bad joints, spine,
heart, diabetic. I can sympathize. signed HM3
The following members have re-enlisted by renewing their
dues with NAVetsUSA ............
More to come next issue. You too can renew for 2007 by
US Mail
(see below) or on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
John L. Paul
Bloomsburg, Pa Member since 1998 and now a life member!
Find a list of NAVets Life members at http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Gerald R. Rutherford, AZCM, USN, Ret.
New Port Richey, Fl. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/grutherford.html
LeRoy Riddell, NCC SW Ret
Coon Rapids, MN http://www.navetsusa.com/members/lriddell.html
David Daigneault, MM3, USN
Westminster, CO http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ddaigneault.html
Harold Britton Barber, LICS, USN, Ret.
Bethany Beach, DE. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hbarber.html
Douglas R Ebert Sr HTCM SW
Washington, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/debert.html
Henry E Worrells, Jr., LIC, USN, Ret
Cape Coral, FL www.navetsusa.com/members/hworrells.html
Peter H. Semetis
Hilton Head Island, SC. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/psemetis.html
Not sure if you paid your 2007 dues, ask here navapps@earthlink.net
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or on line
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2007)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2008)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2009)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One
time fee
up to 30 $245
31 to 40 $225
41 to 50 $200
51 to 60 $175
61 to 70 $140
71 to 80 $105
over 80 $ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, NAS, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, Florida 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html on line at
From Diane Woods for: Harold Otis Woods dianewds@aol.com
7700 Tremayne Pl #302
McLean, VA 22102
My dad just (10/18/06) passed away and I am looking to
fill in blanks and to help honor him with information concerning his service
during WWII. So, I am, on his behalf filling in the information. Please
advise. My dad was last on the U.S.S. Savannah CL-42 which was hit
on 9/11/43. He also served on the Philadelphia (light cruiser) J D Erickson
(I think).
Hello All,
I was writing a letter about finding this person, John
Roy Ayala and some how it was sent and I was not finished. Last known address
was Carlos St, New Baltimore, MI his base that he retired from was not
that far away. He was born Feb 1955. I met him while stationed in Charleston,
SC in 1983-84 He was on the USS Clark Gable. I hope I have the name right.
He's been stationed in Florida, Porto, New York, was in Desert Storm. I
don't know what else to say except please help me find him. Life is getting
shorter as we speak. Thanking you in advance. Charlotte Davila DavilaCC@aol.com
Attention members...............
Vote to give the below shipmate honorary free membership
email your vote to ~ed reese, founder .............
I was a Navy Corpsman, the only 2 times I was on a ship
was a small sumarine when I trained with a Recon unit on Okinawa with the
Marines and When I went to Viet Nam the rear of the Marine Company was
on a ship. I worked at the U.S. Naval Hospital Guam and 13 months with
a Marine Grunt in Viet Nam. I do not have the money, I am on disability
and social security because of Viet nam I have PTSD, Diabetes, paralyzed
nerves in my legs and tinnitis. All documented. If you can not except me
I understand.
Alan Meyers, HM2 aday4me@att.net
2692 Magee PL
Oceanside, NY 11572
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA new members.......
Diane Woods.....
For her father Harold Otis Woods, USN, WWII (Posthumous)
McLean, VA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hwoods.html
Allen T Harman Radioman 2/C
Lexington, KY http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aharman.html
Anne Bancroft, AK3, USN 1987-1991
Tucson, AZ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/abancroft.html
NARRAGANSETT, RI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rgagne.html
Charles Glenn, MACS, USN RET.
College Park, Ga http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cglenn.html
Robert L. Mustain, HTC, USN, Ret.
Hanahan, SC http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rmustain.html
Gerard Arsenault,
Orlando, Fl. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/garsenault.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members at http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or on line
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2007)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2008)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2009)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One
time fee
up to 30 $245
31 to 40 $225
41 to 50 $200
51 to 60 $175
61 to 70 $140
71 to 80 $105
over 80
$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
*Winter Headquarters, Naval Air Station, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, Florida 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
If you are not sure if you paid your dues, ask at navapps@earthlink.net
JUST A REMINDER ... All cell phone numbers are being
released to telemarketing companies and you will start
to receive sale
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell
888-382-1222. It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It
will only take a
minute of your time. It blocks your number for five (5)
years. Joanne Wheeler
The following members have re-enlisted
by renewing their dues with NAVetsUSA ............
More to come next issue. You too can renew for 2007 by
US Mail
(*see below) or on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
John E Wilson, SKCS, USN, Ret
Orlando, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jwilson.html
DR Lawrence Thornton Shields, LTCDR, USNR, Ret
NEWTON, MA. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ltshields.html
Edward J. Cox, ADJ-2, USN 1966-1975
Millville, NJ http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ecox.html
John E Pecoraro, BT2, USN
Omaha NE http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jpecoraro.html
Delmar E Loewe, Jr, QM2, USN, 1971-19
Livermore, CA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dloewe.html
John C Collins, Major, USAFR, ret
Riverside, RI http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jcollins.html
Terry C Smardon, CTM2
Palm Harbor, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/tsmardon.html
Carl W Ellis, Jr., FTG3, NAVet
Rumford,Maine http://www.navetsusa.com/members/cellis.html
Dudley L Stouch, AF2, USN 1950-1953
York, PA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dstouch.html
Robert A Nettles MT1 SS USN Ret DAV
Kent, WA http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rnettles.html
Joanne Wheeler
For Jim Wheeler http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jwheeler.html
Alan W. Boyce, DC-2 1960-1967
St. Louis Missouri http://www.navetsusa.com/members/aboyce.html
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now by US mail, or on line
by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2007)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2008)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2009)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One
time fee
up to 30 $245
31 to 40 $225
41 to 50 $200
51 to 60 $175
61 to 70 $140
71 to 80 $105
over 80
$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
*Winter Headquarters, Naval Air Station, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, Florida 33045-2903
or after filling out the application
http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html pay on line at
Already a member and not sure if you paid your dues for
2007, ask at navapps@earthlink.net
Looking for pictures of my mother when she served as
a naval registered nurse at Mare Island Naval Hospital during WWII from
1943 to 1945. We are celebrating her 85th birthday (October 16th) on October
20th. I am trying to locate pictures from then and also veterans who served
with her. Her name is somewhat unusal so probable not forgotten easily:
Fontilla Leola Mangum, from Plainview Texas. I believe she did her basic
training / office training in San Antonio Texas. She got her nursing degree
from Wyland College in Amarillo Texas. She was discharged after marrying
my father - Joseph Nicholas Chiara, a Merchant Marine officer and later
a Naval officer during the Korean conflict. Thank you for any help you
might be able to give. Toni Chiara toni.chiara@va.gov
Gainesville, FL 32605
352 338-7609
A few non paying dues shipmates bios ........................................................................
Gordon Turner, Jr., BM1,USN,Ret. lmpm33@hotmail.com
305 Hillcrest Drive
Montezuma, GA 31063
BM1, USN 1943-1963
During WW11, served on the USS James O'Hara. Went on
to USS Franklin Roosevelt then the following:
USS Coral Sea,USS Orinisky,USS Lake Champaigne,USS Basolone,
USS Stickell.
I was on the USS Vammen in 1962 then the USS Topeka -
retired off the USS Topeka in 1963.
James D. Parmiter, CDR, USN; Ret. nanjim@rcn.com
CDR, USN; Ret. 1956-1978
(610) 544-6386
commissioned 1956;
Served in USS ALLEN M. SUMNER (DD692)
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
Naval Damage Control Training Center
Philadelphia Naval Base
Sixth Fleet Middle East Force
Naval Sea Systems Command
Retired 1978;
Went back to work as a Civil Service employee at Philadelphia
Naval Shipyard until it closed in 1996; then I retired for good.
Join NAVetsUSA now http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Searching for Walter Czaya
Looking for info on a Walter Czaya that passed away several
years ago. Served in WWII on
Aircraft Carrier as Signalman and Gunnery.
Lived in Florida when he passed away.
Any help would be appreciated if he was a NAVETSUSA member.
Regards..Herb Haimes, PhM2c USN 1942-45 HERBHAIMES@aol.com
Last know survivor of the USS Constitution?
Dear folks. Would you be able to provide to me
the name of the last know survivor of the USS Constitution?
He was my Great Great grandfather. Remember seeing a picture of him in
a newspaper several years ago. My family names consist of shaffer,swiler,fox,klahr.
It may be one of these. Would appreciate any input. A picture included
would be a plus.
Thank you
Rodger Shaffer shafrod6937@msn.com
NAVetsUSA exceeds 100 LIfe Members!
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA new member ................
John L. Bayne, MACS, USN, Retired
Plattsburgh, NY LIFE Member http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbayne.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members at http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA new member ................
Francis X. McMonagle, MM3, USN 1956-1958
McCook Il. LIFE Member http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/fmcmonagle.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members at http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
The following members have re-enlisted by renewing their
dues with NAVetsUSA ............
More to come next issue. You too can renew for 2007 by
US Mail (see below) or on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
A. J. (Jim) Shand, EMC, USN, 1941-1947
Aptos, CA Life Member http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ashand.html
John R. Burns, IC3, USN 1965-1969
Miamisburg, Ohio http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jburns.html
2007, 2008 and 2009.
Harry J. Piaczynski, SM1/2C USN2C Ret 1959-1978
Corpus Christi, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hpiaczynski.html
William L. (Wally) Garber
Pana, Illinois http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wgarber.html
Francis X. O Connell, FTGSN USN 1964-1967
Ashland, Pa. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/foconnell.html
Art Dalton, CUCM, USN, RET
Sanford, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/adalton.html
Edward C Stoner BTCM USN Ret
Fayetteville GA http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/estoner.html
Dale M. Prince, YN3, USN 1967-1971
Charleston, TN. 37310 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dprince.html
2007 and 2008
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA,
pay now
by US mail, or on line by credit card or check
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2007)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2008)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2009)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One
time fee
up to 30 $245
31 to 40 $225
41 to 50 $200
51 to 60 $175
61 to 70 $140
71 to 80 $105
over 80
$ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, Naval Air Station, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, Florida 33045-2903
or after filling out the application http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
on line at
Navy Veterans of the United States of America
NAVetsUSA online Newsletter
"The Shipmate"
5 October 2006
Join Now http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
Happy 230th Birthday United States Navy!
Searching for Walter Czaya
Looking for info on a Walter Czaya that passed away several years ago.
Served in WWII on
Aircraft Carrier as Signalman and Gunnery. Lived in Florida
when he passed away.
Any help would be appreciated if he was a NAVETSUSA member.
Regards..Herb Haimes, PhM2c USN 1942-45 HERBHAIMES@aol.com
Last know survivor of the USS Constitution?
Dear folks. Would you be able to provide to me the name
of the last know survivor of the USS Constitution?
He was my Great Great grandfather. Remember seeing a picture of him in
a newspaper several years ago. My family names consist of shaffer,swiler,fox,klahr.
It may be one of these. Would appreciate any input. A picture included
would be a plus.
Thank you
Rodger Shaffer shafrod6937@msn.com
NAVetsUSA exceeds 100 LIfe Members!
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA new member ................
John L. Bayne, MACS, USN, Retired
Plattsburgh, NY LIFE Member http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jbayne.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members at http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA new member ................
Francis X. McMonagle, MM3, USN 1956-1958
McCook Il. LIFE Member http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/fmcmonagle.html
Find a list of NAVets Life members at http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/mindex.html
The following members have re-enlisted by renewing their dues with
NAVetsUSA ............
More to come next issue. You too can renew for 2007 by US Mail (see
below) or on line at http://www.navetsusa.com/thankyou.html
A. J. (Jim) Shand, EMC, USN, 1941-1947
Aptos, CA Life Member http://www.navetsusa.com/members/ashand.html
John R. Burns, IC3, USN 1965-1969
Miamisburg, Ohio http://www.navetsusa.com/members/jburns.html
2007, 2008 and 2009.
Harry J. Piaczynski, SM1/2C USN2C Ret 1959-1978
Corpus Christi, TX http://www.navetsusa.com/members/hpiaczynski.html
William L. (Wally) Garber
Pana, Illinois http://www.navetsusa.com/members/wgarber.html
Francis X. O Connell, FTGSN USN 1964-1967
Ashland, Pa. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/foconnell.html
Art Dalton, CUCM, USN, RET
Sanford, ME http://www.navetsusa.com/members/adalton.html
Edward C Stoner BTCM USN Ret
Fayetteville GA http://ww.navetsusa.com/members/estoner.html
Dale M. Prince, YN3, USN 1967-1971
Charleston, TN. 37310 http://www.navetsusa.com/members/dprince.html
2007 and 2008
If your dues are due, or you wish to join NAVetsUSA, pay now
by US mail, or on line by credit card or check ....................
One Year . . . . $20.00 (expires December 2007)
Two Years . . . $35.00 (expires December 2008)
Three Years ... $50.00 (expires December 2009)
or . . .
Life membership . . . join our many life members at
Your Age One time fee
up to 30 $245
31 to 40 $225
41 to 50 $200
51 to 60 $175
61 to 70 $140
71 to 80 $105
over 80 $ 60
US Mail your check made out to:
Winter Headquarters, Naval Air Station, KW
Post Office Box 2903
Key West, Florida 33045-2903
or after filling out the application http://www.navetsusa.com/join.html
on line at
Searching for Dad
Dean L. Couillard, USN, Retired 1972?
I have been searhing for my Father for some 25/30 years
now. We were seperated when i was 13. I remember that he retired possibly
in 1972/3ish, born in Leomonstir Mass. aprroximate age 68-70, last known
where a bouts Long Beach CA 1974. any and all help would be wonderful.
thank you
Michelle couillard
3650 Summer Picnic Ct,
Las Vegas NV. 89147
Reunion Notice, USS ABNAKI (ATF 96)
Sept 5---9 2007
Wyndham O'Hare Hotel
Rosemont IL
Contact Person
Duane Duhigg
8830 Greenfield Drive
Belvidere IL 61008
( 815 ) 332--5587
Welcome Aboard NAVetsUSA new members ................
Robert J Brunke, Senior Chief, USN Ret.
St. Augustine, FL http://www.navetsusa.com/members/rbrunke.html
Robert L Bessette, RM3, US Navy
Rockingham Beach, Western Australia
Larry Dean Holman, LCDR MSC USN Ret
Philadelphia, PA
Victor Miranda, AOC, USN (Ret)
San Diego, CA LiFE member. http://www.navetsusa.com/members/vmiranda.html