"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese, NCCS, USN, Retired
Richard H. Kerr
your past . . . Reminding your children
Navy Biography Site
Life Member & Plank Owner
Navy Veterans of the USA

Richard H. Kerr
a5349 N Lawsonia Pl
Boise, ID 83713-1606
AS to LCDR, USN, 1943-1973
208 938 5314
Enlisted Nov 8, 1943, recruit trng, Great Lakes, Ill; MOMM diesel school,
Navy Pier, Chicago, ILL; Amphib Trng, LCTs, Solomons, MD. Assigned
to LCT 1049, proceeded to Hawaii, trained in Hawaiian area; traveled via
LST convoy to the area of the Russell Islands, Tulagi, Ulithi and on to
the invasion of Okinawa 1 Apr 1945. War ended, reelisted, transferred
Stateside, ended up in Astoria, OR with the mothball fleet. Decommisioned
PC 1254. While assigned to staff, changed rate from FN(MOMM) to SN,
made YN3, YN2, changed rate to PN2, transferred to COMNABNINE, Great Lakes,
where promoted to PN1. Transferred to SDiego for Commissioning of
USS Kenneth Whiting AV 14. From there transferred to COMSERVPAC in
Hawaii and made PNC. Transferred to Minneapolis, MN for tour of recruiting
duty. Next duty station was the decommissioning of USS Rochester
CA 124. Transferred to SDiego for duty with Inspection Team and was
commissioned LTJG LDO for Administration. On to USS St. Paul CA 73.
From there to COMNAVAIRPAC Admin assistant to Capt Conatser.
In 1967 transferred to Philadelphia Navy Ship Yard for duty recommissioning
the USS New Jersey BB62. Best duty I had during my 30 years. The
New Jersey was decommissioned 1969; transferred to the Nuclear Weapons
Training Center as Personnel Officer. Promoted to LCDR 1971 and retired
30 June 1973 as Master Chief Personnelman until 8 November 1973 when placed
on the retired list as LCDR.

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Founded by Edward C. Reese,
USN Retired
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your
children... Your Navy Biography Site