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"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
NCCS, USN, Retired
(September 9, 1998)
I recently visited your web site and found that it qualifies
for the "Spirits of Ships" award.
The "Spirits of Ships" award is presented to sites which
honor the memory of decommissioned US Navy ships by presenting to the world,
the stories and pictures of these great sea machines and their crews which
have kept our country and many others free. |
Reviewed and Awarded 2/21/98
Review comments: NAVetsUSA is open to all Sea Service members.
It's goals are to develop and promote comradeship among it's members and
to revitalize civic interest in the United States Navy and it's history.
The site is very well done, both entertaining and informative. Everything
from Naval history and news to shipmates and reunions. Free homepages and
business cards to members.
(1 March 1998)
Congratulations! Your webpage has been selected to receive
the "FLY WITH EAGLES" award presented by HART Enterprises ...We surf the
net looking for worthy web pages. And, in some cases, web pages are recommended
to us. Your respect for proper NET ETHICS and your ability to display your
webpage in a LOGICAL, INFORMATIVE, and CREATIVE format places you among
only a handful of webmasters that have received this award.
Sincerely Bruce Hart
LTC USA (Ret) Life
Member of the Paralyzed Veterans of America
Great Job !!!! thoughly enjoyed your pages.
Well done BRAVO ZULU!!!!
It is our pleasure to bestow upon your site the RM1 Military
Site Award of Excellence. |
3 March 1998
Very Professional, Job well done!
You may display the Gold Wings award with Pride.
Best regards,
David D. Hack Ret.
US Army Ranger CEO of www.uswings.com
Congratulations! You are a "Top Gun!" (3/1/98)
Because my career is serving our veterans, I seek out
web pages that honor veterans. Those that strike me as special, I like
to present my "Top Gun Award." Yours is special!
Thank you for having such a great page and for offering
those who sacrificed so much for this nation the honor and respect they
Sincerely, -- Rodney Henry - The Missouri Traveler |