"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Founder Edward C.
NCCS, USN, Retired
Member, NAVetsUSA
Ralph H. Gillum, JR.
Everett Villa
66 Main St. Apt 607
Everett, Ma. 02149 |
In February 1942 I worked as a shipfitter in
the Philadelphia Navy Yard.
I was assigned to work on a Battleship that
was as yet (to my knowledge) unknown. I found out latter it was the WISCONSIN.
I went into the Navy on 9/20/42. Boot' s was
in Great Lakes . Then went to Ft. Lauderdale Fl, for training in
FIRE CONTROL.then to Newport RI to await assignment. Guess where I was
assigned? Philadelphia (My Home Town) to the BB64 Wisconsin!!
After "Shakedown" we went through the "Canal"
and out to join the 3rd Fleet We saw much action from "South China Sea
Campaign" including IWO-JIMA and OKINAWA and finally Tokyo Bay (Thank GOD
for Harry Truman and the TWO BOMBS!! otherwise I would not be here today!!!).
Then we went back to the "STATES" and a welcome I will never forget in
San Francisco. Upon separation (BIG MISTAKE I SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN!!)
a shipmate of mine made the following comment "You know I would not go
through that again,But I would have not missed it for anything" Very apropos
Would like to hear from anyone who was there
especially the Carrier PILOTS!! What a heroic bunch they were!!!
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Last updated 24 July 1998
Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired
S. M. Weidensall, National Secretary
and Webmaster