"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
NCCS, USN, Retired
Currently serving as a
Master Chief
York Naval Guard
Nathan P Baylor
Plank Owner
and Life Member in good standing
Nathan P Baylor
13523 4650th St
Grand Junction, MI 49056
616 521-4446
nbaylor@btc-bci.com |
I was on the Floating Dry-dock AFDM 8, on Guam - 1947 to 1949. While
there, I was a crane operator, small boat operator (LCVP and the "Liberty
Boat", which was #440 from the boat pool and assigned to our Skipper, LCDR
Brubaker. I worked part time as the mail-man, storekeeper, and the only
qualified MPO (Motion Picture Operator) on the ship. If I went on Liberty,
there was no movie that night. When they dismantled the Dry Dock ASDB 3
(which was between the AFDM-8 and Drydock Island) in January of 1949, I
rode Section George back to Green Cove Springs, Florida, there were 12
on board.
I attended a number of the ASDB 3 reunions. One, was in Portland, Maine
where the ship was still being used by the Bath Ship Yard (she is gone
now). I would love to attend a AFDM-8 reunion, if they ever have
one. I am a life member of the Bonita Springs, Florida American Legion
#303 and a life member of NAVetsUSA.com. Our winter home is in Florida.
In the summer we are on an inland lake near Grand Junction, Michigan. I
was honorably discharged 6 June 1949. I became a Minister of the Gospel,
and later a Real Estate Broker. Drop me an e-mail.

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Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired
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