"The first Navy Veterans' Organization created
on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese, US Navy, Retired
Larry M. Updegrove
FT1(ss), USN, Retired
your past . . . Reminding your children
Navy Biography Site
Plank Owner and Life Member
Navy Veterans of the USA
Larry M. Updegrove
FT1(ss), USN, Retired
12 Nutbush Court{END FIELD}
Thornlie, Western Australia 6108
0011 61 8925 2403
Served from July 1954 to May 1962. Went to Bainbridge
Recruit Training Centre and FTA School Great Lakes Naval Training Centre
(1 year), transferred to US Submarine School, New London Conn. Assigned
to USS Burrfish ss312, re-assigned to USS Darter ss576, new construction
Electric Board Company. Attended FTB School Great Lakes Naval Training
Centre, then assigned USS Tusk ss426, then transferred to USS Piper ss409.
Honorably discharged 1962 and entered Drexel University, Philadelphia,
PA and completed a degree in Commerce and Engineering Science.
Moved to Australia in September 1972 and retired in
January 2003.
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Founded by Edward C. Reese,
USN Retired
Honoring your past . .
. Reminding your children... Your Navy Biography Site