"The first Navy Veterans' Organization created
on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese, US Navy, Retired
Loyd T Harris
MM2, USN 1954-1957
Life Member
your past . . . Reminding your children
Navy Biography Site
Life Member and Plank Owner
Navy Veterans of the USA
Loyd T Harris
MM2, USN 1954-1957
500 Southwood
Fredericktown, Mo. 63645
(573) 944-0522
.Served from Feb 54 to Dec 57. Went to Great Lakes Recruit
Training Center, and was assigned to the USS Bexar(APA237) shortly thereafter.
We(seems like immediately)then deployed with a contingent of Marines on
board, destination Inchon Korea.Was involved in the Ta-Chen Islands evacuation
of Chinese Nationalists to Formosa,Feb 55. Was transferred to the USS Hopewell(DD681),
in June 55, and served on her until my honorable discharge, Dec 57. Crossed
the equator in 1956, destination New Zealand(quite an experience), but
after becoming a shellback, never got my "evens".
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Founded by Edward C. Reese,
USN Retired
Honoring your past . .
. Reminding your children... Your Navy Biography Site