"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Founder Edward
C. Reese,
NCCS, USN, Retired
Plank Owner and Member, NAVetsUSA
Ken Beecham
MM2 1953- 1957
6275 westlake rd.
Twin Lake, MI 49457
(231) 828-6391
Served from Nov. 1953 to April 1957 NTS San Diego went to MM school
at Great
Lakes. served aboard the Mccard DD-822 and the C.H. Roan dd-853.
went to the med. twice. was involved in the war between england and egypt
in 56 when they bombed the ships in the suez canal, we went around africa
and patroled the red sea and persian gulf. was discharged honorably
in April 1957.
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Last updated 24 July 1998
Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired
S. M. Weidensall, National Secretary
and Webmaster