"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese, NCCS, USN, Retired
iJames S. Spence
BMCS (ret), USN
your past . . . Reminding your children
Navy Biography Site
Life Member and Plank Owner
Navy Veterans of the USA

James S. Spence
BMCS (ret), USN
474 Hurricane RD.
Belmont, NH 03220-4111
(603) 267-5148
Served from Augsut 1946 to June 1970. Went to RecruitTraining
Center, Bainbridge, MD.was assigned to the USS Wright, CVL 49, transferred
to USS Bexar APA 237, then to Quarters "K", Washington, DC area. Trans
to USS LST 799, Korean waters, applied for Deep Sea Diving School, Wash,
DC. Trans to USServed from Augsut 1946 to June 1970. Went to Recruit Training
Center, Bainbridge, MD.was assigned to the USS Wright, CVL 49, transferred
to USS Bexar APA 237, then to Quarters "K", Washington, DC area. Trans
to USS LST 799, Korean waters, applied for Deep Sea Diving School, Wash,
DC. Trans to USS Chanticleer ASR 7, USS Gilmore AS 16, Instructors Duty,
NTC, Norfolk, VA. Trans to USS Maury AGS 16, Trans to USS Ute ATF 76, Trans
to Naval Recruiting Station, Uvalde, TX.Trans to USS Shasta AE 6, Trans
to USS Butte AE 27, Trans to Naval Station, Norfolk, VA. for Retirement.
{END FIELD}S Chanticleer ASR 7, USS Gilmore AS 16, Instructors Duty, NTC,
Norfolk, VA. Trans to USS Maury AGS 16, Trans to USS Ute ATF 76, Trans
to Naval Recruiting Station, Uvalde, TX.Trans to USS Shasta AE 6, Trans
to USS Butte AE 27, Trans to Naval Station, Norfolk, VA. for Retirement.
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Founded by Edward C. Reese,
USN Retired
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your
children... Your Navy Biography Site