"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
NCCS, USN, Retired
Currently serving as a Master
York Naval Guard
Plank Owner
and member in good standing
Jeffry E McGee
IS2, USN 1990-1994
Tokyo, Japan
Phone +81 3-3827-1364
I proudly served in the Navy from January 1990 to October
1994. I went to the Recruit Training Center in Orlando, FL and then to
IS A and C schools at NMITC, in Dam Neck, VA. I was assigned to COMCARGRUFIVE,
aboard USS Midway, where I was involved in Desert Shield, Desert Storm,
and Fiery Vigil - the evacuation in the Philippines due to the eruption
of Mount Penatubo. I was a part of the Great Turnover of the USS Midway
with the USS Independence and
aboard the USS Independence I was involved with Southern
Watch. I then transferred to FOSIF WESTPAC for shore duty and was honorably
discharged in October 1994.

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USN Retired
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