"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese, NCCS, USN, Retired
Gordon D. Peabody
YNC, USN, Ret.
your past . . . Reminding your children
Navy Biography Site
Life Member and Plank Owner
Navy Veterans of the USA

Gordon D. Peabody
YNC, USN, Ret.
RR 2
Monroeville, In 46773
(260) 623-6376 |
Born 11 February 1938, Fort Wayne, IN. Graduated from
Madison-Marion Consolidated School, Hoagland, IN, 15 MAY 1956. Enlisted
31 MAY 1956, in USN. Finished boot camp at Great Lakes, IL, 8 AUG
1956. Finished Yeoman Class "A" School 5 OCT 1956 in San Diego, CA.
Assigned to USS GENESSEE (AOG 8) at Pearl Harbor, TH, from OCT 1956 to
AUG 1957. Transferred to HSA, Yokosuka, Japan, SEP 1957. Transferred
to USN&MC Reserve Training Center, Treasure Island, San Francisco,
CA, OCT 1959. Released from active duty 24 MAY 1961. Joined
the active Naval Reseve JAN 1962. Advanced to YN1 19 MAR 62.
Promoted to Chief Yeoman 16 FEB 1970. I completed two weeks of active
duty every year for the next 26 years. I retired 1 MAR 1990.
With no broken service, I completed 33 years, nine months total service.
I never married.
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Founded by Edward C. Reese,
USN Retired
Honoring your past . . . Reminding your
children... Your Navy Biography Site