"The first Navy Veterans' Organization
created on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
US Navy, Retired
Honoring your
past . . . Reminding your children
The Navy Biography
Gerald "Jerry" Drumm
Plank Owner Member
Navy Veterans of the USA
Gerald "Jerry" Drumm
9466 Silver Creek Ln NW
Bremerton Wa. 98311
Enlisted Apr. 1950- Served aboard USS Comstock LSD-19
during the landing at Inchon Korea. Off loaded as Mobile Boat Poot #1 In
Sasebo with the APL-30 as home.Served with Brother William "Bill" until
Sub School in 1951. Qualified (SS) on USS Segundo in March 1952. Served
on USS Bugara (SS331), Navel Air Station Hutchinson Kansas, USS Sea Leopard
(SS 483), Converted from EN1 to ET1 in 1956. USS Volador (SS 490),Nuclear
Power School, USS Patrick Henry (SSBN 599), USS Nereus (AS-17, Asst Squadron
5 Eng. To Segundo for Gold Dolphins. Received both Silver and Gold aboard
Segundo 13 years apart. Submarine division 71 Engr, Puget Sound Navel
Shipyard Retiring 1970.
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Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired