"The first Navy Veterans' Organization created
on, and for, the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese, US Navy, Retired
Charlie Strickland
ABH2, US Navy
your past . . . Reminding your children
Navy Biography Site
Plank Owner and Life Member
Navy Veterans of the USA
Charlie Strickland
ABH2, US Navy
10828 East Base Road
Oakland City, In 47660
(812) 749-9503 |
Served aboard the USS ORISKANY CVA 34 from June 14, 1966
until Feb.4 1970. While aboard the Mighty "O" I was in V 1 div. Took my
boot camp at Great Lakes from March 4,1966 until May 15, 1966. While there
was in Co. 158. Company Commander was J.D. Ordorff SF1.
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Founded by Edward C. Reese,
USN Retired
Honoring your past . .
. Reminding your children... Your Navy Biography Site