"The first Navy Veterans' Organization created
on, and for,
the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
NCCS, USN, Retired
Life member
Stephen J Sampson
Navy Veterans
of the
United States of America
Plank Owner
life member in good standing
Stephen J Sampson
BM3, USNR 1960-1966
Simi Valley, CA 93063
(805) 777-8626
sjsrobert2@aol.com |
Enlisted USNR October 1960
Reserve crew USS Vammen DE644 Oct. 1960 - Nov.
USS Saint Paul CA73 Nov. 1963 - Oct. 1965
Standby Reserve Oct. 1965 - Discharged Oct. 1966

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Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired
NCCM, New York Naval Guard