"The first Navy Veterans' Organization created
on, and for,
the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
USN, Retired
Life Memebr
Ralph Charles Whitley, Sr
Navy Veterans
of the
United States of America
Plank Owner
member in good standing
Ralph Charles Whitley, Sr
RM2, USN 1958-1966
4532 W.
Kennedy Blvd. PMB-276
Tampa, FL 33629-2042
backflow.prevention@verizon.net |
Recruit Training NTC GLAKES, RM A School NTC BAINBRIDGE,
Served NAVB Charleston, Norfolk, Newport, Naples Italy, Ships: Sumner Class
destroyers Warrington, Hyman, Randolph CVS-15, Enterprise CVAN-65. Worked
Shipyards Norfolk, Boston, Newport News. Presently have severe asbestos
problem known as Interstitial Lung Disease with Atrial Fibrulation. Just
learned of Veterans Hospital benefits and enrolled immediatly. Recommend
any Veteran apply for 10EZ form at website www.va.org and get aboard. Prescriptions
cost $2.00 per month or for me $18.00 for over $350.00 per month in medicines.
Anyone having similar asbestos exposure problems please contact me direct
via e-mail. Get a claim going with the Department of Veterans Affairs
before the end. Silent Key date coming up soon for an old RM2.

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Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired
NCCM, New York Naval Guard