"The first Navy Veterans' Organization created
on, and for,
the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
USN, Retired
Life Member
Michael T. Ayers
Navy Veterans
of the
United States of America
Plank Owner
member in good standing
Michael T. Ayers
USN, 1973-1974
12428 Algonquin Trail
Lusby, MD 20657-3515
MTAyres@Chesapeake.Net |
I joined the Navy in August, 1973. The Recruiter spent over a Year of arm-
twisting to get Me in. After a lot of Soul Searching and aptitude testing
I decided to enlist as
an MMNF. This was guaranteed upon Enlistment as long as I continued
to meet prerequisites. Did My Basic Training at RTC Orlando, Company 204.
Designated as a Squad
Leader initially I was promoted to Platoon Leader. My assignment as
a Squad
Leader was the Head. I'd get up early in the Morning and hit the Rack
late just to make sure it was 4.0. The only thing the Inspection
Team found wrong? The Toilet Seats were not standing at attention. I'd
missed that detail during My research. But it was enough for a promotion
to Platoon Leader and a nomination as Recruit Honorman. Laugh if You will,
but I was damn proud of that Head. A dirty Job but I did it well.
Upon Graduation from Boot Camp I was assigned to MM "A" School at NTC
Great Lakes. I did well there-Honor Graduate (3rd of a Class of 96).
We were
to be sent to the Fleet for 6 Months prior to continued Training at
Bainbridge or Mare Island. I chose Bainbridge as it was close to Home.
I also
chose a CV-preferably in Norfolk (also close to Home).
I was assigned to the USS Independence (CV-62). She had just returned
a Med Cruise and was in Drydock when I reported aboard at Portsmouth
Yard. I was assigned to #4 MMR. 3 Months in Portsmouth-3 Month at Pier
12. I was Discharged from
the Navy in July, 1974 (Honorable under Honorable). I left Indy the
Morning She
deployed for another Med Cruise.

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Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired
NCCM, New York Naval Guard