"The first Navy Veterans' Organization created
on, and for,
the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
USN, Retired
Lee L Whipple
Navy Veterans
of the
United States of
Plank Owner
LIFE member in good standing
Lee L Whipple HM1, USN
1955 -1975
7144 West Windsor Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85035
(623) 848-8740
leelwhipple@cox.net |
Boot Camp San Diego FA USNR 1955 Co 590
USS Knudson APD 101 1956 - 1957 MMFN USNR
USS Koka ATA 185 1960 - 1962 MMFN USN
Naval Hospital San Diego 1962 HM A School HM3
Naval Hospital Jacksonville Fl. 1963 HM3
Naval Air Station Glenco, Ga. 1963 - 1964 HM3
USS Belatrix AF 62 HM3 1965 - 1966
NAB Coranado CA 1966 HM3
Naval Support Activity Danang RVN Hospital 1967 HM2
Naval Support Avtivity Danang RVN White Elephant HM2
1967 - 1968
Naval Hospital Pheladelphia, 1968 - 1969 HM1
Naval Station M-2 Dispensary Newport, RI HM1 1969 - 1971
USS Enterprise, Ships Hospital CVN-65 1973 - 1975
address change from lee.whipple@mindspring.com to
leelwhipple@cox.net could you please make this change
on the web

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United States of America"
Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired
NCCM, New York Naval Guard