"The first Navy Veterans' Organization created
on, and for,
the World Wide Web."
Edward C. Reese,
USN, Retired
Dania S Danals Krawec
Navy Veterans
of the
United States of America
Plank Owner
Life member in good standing
Dania S Danals Krawec
86-153 Leihoku Street
Waianae, HI 96792-2986
Enlisted Dec. 1969, Discharged Mar. 1971. Re-enlisted
Mar. 1982, Medically separated May 1991. Stationed GLakes Training
Center and Norfolk. Attended NavVet Indoc in Orlando then stationed
at Philadelphia NavSta. Stationed at CommSta Balboa, Republic of
Panama in 1983. Decommissioned CommSta Balboa and commissioned NavLantDet
IANTN Farfan Republic of Panama October 1983. Transferred to NOPF
Pearl Harbor and finally NavWestOceanCen Pearl Harbor. Currently
residing in Hawaii.
See Steven
J Krawec

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Founded by Edward C. Reese, NCCS,
USN Retired
NCCM, New York Naval Guard